Jun 6, 2017

Day 2791 - the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Shot of ACV anyone?

They say an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It seems that drinking Apple Cider Vinegar will keep the naturopath, beautician and Jenny Craig away too. 

A bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar magically appeared in my food cupboard recently (no idea how it got there) and in my usual "must know everything" style I googled what I could use it for.

I not only discovered that it's the latest greatest buzz in all things health, but that it's now known as ACV because who has time to call anything by its real name anymore?

I learned that anyone worth their considerably lighter weight in ACV is taking a shot of the stuff at breakfast each day to improve everything from digestion to blood pressure to stamina (and everything in between).

So I grabbed my shot glass and took a swig.  

Not the nicest shot I've ever had but it's marginally better than that iron smoked apple wood whiskey I had once.

It turns out my "latest greatest" tag may have been premature because further investigation suggests ACV has been used throughout history to treat a long list of health problems.

Anyway, because I like to chat about ageing positively and all the super foods that help with that, I'm going to tell you what I found out about ACV.

9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Improved Digestion: Have a tablespoon 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better break down of food.
  2. Reduce Heartburn: By correcting low stomach acid conditions it can prevent heartburn.
  3. Constipation:  If your bowel movements are a bit irregular ACV can act as a mild laxative
  4. Intestinal Bacteria:  Apparently ACV is "full of beneficial acids which are believed to help improve the make up of your intestinal flora".  (www.healthambition.com) 
  5. High Blood Pressure:  Some studies show that daily does of ACV can have a general benefit on the cardiovascular system which (in time) results in lowering of high blood pressure
  6. Immune System:  Because of the positive impact on intestinal flora, the malic acid making it a strong antiviral and benefits to the lymphatic system, ACV is said to strengthen the immune system. 
  7. Weight Loss:  I read that studies have shown the acetic acid in ACV helps suppress the accumulation of body fat and liver lipids.  Plus due to pectin content it can slightly reduce the body's ability to absorb fat.  Plus having a swig before a meal not only helps digestion but can also reduce hunger levels. 
  8. Detoxification:  drinking diluted raw and unfiltered ACV is believed to help detoxify and cleanse the liver
  9. Skin benefits:  Drinking ACV can help with pH levels in the skin and can help with acne when applied topically.  

Not enough to convince you?  

Then wait, there's more ...

My reading also suggests it helps with stamina and energy; leg cramps and restless leg syndrome; bad breath; regulating blood sugar and aiding in diabetes; soothing sunburned skin; whitening teeth; wart removal; marinating steaks; detangling hair; and (wait for it) removing the smell of cat urine.

Did you know about Apple Cider Vinegar?

Have you got this magic potion in your kitchen cupboard?

Are you and ACV on an acronym basis? 

PS  I have an inner Naughty by Nature rap wanting desperately to emerge: "You down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), you down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), who's down with ACV? (every last homie!) ....

Note: I am not a nutritionist, dietitian, naturopath ... not even a foodie.  The information above is simply information found through my reading.

Information sources: www.spoonuniversity.com; www.healthambition.com;  www.mindbodygreen.com; www.davidwolfe.com; www.naturallivingideas.com 

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Day 2791 - the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar
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