Aug 6, 2016

Oyster mushroom cultivation method

Oyster mushroom cultivation method -

How oyster Culture - The fungus is a plant that can be grown and the results will be used as food preparations. But not only fungi can be processed and mixed in a delicious nan expensive food menu.

One type of fungi that can be cultivated at the same time it is treated mushrooms. In the process, there is an oyster culture medium must be known in advance, for each fungus not everything can be planted like that.


To start the oyster mushroom cultivation process is to select seeds that quality. Higher seed give just as good. Select the seeds are good is indispensable if only roughly oyster production of the needle can be abandoned even can not develop in an optimal result.

Not difficult to find quality seeds both superior is that by purchasing the farmers who supply the plants. Moreover, you can get to make your own F1 seed or the so-called pure seed

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Do not stop so course, when he will buy oyster seeds are the best there are several things to consider, such as following :.

  • Select a location that has a license for the sale of seeds by the government
  • Select sowing proved the value of BER or the biological relationship of the fungus itself is oyster mushrooms about 75%.
  • Make sure that the mycelium is white, then it has grown rapidly nan uniformly in the media that was provided.
  • Check the date on which the seeds are made and the same expiration date

When the main loans seedlings then the next step was to prepare the planting medium is nan appropriate according vegetable oyster mushroom itself.

media used for a variety of items and everything should be there to support the growth of the maximum of oyster mushrooms. When not die before the fungus can be harvested and frustrated culture. Media must be met with a variety of compositions namely :.

  • Sawdust saws about 80%
  • Lime CaCO3 3%
  • Water 40% 60%
  • sweet Bekatul 10% 15%

After all the ingredients to be brought together media you can immediately mixed. As an example of this is the following comparison of 100 kg of mushroom culture medium will be necessary 80 kg of sawdust, saws 3 kg of lime and rice bran with a weight of 10 kg. All ingredients are stirred until evenly, then add enough water.

To ensure that the media are ready made and can be used can be seen from the material is gripped by the hand without removing the water and does not decompose. So increasingly do so more adequate cultivation of oyster mushrooms perfect fit nan planting medium.

In the culture of mushrooms also requires a fermentation process that respond to the time the media increasingly when the media finally formulated. The fermentation process is to silence the culture media for 5 to 10 days, exactly when the fluid temperature to 70 degrees Celsius.

When the support is finished, it will change color to brown and black. The need for a fermentation action aims to kill bacteria and wild mushrooms in the media in order not to disrupt the process of the growth of oyster mushrooms.

After the continuous fermentation with sterilization in which the media is inserted into a plastic bag collector polypropylene. Make sure that the support is formed in an orderly manner as baglog and added several ingredients in the form of a ring that is connected by the cotton and covered with a lid so that water does not penetrate into the middle of the plantation.

The process of laying of baglog or plastic media must be registered again in a container in the form of large drums that may contain this small baglog. When the sterilization process is in progress, it will take 8 to 10 hours the accuracy of the temperature between 95-110 degrees Celsius. Once completed, the lid can be opened immediately so that the media increasingly baglog back to normal.

When the sterilization process is complete, the baglog should be moved to the site of inoculation in 24 hours. This inoculation room should have good air circulation so that the process can work well nan smoothly. After that, the seedlings can be immediately implanted into each planting media is there with the settings as clean as possible so that mold growth later can be optimized without having to jostle with other fungi.

How oyster mushroom cultivation The next step consisted in incubation or called hardening to make the mushrooms fastest seed. Including growth below misellium is to maintain and take care of the growth of seed oyster mushrooms is ready for harvest in the maximum results. Whenever you ensure that during the planting seedlings can be recorded to know the future to ensure penennya term

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