Aug 9, 2016

Installation NFT Hydroponics System How?

Installation NFT Hydroponics System How? -

How installing the hydroponic system NFT - ?. Hydroponics is a farming systems which are most favorable

Indeed, hydroponics systems models easily applied in different places cramped if, as the roof, windows, even at home .

Hydroponics is a breakthrough that could be used to produce their own organic vegetables. Plant a hydroponics model can be made at any time regardless of the season.


This type of maintenance to provide relatively easy due to the location of the affordable culture.

Growing Hydroponics has many advantages such as easy maintenance, simple planting media, the risk of disease is low, and productivity are rated high.

one could say that the hydroponics plant model is a culture solution system of the future.

Understanding hydroponic growing systems NFT

NFT is a hydroponic culture system allowing the roots of floating plants on a shallow layer.

However, water is used carelessly and must go through several processes.

air must circulate properly and nutrients with the right composition required by the plant. An example that is often grown plants with hydroponics is mustard.

all the plants did not turn out to be not suitable to be grown with hydroponics models. Among the criteria adapted plants hydroponically is a plant that is resistant to rain, are not affected by time and not a seasonal crop.

In addition to ease in the process of cultivation, hydroponic systems is also a very small risk. Besides can be used to meet personal needs, hydroponics models can also be used for large-scale cultivation.

The hydroponic system installation

Applying hydroponic systems, which must be considered is the slope pipe used.

tilting the pipe, will influence the development and production of plants.

Briefly, the productivity of pipe slope cultures then increased. The slope of the line can be disposed NFT amount which is 1%, 3%, 5% and 7%. The type of pipe used will also affect the level of production.

The type of the pipeline will impact the growth and crop yield. The slope of the line in this case will affect the number of leaves, leaf width, plant height and root length

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