Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts

May 30, 2017

Day 2784 - Put your hand up ... or shut up.

Let's choose solutions instead, ey? 

I'm not much into whining.  Well sometimes I am ... but mostly I'm not.

Which is why I find it hard to deal with people who are constantly pointing out the problems and not much into helping find the solutions.

I recently came across a man who was having a bit of a whinge about how volunteers were handling the processes within one of our local community organisations. An organisation for which I volunteer. 

Key words here: volunteers and community.

In fact, he reduced one of the volunteers to tears as he loudly and firmly made suggestions on how the organisation should be run.

I wasn't privy to the entire conversation otherwise I would have stepped in in person and taken the conversation down a different path.  It wasn't until he'd left that she started to cry and made me aware of the direction the discussion took.

So once he'd gone and I'd discovered the extent to which he'd reprimanded our volunteer I decided to phone him.

Yes, I had his contact details as the family is registered with the club.

He didn't answer so I left a voice message. I kindly thanked him for his feedback and suggested he might like to send a solutions based email to me so that I could take it to the executive for review.  I also suggested that perhaps in future it was best not to take out his frustrations on our volunteers but to use that energy to value add via the appropriate channels.  Then I suggested that when he emailed me it would be great if he could leave his contact information because we'd love to add him to our volunteer list for next year and would welcome him on board as a project manager.

The bottom line is we have two choices in life. We can whine about the problems or we can find ways to be part of the solutions.  

One wastes energy and fuels negativity and the other changes that energy into knowledge, which in turn switches to power,which then creates unlimited possibilities.  

Yes, we're all busy and most of us don't have time to put up our hand to help out.  But one of the biggest problems we have in this world is that we believe that it's somebody else's job to fix it.

So today I simply want to say put your hand up, or shut up.

Thanks for listening.  

May 12, 2017

Day 2766 - 3 tips on how to ease anxiety levels

Feeling a bit anxious?

I've noticed that I've been suffering a bit of anxiety recently.  Nothing major, I just seem to get jumpy occasionally and my face tends to go red from nerves at the most unexpected times.

There are a few things I've read that may actually assist with reducing anxiety levels.

1.  YOGA

The first one is yoga.

A groundbreaking study at Flinders University in Adelaide has found that yoga can actually alter the function of DNA.

According to the study found that "chronically stressed women who practised yoga once a week for eight weeks experienced biological changes as well as positive psychological benefits".

Specifically the study looked at the gene associated with inflammation and immune response because chronic stress has been associated with elevated inflammation.

Participants found that after just one session of yoga their anxiety levels had dropped dramatically.  After 8 weeks they were feeling completely stress free.


According to, a diet low in potassium can cause anxieties to emerge. Potassium deficiency can also cause irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, Restless Leg Syndrome and chronic pain.

Livestrong suggests that foods high in potassium include beans, dark leafy greens, potatoes, squash, yoghurt, fish, avocados, bananas and mushrooms. They also say that the problem with potassium is getting the balance right as too much potassium can cause serious heart, nerve and muscle problems.

So if you want to stick to the more medium/low potassium foods to get your potassium levels up gently then lemons are a good middle ground.

Perhaps instead of a cup of tea in the morning a nice fresh glass of lemon water each day might do the trick.  The bonus is that lemons also support the immune system, aid digestion, repairs the skin, balances pH levels, cleanses the urinary tract, freshens the breath and reduces the appetite.  (


Apparently being around your best friend can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  If your best friend just happens to be funny, then that's a bonus!

The Woman's Day recently suggested that you can cut your stress levels by 39% simply by hanging out with your funniest friend.

According to laughing relieves anxiety because it brings more oxygen into the body and organs; stimulates and relieves the stress response; and relieves tension by relaxing the muscles.  In the long term laughter can also improve the immune system and our overall natural mood.

If your bestie isn't readily available, or they aren't particularly funny, perhaps a daily dose of a slap-stick TV show will help.

How are you anxiety levels?

Could you use some yoga, lemons and laughter in your life?

Note: I am not a psychologist nor nutritionist.  The above information is brought to you via my online reading.  

May 11, 2017

Day 2765 - The Lovin Life Linky - The Big Heart Edition

Today I invite you to give your 5 cents worth.

There are winners in this world and there are whiners.

The whiners use their energy to complain about the problems in life where as the winners step up and bloody well do something about it.

Last night I attended the Big Heart Project in Canberra.  It's part of Connie Johnson's last fund raising hurrah for cancer as she bows out of the public eye to live her final days in peace with her family.

To date Connie and her Gold Logie winning brother Samuel, have already raised over $4 million for cancer research.  There ultimate aim is $10 million.

The aim of the Big Heart Project yesterday was to fill a heart 100 metres in circumference with 5 cent pieces to the total of $1 million to add to their fundraising efforts.  If they do this it won't just raise much needed cash to kick cancer's arse, but will also be a world record.

Well, they smashed it.  By the time I'd left the Lyneham Netball Centre at 6.30pm last night the Big Heart was already worth $1.6 million.

This is what $50 worth of 5 cent pieces looks like

Pouring more love into an already full heart

Shining bright this is the tip end of the very Big Heart

The moment I walked into the event I could feel the love.  Surrounded by hundreds of people I couldn't help but tear up as I exchanged my money for 5 cent pieces to add to the pile.

No doubt the Johnson family is feeling a mix of love, happiness, pride and a huge amount of sadness right now.  After years of battling the disease Connie stopped all treatment earlier this year after she received the bad news that the cancer was too advanced to continue the fight.

But Connie is not a whiner.  While the cancer may be cutting her life short she hasn't let it win.  As she says in the "thank you" note we received on leaving last night:

"As I look at this heart growing I realise that we are well on the way, and that this fight will continue long after I'm gone.  One day, maybe next generation, maybe the the one after, our families won't have to live and die with cancer in their lives.  You have given me the peace to relax, step back and enjoy the rest of my days with my family, knowing that this amazing village will continue to fight." 

Connie and Samuel soaking up the love
We all have challenges to fight. Some are bigger than others. We've had an absolute shit year so far if the truth be known.  It's been riddled with challenges and it's almost brought me unstuck. But we can choose to be whiners and complain about it, or we can be winners and turn the challenges into an opportunity for growth. We can make a decision to kick some butt.

Today I'm lovin' that Connie and Samuel are achieving their fundraising goals.

I'm lovin' that so many people stepped up yesterday and attended their event.

I'm lovin' that I got to share in just a little snippet of their journey.

But most of all, I'm lovin' that they're doing what they're doing to help kick cancer's butt.

What are you lovin' about life this week?

Have you been following Connie's journey?

Are you ready to kick some butt?

If you would like to contribute to the Big Heart project you can do so here.

To join the Love Your Sister Village click here.

To follow Connie's blog click here.

To buy Connie and Samuel's book "Love Your Sister" click here. Every sale contributes to cancer research.

Don't forget to check your breasts regularly to get know your breasts.  If you notice any changes see your doctor ASAP.

*   *   *   *   *
Without further ado, it's time for the Lovin' Life Linky.

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

May 4, 2017

Day 2758 - The Lovin Life Linky - The stop, revive, survive edition

Forget slowing down, I've come to a stand-still.

If you follow me daily you'll know that I had an iddy biddy break down.  A bit of a crash really.  Let's call it a "multi car pile up".  It was more than a rear-ender, but less than a head-on. 

I'm OK.  I must stress that up front.  I'm totally fine.  My career as a crash test dummy was short lived.  

I got through the other side simply by following the advice of this big sign on the road.

During my few days of "reviving" I discovered some great things that I love about life.

  • I love that my parents live less than an hour away so I can visit easily
  • I love that my model daughter can drive me there when I'm not feeling up to it
  • I love that I have a cousin and a bestie who both drop everything to call me when I scream "help"
  • I love that Messenger means I can contact them via video or phone for free.
  • I love that I have people in my life who walk straight up and hug me if I'm looking a bit "frazzled".  
  • I love that my husband gives mammoth bear hugs full of love and safety.
  • I love that my kids make family time their priority
  • I love that I have an amazing client/colleague/friend who sent me a house cleaner when she discovered I was struggling
  • I love that I have a granddaughter who turned 4 this week and adds big rays of light to our world
  • I love that we have extended family that pulls together.
  • I love that you guys visit me each Thursday to join the Lovin Life Linky
  • I love that my melt downs are not permanent and that I have the tools in which to survive the bumps in the road and the resulting bingles.
How has your week been?

Any other crash test dummies out there?

What are you lovin' about life? 

*   *   *   *   *

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

May 3, 2017

Day 2757 - Wellness Wednesday - Let's talk about mental health

Sometimes we need a mental breakdown to wake up.

Today I am not going to chat about exercise nor food nor the evils of bread.  Today I'm going to talk about mental health. Specifically my mental health.

As you know I take on a lot.  It's just part of who I am. I like to be busy.

Sometimes I don't actually realise how much I've taken on until all my projects are playing push-me-pull-me at the same time.

As I sit here and ponder my naval, I realise that investing in projects is a bit like investing in property.

It's all good when your investment houses are fully tenanted and the properties are paying for themselves without draining your resources. It's all good when the residents are behaving themselves and the world is sunshine and roses. It's not so good when the houses need maintenance, or they are all empty and your bank account is being depleted. It can lead to dire times.

It's the same with energy and mind matters.  It's all fun to take on new projects when they're running at different times and behaving themselves.  But when your energy is being consumed with all of them at once and your mind bank is being depleted through lack of resources, lack of time and additional personal challenges, it's draining on the mind, body and soul.  It too can lead to dire times.

I am writing this because I have over-invested my time.

I am writing this because my energy and mind bank is running dry.

I am also writing this because we've had a few extra challenges this year that weigh heavily on our shoulders causing structural damage.

I am tired and lacking resilience and it's all led to an iddy biddy breakdown.

So, here I am saying that when we invest our time, we should probably do it in the same way we invest in properties.  Only invest in them if we can sustain them even when there is no rental income or when there is maintenance or property damage to see to.

I am learning that I should only invest in projects if I can sustain them when they all suddenly peak at once and if I get hammered with challenges coming in from the outside.

Seems pretty straight forward doesn't it?

But you know all of this already.  It's me that is the queen of over commitment.  I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

This Wellness Wednesday I have taken a step back, I've dropped a couple of commitments and I'm taking some time to breathe.

Otherwise I may just end up bankrupt.

How's your health and wellness this week?

Are you feeling fit and fabulous?

How wisely are you investing your energy?