Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2016

Cats Whisker Growing method

Cats Whisker Growing method

Cats Whisker Growing method -

How to plant cultivation Cats Whiskers -. One of the plants that can be used medicinal plant is the cat's whiskers

These medicinal plants are also can be planted or grown on your homepage. Here is how the culture:


The easiest seeding process is by vegetative means through stem cuttings or branches. How:.

  • Choose plants healthy, normal and fertile growth
  • Pipihlah woody stems is not too young and not too old
  • Cut the stems to using a knife. . sharp scissors or pruning sterile or clean
  • cut the stem to a height of about 15-20 cm with books 2 -. 3.
  • Minimize evaporation by removing or cutting sheets

Seed required for one hectare with a spacing of about 40 x 40 cm is 50000-62500 cuttings per hectare .


mechanical seed No 2 ways, namely :.

  • direct planting in the garden with a distance of each -. Each plant about 10 cm x 10 cm and a depth of about 20 cm
  • Sirami much as 1-2 times a day, but depending on the weather if it rains.
  • Add shade if needed, can be made of transparent plastic or dry straw.
  • emerging shoots could be directly moved to the garden.

Preparation of the soil media

  • Olah garden soil, about 30-40 cm and free of weeds or other plants. Then leave for 15 days.
  • Make bendengan with a width of 100-120 cm and a height of 30 cm while the distance between bendengan 40-50 cm. Do not forget to mix the basic fertilizer as compost or cage to 50-60 tonnes / hectare. But before making tillage to really -. Really loose
  • Make a hole to plant a size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm 40 x 60 cm. Each - each hole give the manure as well as 2.4 to 3.2 kg and then close the hole with soil. Mixing the soil also bendengan with 15 to 20 kg / ha of cow manure.


  • Specify the culture system, usually the best planting time is early in the rainy season, which is to about a month from October to December or it could be at any critical moment provided enough water.
  • Make a small hole in the planting hole measuring 30 x 30 x30 cm earlier.
  • 4-6 planting seedlings or each hole perpendicular to the surface and a depth of about 5 cm or third part of the base of the stem in the cuttings.
  • compact soil around the plants.
  • Flush until very damp.


  • Stitching is done 1-15 days after planting seedlings in the field. How this is done in order to menyulami plants that do not normally grow until death
  • Weeding should frequently -. Often when the plants are young age, much less plant cover is still growing up. . However, if the plants are old, usually the canopy closed, so that suppress the growth of weeds
  • The organic fertilization can be done every 1 month as much as 1-2 kg per plant but as much as 1.5 to 3 kg per old plants every 2-3 Sunday once.
  • conventional fertilization can be done every 6 -9 them once at a dose of about 75 kg / ha of urea.
  • Watering can be done at any time, but not until the soil becomes dry
  • pesticide spraying can be done when the plant has a sign that the parasites began to emerge

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Oct 7, 2016

Free and how agriculture Produce Melon Yang

Free and how agriculture Produce Melon Yang

Free and how agriculture Produce Melon Yang -

Guide and how Farming Melon - Melon has the scientific name is Cucumis melo were included in the type of timunan cucumber. Melons are known to have a relationship with kerawat cantaloupe, semangkan and cucumber.

plants melons grown by climbing, but not climbing, but most of the melon farmers in Indonesia support so that the spread of the plant floor.

picture melon plants

The Living melon

plant melons will be the body and lead to optimal in some areas. height usually make melon the optimal range of 250-700 mdl. if planted at elevations below 250 m, to be precise Tanman can grow produce fruit, but the bias is much smaller. sedangakan when planted at altitudes above 700 meters ttidak cultures were able to grow because the temperature kondissi bekisar 18 o C.

Although the problem of moisture, melon Tanman will grow well with a moisture level of about 50- 70% having a temperature of 25 o C to 30 o C. Rainfall in the know 1500-2500 mm / yr desired

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Types and Types melon

Currently in Indonesia are so many types and kinds of melon, but there are 3 types are mainly grown by melon producers in Indonesia, namely:

1. Inodorus

kind melon that it has a smoother rind than other species, and have not mejala months oval. has a yellow green, white flesh fruit memili yellow and the fruit dagng not have a fragrance

. 2. Reticalatus

The melon that it is the most widely grown by farmers because market demand is also very important. Fruit characteristics of this type is to have a moon shape, which has green skin, terapisi net, but a little vague, while the flesh is green to yellow.

3. cantalupensis

Melon with such a bumpy characteristic fruit and pumpkins, the fruit flesh has a yellow color, has a strong odor, one of these types include cantaloupe.

sowing and husbandry

In this article melons is using generative or seeds. usually necessary seeds is 500-700 grams of Ha unntuk 1 seed.

Before the planting of melons, seeds germinate in advance. Before planting the seeds, the seeds must be soaked for 6-8 hours by adding a fungicide in the water bath, it is done so that the seeds are not attacked by fungi.

Seeding is done using a damp cloth or wet newspaper, including planting on top and leave for 1-2 days to benuh germinated. in this process to be considered is to keep the fabric from moisture or Korang with a little water and not dry enough.

Next, prepare the planting medium for melon breeding using small polybags with media mix soil with compost in the ratio 2: then make a hole and bury the melon seeds in the soil about 1 cm from the soil surface.

so as not exposed to direct light, make a protective cover or just above the nursery media melon plant. so do not forget to always keep moisture with sealu flush. also try not too wet. This process usually takes 10 to 15 days, until tanmana have 2-3 leaves.

Preparation of land and investment process


use of plastic mulch before planting Image

to facilitate the plants grow well, it would bainya plow or digging. then make the beds with the size of 100-150 cm, height 30-60 cm and a length of 10-15 meters, but could not dipatokan, you can also adjust the conditions of the terrain.

After the nursery created to give basic fertilizer as compost or manure to a dose of 16 to 20 tons / ha. You can also provide chemical fertilizers as ZA, SP-36 and KCl 375 kg, 375 kg and 250 kg per hectare. Kudian fertilizer blend with the existing subfloor and allow dibedengan soil which have been mixed Selaa 3 ssampai 5 days.

thing to note is that if the soil pH is low, it is necessary to add lime or dolomite. This could dilakuakn with dosit 2 tom perkapu. namuan you can give another dose depending on the pH value of the land. Lime can be made 3 days before the administration of the basic fertilizer.

The next firm step beds using black mulch money. Mulching is made two days before planting. in the planting beds, there are two lines (planting line) which has a distance of 60 cm. between plants should also have a spacing of 60 cm.

Planting can dilakuakn afternoon, it prevents the plant unfading in the planting hole a single plant.

Care and Maintenance

1. Installation Ajir

Give marker having a length of 1 to 2 meters, plug in the area of ​​the hole planting with oblique (upper end toward the center of beds). marking unit is made 3 days after planting, it is provided that tiddak damage plants in the coating process.

2. Pests and diseases

melon pests that often attack fruit flies, mites and caterpillars. to control this pest exterminator can menggunkaan such as insecticides. specifically for mites can give akarisida.

For a plant disease that attacks most often ring rot, mildew, and many more. unntuk mengendalkannya to say that you can give a fungicide or if severe better disconnect fuel and prevent it from spreading to other tanmana.

3. Watering

Have watering twice daily. should be done in the morning and evening (at the age of up to 2 weeks after planting). after the age of watering can be done 1 time in 2 days.

4. Fertilizers

weeks fertilization is done to support and improve production melon Tanman. fertilization is done by planting age, ie at the age of 5 HTS given urea solution with a concentration of 3 kg / 300liter water. you can also provide fertilizer NPK 17 ZA + HST and 50 HST is 2 kg and 1 kg NPK ZA Note kosentrasinya be 3 -. 4 kg / 200 liters of water

Process harvest

Image Melon harvesting process

the harvesting process can be done when looking at fruit maturity level. usually melon is ready for harvest around age 65-70 Hsb, how to harvest the fruit of this is to cut the stems from February to March cmdari pagkal. the tools used must be sterile knife or scissors dark

Source :.

  • Sobir and Firmansyah. 2014 Gardening upper melon. Sower Swadaya, Jakarta.
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Oct 6, 2016

How to grow And Watercress Culture Earth

How to grow And Watercress Culture Earth

How to grow And Watercress Culture Earth -

How Watercress Culture Earth - Maybe some of you still do not understand the difference cabbage kale land with water. The two are often seen as being the same.

In fact, the main difference between these two types of cabbage leaves shaped in the same color flowers. Because fixed phone cabbage or Ipomoea reptans has a bright green color and the leaves are pointed-toe. Kale land also has white flowers. How cabbage lands culture itself requires quite a different technique


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Meanwhile, cabbage water (Ipomoea Aquatica) has dark green leaves with the tip leaves a bit blunt and rounded so that it looks rather large. Flowers in the land of marshes rather purple.

Not only the physical difference, but it was also alluded to in the above explanation for the usual ways of planting and harvesting two types of cabbage is also different. Because the land kale crop should be revoked, while water spinach harvested with a precise cut.

Watercress land is now more widely available on the commercial market as spinach water. While the clean water kale most widely grown and consumed by living all the people of Indonesia. Earth Culture Marsh is actually very easy, although it took a different technique because it has a vegetable harvest cycle is relatively durable and fast.

So the spinach market prices tend to be less expensive compared to other vegetables. To increase the sale value, you can cultivate the land marsh using organic techniques. When the price of cabbage organic soil relatively higher.

Culture swamps can now be done in the highlands and lowlands. By improving the development and growth of wetlands properly, then the culture of land cabbage should get rainfall at once sunlight is filled.

Could you also increase the number of wetlands seedlings, you can work around this by cuttings and seeds. However, especially for kale land, farmers usually perform additional seed only from seed.

mechanical cultivation of the land cabbage

For the technique to be used to cultivate the land cabbage is quite simple. From kale planting process on areas which have been prepared. It is important to know that kale land has physical characteristics with long leaves, green leaves, pointed leaves and white flowers.

spinach ground seeds should you plant is the seed. To meet the needs of planting kale land has an area of ​​about 1 hectare, then you will need at least about 10 kg Kale sweater.

Interview swamps

How cabbage crop land is actually not that difficult. To service kale plantation land in addition to watering routine checks and pests and diseases. You of course do fertilization to ensure that cabbage plant cultivated've you have a variety of consumption required substances.

When the kale leaves you suddenly turn yellowish meaning less treatment or even kale plant's contribution shortage substances that can be obtained from the fertilizer


therefore it is appropriate advice to help you cultivate the marsh land will be able to do it by weeding a more regular basis. This is to ensure that weeds around the plants do not take the substances required by marshland and was originally you provide to meet the needs of plant substances you the kale.

Hama including a very bully threatened plant kale land, so you must carefully and thoroughly on how agriculture can also help to eliminate distractions that threaten plants you Kale.

cabbage crop land

If you have managed to do so culture is good, then the next you can immediately reap maximum results. How to harvest the earth itself kale is usually done with a revoked or cut on the rank cabbage stem.

If you choose to repeal, which usually makes you can not harvest once. But if it is cut, of course, you can several harvests are usually about 3 to 5 days. The crop is also classified as very fast because it only takes 5 to 7 days.

Therefore, each month, it is possible for you to make 6 times the harvest. In addition to plant at the same time adopting the cultivation of cabbage land is good that you do not need or an area of ​​land that is too wide. Because even if you only have an area of ​​10 meters, the cultivation of cabbage land can already do.

Even with the land that is so limited, you can still get a harvest of up to 30-35 kg for each period of 1 hour harvest. How is certainly promising not

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Oct 5, 2016

coffee growing techniques and how

coffee growing techniques and how

coffee growing techniques and how -

How Coffee Culture - Enjoy coffee for society is a form Today inherent habit usually performed in the morning and the afternoon. Although there are people who drink it black outside these hours.

The number of people who love coffee beans as a hot drink as one of the commodity business that bright. Do not rule out the possibility of becoming the coffee seedlings of business are successful if you know the right nursery techniques


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There are certain things that must be understood in order to understand method coffee correctly for maximum results culture. The right technique in coffee plant cultivation process include:

1. Preparing suitable areas

Coffee is a type of plant in the form of shrubs neither too high nor too short. Only the coffee plants grow well in cold climates such as mountainous areas. The plants will also be able to produce the best coffee beans lies on a plate with the structure of the slope.

Land preparation is very important to choose a location that is appropriate to support the growth of the tree. After the sloping implementation of land for crops, then progressed to the stage of the spread of fertilizer. The first is the manure, then added with Natural GLIO were left to rest for about a week.

After the waiting period, you can make some holes in the seeds planted with coffee trees area. The distance between a hole to another hole is 2.5 meters so that the growth of each of the coffee trees do not interfere with each other.

2. The method of coffee preparation seeding

The next step is for the needs of coffee beans nursery plants in a productive and ready for planting. The steps in this nursery, among others:

  • Preparing to plant coffee beans, can be taken from a tree which produced a quality coffee or buy all coffee beans are reliable suppliers.
  • Prepare the flat sand soil layer with a thickness of about 5 cm, and then protect it with Paranet or can also be the stem of the tree trunk.
  • Place or coffee beans scattered in the planting area and make regular watering, about a month the seeds germinate.
  • If the seeds have germinated and appear healthy so carefully can be transferred in a polybag.
  • POC adding fertilizer depending on the age of seedlings, if it has been aged 12 months to give NPK, 4 months of age can be sprayed until the age of Nasa 7 -9 months.

3. The coffee tree planting process

The next steps of how coffee culture is when the coffee plants in polybags have reached the age 7 or 9 months, but won when the next step is carried out when the rainy season. When the rainy season, the growth of the coffee plant will not encounter significant problems when transferred to a new planting medium. As regards the steps of planting requires preparation of its own, such as:

  • Prepare the soil for use as a culture medium which is then mixed with the manure
  • Make water regularly to keep the soil constantly moist. .

Moving coffee plants to the main planting area should also plant cover crops, because the coffee trees susceptible to pests. As regards the pests attacking a wide range, even many farmers lose money because trees eaten by cattle.

plant protector should be sufficient and should not be excessive. Cover crops too would reduce the nutritional intake of coffee trees in the surrounding area. However, in contrast, if too little then the coffee trees will be less protected

Special to select and determine the types of plants suitable as a protector, here are some specific criteria :.

  • Included in the plant that has a root structure that is strong and deep.
  • plant leaves should be small just to continue to provide opportunities leaves coffee trees to grow and photosynthesize.
  • plants can grow independently, without having to be hosts for coffee trees.
  • plant is a good idea to produce organic matter that much which enriches the coffee culture region.

Although seem trivial, but the presence of cover crops is crucial for the prevention of damage to the coffee tree. These cover crops also avoid the coffee beans are ready to be harvested eaten by civet cats or other animals. All types of plants suitable as cover crops, no separate criteria.

Reaching the harvest season is better to choose quality seeds to maintain the satisfaction of consumers who buy from you. Storing coffee beans harvested and there was a time or period of time, not too long. Because of the damage to grains can occur easily, even for the pleasant and healthy coffee. During the seeding process to harvest always provide the appropriate fertilizer coffee culture so achieved can produce.

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Oct 4, 2016

Brief Guide mechanical and Culture Talas plants

Brief Guide mechanical and Culture Talas plants

Brief Guide mechanical and Culture Talas plants -

Mechanical and Plant production Brief Guide Talas - taro plant carbohydrates, especially the tubers contain that are essential. However, the taro plant also has a sap that is very itchy.

Therefore, before taking it, should be cooked first. cultivation of taro popular to do in Bogor, therefore, often known as the Bogor taro taro named.


In the cultivation of taro plants, consisting of several steps tillage step, seed selection, planting, fertilizer, irrigation, and so after. For more details, techniques and advice about growing following taro plants.

Soil Processing

To maximize crop yields of taro plants, the necessary land actually processed to provide optimal results on taro plants are planted in the soil.

for the treatment of the soil can be done using hoes, forks, and the tractor engine. The soil is treated until the soil becomes loose with the depth of the plowed soil as deep as 20 to 30 cm.

Ploughing is also intended to make the plants free of weeds and wild plants.

Selecting seed

to produce taro with quality tubers, seeds are also required to have high quality. How to reproduce taro can be made from seeds, seedlings and stolons, network and ampoules buds.

The seedlings were used as seed taro plants, must be large enough, and the tubers have grown to a height berikisar between 60 and 70 cm.

Before use, the seeds should be stored in advance in the soil by planting organic fertilizers and treated properly.

Each seed is planted with a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Seeds should ditanaman good for the seedlings can grow quite large, and other seeds or seedlings can be planted in the field of cultivation of taro plants.

The planting process

taro very vulnerable plants to drought, therefore, cultivate taro plants on open land must be cultivated early in the rainy season.

Seeds of taro plants could die if the water shortage in the planting of 2 to 3 days. To be used as a culture medium lahanyang remains fertile and moist, the surrounding land can be mulched in straw, leaves, dry grass clippings, and so on.

taro plants should be watered regularly, if it has not rained. Because of taro plants drought, which causes the growth is interrupted, it is difficult to be restored again, despite being sprayed with water.

Leave fertilizers

seedlings planted after early fertilization, fertilizers were well used at the start of planting for growing taro plants, namely compost or manure.

After the taro plant was about 4 weeks after planting, it can be given a second fertilizer. Manure used to fertilize both urea ie about 2 tablespoons dosing schedule tablespoon each tree or about 75 kg per hectare


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fertilize last may be given at the time of taro plants were aged 3 months early planting. Fertilizers that can be used is urea dose dose of 75 kg per hectare and KCl at a dose of 150 kg per hectare.

Weeding and Pembubunan

For the process of growth of taro plants is good, the necessary weeding. Because if there are weeds or grass around the earth taro crop, it will weed or grass snatch food rations of taro plants. Weeding process to do when taro taro plants older plants 3 months after planting.

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