Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts

Oct 19, 2016

In culture method Papaya Organic

In culture method Papaya Organic

In culture method Papaya Organic -

Papaya In the method of organic farming - Hmm ... What do you mean how the culture of papaya is good and right? Here is the information I give to answer your questions!

you need to know in advance the requirements instilling a papaya fruit. Papaya Plant is a plant that can grow well in lowland areas with an altitude of 700-1000 masl rainfall 1000 -. 2000 mm / year

temperatures around the environment should be around 22-26 degrees Celsius in conjunction with the humidity 40% and the winds are not too strong.


The soil should be fertile place to grow well, loose, containing humus and can hold a lot of water. The condition of the soil pH should be neutral (pH 6-7), should not be too acidic or too alkaline, because it will affect the growth of the papaya.

If you already understand, straight to the point. You must first know the key points as follows:

  1. The selection of seeds and seedlings
  2. Soil Processing as culture media
  3. Investment
  4. maintenance and care of plants

Selection of seeds and seedlings


Select seeds ripe fruit that has really come of trees selection. Rinse the seeds until the skin is wrapped lost seeds, then dry in the shade.

Use fresh beans as seeds. Seed needs about 60 grams / hectare, soak the seeds in a solution of the NASA POC 2 cc / liter for 1-2 hours, drain and then tebari Natural GLIO semailah polybag size 20 x 15 cm.

The medium used is a mixture of 2 earth buckets + 1 bucket of manure + 50 grams TSP already delicate + 30 grams Natural GLIO

Enter the seeds to a depth of 1 cm and cover with soil. Siramlah regularly until the seeds germinate after 12-15 days. After 45-60 days, the altitude reaches 15-20 cm, the seedlings are ready for planting.

If plants are grown, at the age of 2-3 months, it can be moved to the beginning of the rainy season.

land as a media mill

Ensure that the area under sterile conditions and the soil is tilled or lumpy. Shape dimensions seedbed of 100 x 200 x 20 centimeters units (to adjust the length of the earth).

then make a hole the size of 50 x 50 x 40 centimeters units on beds with a spacing of 2 meters long and 2 to 5 meters in width.

Add dolomite if the soil pH is too low. Make sure before you give fertilizer, the soil is dried for 1 week. The fertilizers used can be mature or SUPERNASA manure.


planting holes measuring 60 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm were dug up in rows. Before implantation, the first hole then let the sunlight around a day or a week.

Fill the holes with soil mixed with manure and let 2-3 days for the soil to settle. It was not until the hole is ready for planting. Each hole can be filled 3-4 seeds, after waiting a few months to develop.

Maintenance and Plant Care

For servicing, thinning and replanting of crops that have been started flowering.

not forget to do weeding so that the growth of papaya is not disturbed by the grass liat.Berikan also organic fertilizer periodically to always keep the soil moist.

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course, watering also because papaya requires a good amount of water, but keep in mind is to not let stagnate the water in the plant because the conditions are not like papaya plants, make sure that soil drainage is good enough.

in the dry season, papaya should be watered frequently than other seasons. Do also controls pests and plant diseases, if ever conditions download very serious disease and burn these plants to prevent spreading.

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Oct 18, 2016

How Culture Sago

How Culture Sago

How Culture Sago -

How the culture of Sago plants - Plants in the family or tribe Aracaceae a plant native to Papua and the Moluccas. In the place of origin of sago used as a staple food for the population.

sago plants have different names in each region Lapia for example, in West Java, known as chiral name, known in Ambon or Napia, Gorontalo known named Tumba in Toraja known Pogalo or tabaro and in the Aru Islands or rambiam-known rabbi. For how culture of sago can be considered as follows.


Planting preparation Sago plants

sago plants can grow optimally on precipitation ranges 2-4000 mm per year and is spread over the entire year. Sago can grow to a height of 700 meters above sea level (m).

However, at an altitude of 400 meters above sea found the best production of sago. The temperature required for growing sago ranging from 24.50 to 29 degrees Celsius.

In the growth process, sago plant needs watering enough, but flooding in the area of ​​sago plants make growth becomes impaired.

sago plants can live in a swamp with freshwater areas or marshes with peat and in the area along the river.

Selection of plants sago seeds

Seeding can be done by vegetative and generative. In generative seeds used to be old, no defects, has an average size and buds.

While the seeds are used for the vegetative seed breeding sago from buds of less than 1 year, and weighing 2 to 3 kg with a diameter ranging from 10 to 13 cm.

Ground Preparation

sago cultivation should be done at the beginning of the rainy season. Before the land planted seed corn, land must be cleared first.

Weeding (weed control)

When the sago plants aged 3 to 4 years for weeding or cleaning weeds, because if no weeding pests and diseases will be easy to attack the palm sago.

more weeds to make the big garden that may be affected by the fire. Weed control can be done using sickles, hoes, hand and so on.

Weed control results can be landfilled or compost. However, if there is a threat to weeds, preferably weeds are burned and the ashes can be used as fertilizer.

Leave fertilizers

Sago plants require nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

fertilizer can be done by immersing the fertilizer into the soil, it is expected that the fertilizer is not carried out in water before it is absorbed by the roots of sago planted in swampy areas or lowlands.

fertilization takes place in a circle surrounding a clump. Fertilizer given sago palms are young do until one year before the harvest to 1 to 2 times per year at the beginning of the rainy season.


To facilitate the harvest time, the sago palm is cut near the roots.

cut can use a chainsaw or ax. Sago deleted from the stem at the top, leaving only the sago over pins is along the 6 to 15 m

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to the ease in transport, the logs cut in 1-2 meter. The weight of each log is about 120 kg.

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Oct 17, 2016

How Eaglewood Culture for good results?

How Eaglewood Culture for good results?

How Eaglewood Culture for good results? -

How Eaglewood Culture for good results? - Agarwood trees is a species native to Indonesia have attracted many countries worldwide, especially in the Middle East

Agarwood is a fundamental requirement of Middle Eastern societies as incense for religious rituals

also Eaglewood is also the manufacture of perfumes and perfume.


Therefore, the cultivation of these plants has the potential to bring many benefits to the import demand of the country country- in the world continue to be high . If you are interested in this Indonesian cultivate native plants, the following tips.


Seeding should be done is to mamilih Agarwood tree seedlings quality. Some signs of quality seedlings Eaglewood is healthy, not attacked by parasites and the diameter is preferably at least 1 cm with a height of 20-30 cm.

If the seed still in the package, then the roots of the seedlings have not pierce the envelope which is usually a polybag.

soil preparation

one of the distinctive plant Agarwood is its ability to grow even in the land without special preparation.

provided that the distance between the trees about Eaglewood 3X3 meters, the plant can be grown with the maximum. If the distance between the tree, you subtract it does not really matter, it's just that the results are not as comfortable as the ideal distance.

Planting Method

Make the planting hole 30x30x30 cm measure, Create and fill the hole with fertilizer to taste at least two weeks before planting .

planting time is the ideal time of the rainy season so that Eaglewood sowing unmet water needs.


Care is what will determine the outcome of the culture of Agarwood. This treatment consists of three main ways:

  • Fertilizers

types of organic compost manure is highly recommended in this Eaglewood culture. grilled beforehand with dry leaves if the fertilizer is wet or new.

Do fertilize regularly at least once every 6 months when using jens fertilizer.

However, if you use chemical fertilizers such as NPK, urea or HCL are then setidanya 3 months.

In addition, can also use a type of liquid fertilizer. First check pH levels of the soil where the cultivation of Agarwood, if the soil pH is too high, tambahakan Dolomite lime. Eaglewood ideal PH of the earth is 6 to 7.

  • Control

The pests are often attacked and damaged crops Gaharuadalah mealybug parasites . To overcome this, there are two ways that are powerful enough with soapy water or maintain (large red ants) Rang-rang.

Using soap can be done by soap and water dough the size of a tablespoon to a quart of water. Then spray the tree Agarwood, especially in the white Tampat nesting lice.

Avoid liquid soap is the root of Agarwood. While rank-rank can be placed near the Eaglewood tree. To attract rank-rank eat mealybugs can mengkatkan skeletal remains of fish or chicken in a Agarwood tree attacked mealybugs.

If the area is a lot of wild boar, then it can also threaten the culture of Agarwood. To fight against this could put up barriers with bags used around the Agarwood tree.

  • Shade

Shade necessary to accelerate the growth of the Agarwood tree. Plants that are commonly used as shade Eaglewood lands such as cassava, papaya, thatch material.

But keep in mind that the shade should not be too shady to cause too wet Eaglewood land. If the soil around Eaglewood too wet, it can cause root rot.

  • pruning branches

This is the way that is efficient enough to make Aloe plants grow faster. . By the size of the branches and twigs of the nutrients are absorbed by the roots terpfokus on tree growth

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do until the plants measuring 2m, but s' it is still necessary to continue to do so. Cut the branches of the young is sekitas 2-3 cm and leave the already strong and fertile branch to grow

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Oct 16, 2016

CROPS Cardamom Organic Techniques In short

CROPS Cardamom Organic Techniques In short

CROPS Cardamom Organic Techniques In short -

Culture Techniques Short Plant Cardamom by Organic - The Indonesian public recognizes cardamom plant as a spice and most widely used to make remedies herbal


cardamom plants included in the class of herbs like ginger and tumbuhannya.

cardamom plant widely used for the treatment, from seeds, leaves, stems, roots and even. Some of the benefits of the plant cardamom is treatment of cough, fever, body odor, rheumatism, nausea, and many more.


Among the many advantages that explains why cardamom began bustling dikembang-cultivation by farmers.

Some of the techniques needed to grow and develop cardamom plants. mechanical cultivation of organically attract the attention of farmers practicing.

This technique involves the preparation of seedlings, soil preparation, planting and the harvesting process.

cardamom is used to living in the mountains around 200-1000 masl. You need to know is, cardamom requires humidity between 40-70 percent with a temperature of 20-30 degrees Celsius.

These plants can bear fruit from the age of three years. Biological planting will prevent the possibility of the use of pesticides that can be toxic to the user.

Growth conditions

Before the cultivation of cardamom, there are some things you should know first.

  • climate

cardamom cultivation requires a humid climate and rainfall in the range of 2500-4000 mm per year.

the intensity of the rain too high will cause the stems to be short and the flowers rot.

Meanwhile, if the weather is too hot can reduce the growth of this tree. Cardamom temperature necessary to grow around 20-30 degrees Celsius.

  • Land

The type of land for the cultivation of cardamom is clay or clay.

However, the use of clay as a planting medium must pass through pretreatment to achieve maximum results.

for the planting site, try not stagnant water, have good drainage and soil organic must try to raise the acidity with a pH of 5.6 to 6.8. The type of soil is best for growing cardamom is Mediterranean, andosol, flood, etc.

The technique cardamom organic

In biology, cultivation of cardamom can be by seed, but the weakness of this technique is very old.

Another way is to take the bar and then to a nursery or take other parts of the plant.

  • Preparation of seed

In preparing the seeds for cultivation, there are things to be considered, such as using the blanket or tarp.

cardamom farming may be three ways, namely seeds, seedlings or using rhizomes. The good seeds or shoots to develop a maximum height of about 50 cm.

growing fast. Roots old rhizomes will only increase the risk of crop failure.

  • Tilth

To gain ground with nutrients is high, cardamom plantation should conducted in the month there is precipitation sufficient from December.

Ploughing must be made at least as deep as 30 cm. Also, do not forget to prepare the hole in the ground as deep as 40 cm are filled with manure or other organic matter.

  • Investment

The process of planting cardamom seeds also need note. Happy planting should pay attention to risk factors such as tangent two roots and growth. Good spacing is 1m x 1.5m to 1m x 2m.

  • Maintenance

The maintenance process plays an important role in the success of the cardamom plantation.

weed control is also interesting to note that the quality of the crop is maintained. Working the soil around plants also need to trigger the growth of the rhizomes.

  • harvest

cardamom plant can be harvested after three years. The harvesting process is not necessarily, because at any moment can be harvested cardamom

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cardamom Age can reach 10 to 15 years, and one harvest per hectare, if accumulated can reach two to three tonnes per year

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Oct 15, 2016

Free Plantation And Cultivating Army Kale

Free Plantation And Cultivating Army Kale

Free Plantation And Cultivating Army Kale -

How Watercress Culture Earth - Maybe some of you still do not understand the difference cabbage kale land with water. The two are often seen as being the same.

In fact, the main difference between these two types of cabbage leaves shaped in the same color flowers. Because fixed phone cabbage or Ipomoea reptans has a bright green color and the leaves are pointed-toe. Kale land also has white flowers. How cabbage lands culture itself requires quite a different technique


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Meanwhile, cabbage water (Ipomoea Aquatica) has dark green leaves with the tip leaves a bit blunt and rounded so that it looks rather large. Flowers in the land of marshes rather purple.

Not only the physical difference, but it was also alluded to in the above explanation for the usual ways of planting and harvesting two types of cabbage is also different. Because the land kale crop should be revoked, while water spinach harvested with a precise cut.

Watercress land is now more widely available on the commercial market as spinach water. While the clean water kale most widely grown and consumed by living all the people of Indonesia. Earth Culture Marsh is actually very easy, although it took a different technique because it has a vegetable harvest cycle is relatively durable and fast.

So the spinach market prices tend to be less expensive compared to other vegetables. To increase the sale value, you can cultivate the land marsh using organic techniques. When the price of cabbage organic soil relatively higher.

Culture swamps can now be done in the highlands and lowlands. By improving the development and growth of wetlands properly, then the culture of land cabbage should get rainfall at once sunlight is filled.

Could you also increase the number of wetlands seedlings, you can work around this by cuttings and seeds. However, especially for kale land, farmers usually perform additional seed only from seed.

mechanical cultivation of the land cabbage

For the technique to be used to cultivate the land cabbage is quite simple. From kale planting process on areas which have been prepared. It is important to know that kale land has physical characteristics with long leaves, green leaves, pointed leaves and white flowers.

spinach ground seeds should you plant is the seed. To meet the needs of planting kale land has an area of ​​about 1 hectare, then you will need at least about 10 kg Kale sweater.

Interview swamps

How cabbage crop land is actually not that difficult. To service kale plantation land in addition to watering routine checks and pests and diseases. You of course do fertilization to ensure that cabbage plant cultivated've you have a variety of consumption required substances.

When the kale leaves you suddenly turn yellowish meaning less treatment or even kale plant's contribution shortage substances that can be obtained from the fertilizer


therefore it is appropriate advice to help you cultivate the marsh land will be able to do it by weeding a more regular basis. This is to ensure that weeds around the plants do not take the substances required by marshland and was originally you provide to meet the needs of plant substances you the kale.

Hama including a very bully threatened plant kale land, so you must carefully and thoroughly on how agriculture can also help to eliminate distractions that threaten plants you Kale.

cabbage crop land

If you have managed to do so culture is good, then the next you can immediately reap maximum results. How to harvest the earth itself kale is usually done with a revoked or cut on the rank cabbage stem.

If you choose to repeal, which usually makes you can not harvest once. But if it is cut, of course, you can several harvests are usually about 3 to 5 days. The crop is also classified as very fast because it only takes 5 to 7 days.

Therefore, each month, it is possible for you to make 6 times the harvest. In addition to plant at the same time adopting the cultivation of cabbage land is good that you do not need or an area of ​​land that is too wide. Because even if you only have an area of ​​10 meters, the cultivation of cabbage land can already do.

Even with the land that is so limited, you can still get a harvest of up to 30-35 kg for each period of 1 hour harvest. How is certainly promising not

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