Apr 17, 2017

Day 2741 - Annual celebrations creating precious memories

This is the stuff that memories are made of.

The Easter Bunny left a little something for everyone

The best thing about annual celebrations like Easter, Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and birthdays is the memories that are created when you surround yourself with family and friends.

It's not the every day that sticks in our minds the most.  It's the special days where people put in an effort to be together.

Ever notice how so many of those memories involve a feast?

This feast was lovingly created by my mum (who is a hell of a lot more clever in the kitchen than I am).

Roast lamb

Roast vegetables

A beautiful table setting

Lemon and mint infused water

Easter decorations

A beautifully concocted dessert of steamed pumpkin pudding with maple syrup, cream and ice cream

The best part of this celebration was getting to spend time with my grandmother.  At 95 we don't know how much longer she'll be part of our memory creations.

Creating memories

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope created some precious memories of your own.  

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Day 2741 - Annual celebrations creating precious memories
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