Aug 30, 2016

Tips and tricks to make Seed Cabe Rawit Qualified

Tips and tricks to make Seed Cabe Rawit Qualified -

Tips and tricks to make Cabe Rawit Qualified seeds -. As a core ingredient seasoning, culture chili is always a choice of many people

price also includes the most stable among the other types of herbs. Rarely chili prices drop considerably.


Even a few years, the price had risen fantastically that beat the price of meat. For growing always nice chilli farmers.


Cayenne is one of the beloved people peppers. Cabe of this type has a distinctive taste.

The shaped fruit are small but spicy flavor product broke the spicy red pepper on the market.

For the use of cayenne pepper in the kitchen too, because the spicy levels contains much.

To cultivate the pepper plant, a technique could use reproductive technologies.

chili To produce fruit is good and hot pepper seeds necessary good. . In addition cayenne pepper seeds should be good, technical pembibitanya should also be good

chili For technical reproduction was good, it can produce high-yielding varieties of crops Cayenne, here's how pembibitanya


is about the selection of plants to be used as a nursery. Chilli plants to be used as chilli seeds precursor selected from a plant that is good and healthy.

The characteristic chilli plants are well and healthy is a form of fat stem, not ill and branching symmetrically, fresh green leaves do not yellow or faded color of the light flower pertumbuhanya the faster among others, and fruit production is high and stable.


Treat plants to use as a nursery with a special treatment. Put in a different place to make it easier to recognize.

Separate from the cayenne pepper plant that was attacked by other pests and diseases. Fertilize and water regularly basis.

Prune all stems and leaves that are old or no signs of pests or disease. We recommend you do so before flowering plants.


Select chili fruit is old and mature to take us the seeds. color aging characteristics or dark red

. Choose the fruit and cut up slowly to avoid damaging the seed in it.

Remove all seeds and the spice attached own meat scraps. Soak in water to select and remove the chilli seeds that float.

If you need to soak the insecticide solution Ridomil, Marshal and growth substances such as Cruiser for at least 6 hours for maximum results grama. Then dries without leaving under direct sunlight.


Prepare the middle of the plantation or in containers polybag or a regular pot. Give manure, rice husks, charcoal or other materials that are similar

For a comparison between the soil with fertilizers is 1: 2 .. But if you use three elements simultaneously , then it could be the soil, rice husks and manure each 1: 1: 1. the use of these three components at the same time enrich the nutrients in the soil, so that the plant growth cayenne pepper, better

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Then sprinkle the seeds and little input in the order can meyatu with the average planting.



after germination minmal wait until 21 days after planting, then only go to open land without pots or polybags.

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