Apr 25, 2011

A Royal Lilies Wedding

(Copyright 2010 Mario Testino/Clarence House/St. James’s Palace)

Well, it's finally here: In just a few short days, the whole globe will witness the most anticipated Royal Wedding since, well, that of William's Mom and Dad. Will and Kate have become the most buzzed about couple, their public interest far surpassing that of Brangelina, Tomkat and those kids from Twilight. (Or for you flower people, this happy couple generates more excitement than the Andean Trade Act and the 1099 repeal combined.) People all over the world are throwing hat parties and high teas in honor of the lovely young couple tying the knot. And we here at Sun Valley are right there with them!

Although my Boots couldn't take me all the way to London, I'll be glued to the broadcast with the rest of the girls (and some guys) in the office, maybe even wearing a funny hat, and most definitely talking in a horrible fake British accent all day long saying things like "Bloody right you are!" and "Hmm, yes darling, I do prefer the PG Tips to Twinings with my Digestives" (tea and biscuits, in case you're wondering).

Royal Highness Lily
But most importantly, I'll be trying to catch a glimpse of the flower arrangements embellishing the aisles of Westminster Abbey. And I'll probably be annoying everyone within a 50 foot radius of my desk with complaints that the regal pair didn't throw some Royal Lilies into the mix! All joking aside, I'm dying to see how the florists honored to provide their services to the King and Queen-to-be will deck the event. Certainly their designs will inspire a plethora of trends for the dawning wedding season.

All right mates, what luvvly-jubbly foofies do you reckon the jammy chaps will present at the Royal knees up in the C of E? (And in American-English: Ok friends, what lovely flowers do you think the lucky guys will display at the Royal party in the Church of England?)

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A Royal Lilies Wedding
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