Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2017

Day 2791 - the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Shot of ACV anyone?

They say an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It seems that drinking Apple Cider Vinegar will keep the naturopath, beautician and Jenny Craig away too. 

A bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar magically appeared in my food cupboard recently (no idea how it got there) and in my usual "must know everything" style I googled what I could use it for.

I not only discovered that it's the latest greatest buzz in all things health, but that it's now known as ACV because who has time to call anything by its real name anymore?

I learned that anyone worth their considerably lighter weight in ACV is taking a shot of the stuff at breakfast each day to improve everything from digestion to blood pressure to stamina (and everything in between).

So I grabbed my shot glass and took a swig.  

Not the nicest shot I've ever had but it's marginally better than that iron smoked apple wood whiskey I had once.

It turns out my "latest greatest" tag may have been premature because further investigation suggests ACV has been used throughout history to treat a long list of health problems.

Anyway, because I like to chat about ageing positively and all the super foods that help with that, I'm going to tell you what I found out about ACV.

9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Improved Digestion: Have a tablespoon 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better break down of food.
  2. Reduce Heartburn: By correcting low stomach acid conditions it can prevent heartburn.
  3. Constipation:  If your bowel movements are a bit irregular ACV can act as a mild laxative
  4. Intestinal Bacteria:  Apparently ACV is "full of beneficial acids which are believed to help improve the make up of your intestinal flora".  ( 
  5. High Blood Pressure:  Some studies show that daily does of ACV can have a general benefit on the cardiovascular system which (in time) results in lowering of high blood pressure
  6. Immune System:  Because of the positive impact on intestinal flora, the malic acid making it a strong antiviral and benefits to the lymphatic system, ACV is said to strengthen the immune system. 
  7. Weight Loss:  I read that studies have shown the acetic acid in ACV helps suppress the accumulation of body fat and liver lipids.  Plus due to pectin content it can slightly reduce the body's ability to absorb fat.  Plus having a swig before a meal not only helps digestion but can also reduce hunger levels. 
  8. Detoxification:  drinking diluted raw and unfiltered ACV is believed to help detoxify and cleanse the liver
  9. Skin benefits:  Drinking ACV can help with pH levels in the skin and can help with acne when applied topically.  

Not enough to convince you?  

Then wait, there's more ...

My reading also suggests it helps with stamina and energy; leg cramps and restless leg syndrome; bad breath; regulating blood sugar and aiding in diabetes; soothing sunburned skin; whitening teeth; wart removal; marinating steaks; detangling hair; and (wait for it) removing the smell of cat urine.

Did you know about Apple Cider Vinegar?

Have you got this magic potion in your kitchen cupboard?

Are you and ACV on an acronym basis? 

PS  I have an inner Naughty by Nature rap wanting desperately to emerge: "You down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), you down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), who's down with ACV? (every last homie!) ....

Note: I am not a nutritionist, dietitian, naturopath ... not even a foodie.  The information above is simply information found through my reading.

Information sources:;;;; 

May 24, 2017

Day 2778 - Wellness Wednesday - the foods to avoid before working out

There are too many lollies in our house! 

I have managed to bring up my kids without having lollies in my house.

Sure we have lollies at parties and special events, but we've never been one of those families to have lollies in the house just for the sake of having lollies in the house.

(How many times can one person use the world "lolly" in a single blog post?  I may be going for the record.)

Anywho, it seems that when my husband turned 50 his inner child decided to leap out and he's now got cravings for sweets.

As a result he makes weekly visits to the grocery store to buy bags of lollies which he then empties into a big Tupperware tub stored high in the food cupboard.

As a family of tall people that doesn't actually put it out of reach of anyone, so the lollies have gone beyond his cravings and have quickly morphed into a family affair.

Which is annoying because (a) I have managed to keep lollies out of our lives for this long and (b) now that they're here I'm one of the ones diving into the container on a daily basis.  This is not good for my Fit and Fabulous endeavors nor is it good for my bra size.

Sooooo ....

That got me to thinking about food and working out and all things wellness and I discovered a post in Men's Fitness about the Five Foods You Should Never Eat Before a Workout. (Lollies being one of them.)

5 Foods You Should Never Eat Before a Workout

1.  Legumes - the high fibre content can cause bloating and indigestion issues before a workout
2.  Protein Bars - protein is a slower burning source than carbs so it may not give you the kick start you need for a good workout session.
3.  Carbonated drinks - the high sugar can cause bloating and diarrhea when in workout mode
4.  Simple sugars - lollies can have a negative effect by causing the blood pressure to drop
5.  Cheese - fats are slow burning so can effect the absorption of nutrients to muscles when working out.

What should you eat before a workout?  

Well, they say carbs are essential for athletic performance and according to Berkeley Wellness (University of California) we should eat a low-fat, high-carb meal or snack at least an hour before we hit the gym.

All of it of course depends on the type, length and intensity of our intended workout plus what we've eaten the day before, our metabolic rate and our own personal preferences.  A brisk walk or cycle for half an hour (for example) isn't impacted greatly by the fuel we give our body.

So there you have it.  That's the post about lollies and the 5 foods we shouldn't eat before a workout.

It's all a bit slap dash, but that's about where I'm at on this Wellness Wednesday!

Any other lollie gobblers out there?

What's your bad food craving right now?

Another other foods we should add to the "never eat before a workout" list? 

May 5, 2017

Day 2759 - How to neutralize hot foods in the mouth

Has spicy food ever brought tears to your eyes?

About 8  years ago when the hubster and I were on a little junket to the Big Island of Hawaii I accidentally ate a chilli.

How does one "accidentally" eat a a chilli?

It was small and it was in my Chinese food.  It was showing off a bit, sitting at the top of my dish wagging its chilli tail at me.  I knew it was there. It wasn't hiding.

I pointed to the chilli and said to the hubster "do I just eat this?  Is it very hot?"  to which he replied, "yeah, eat it. It's not that hot."

So I put the chilli in my mouth and chewed.  My husband watched with bug eyed awe.

"Holy shit, what did you do that for?"

I wanted to answer with the obvious "because you told me to" but I couldn't on account that the breath had been sucked out of me.  Tears poured from my eyes as my tongue burst into flames.  Breathing wasn't an option.  As my face got redder all I could do was cry.

When I finally remembered to breath through my nose I screamed "you said it wasn't hot!!"

To which he replied "I meant the food in general, not the bloody chilli. Of course the actual chilli is hot."

On hearing my hysteria the waitress came over with two little packets of sugar.  "Quick," she said, "Eat the sugar.  It will neutralize the chilli."

So I did and the flames were doused.

According to a "Journal of Physiology and Behaviour" study, sugar is indeed a hot food neutralizer.  Honey and sugar can both help modify any experience you may have with a pepper.

Dairy is also known to tone down the effects of spicy food which is why many cultures incorporate dairy in their spicy recipes.  Yoghurt is a well known condiment when being served curry.

Combining the sugar and dairy together, as in ice-cream, may have an even better impact.

So that's your little life hack for today.

Ever had a bad chilli experience?

Did you know that sugar can neutralize chilli?

Got any life hacks of your own? 

Information sources:,, and

Apr 22, 2017

Day 2746 - Are wraps any better than bread for weightloss?

Bread versus wraps - How do they stack up?

If you follow me daily then you'll know that I'm on a bit of a health and wellness mission.  I'm trying to get back to honouring my Fit and Fabulous tagline.

This mission includes weight loss because the truth is I've stacked on the kilos over the last six months and as I creep towards menopause I know it's going to be bloody hard to lose it if I don't get onto it now.

Anyway ...

I know for a fact that bread does me no favours.  It's the one food that instantly pads my stomach, butt and thighs. It also slows me down.

I also know for a fact that bread seems to be my comfort food. It's something I crave when I'm feeling pain (fibro) and migraine.  Which is happening fairly regularly right now (making the aforementioned fit and fabulous tag difficult).

So in order to reach a middle ground (for now) I tend to switch the bread for wraps.

But that got me wondering, is there any difference?

How do wraps stack up against bread?

So I did some quick research

Note: I am not a dietitian nor nutritionist (not even a foodie). This is all just my own uneducated thoughts taken from my reading.

According to my research, two slices of wholemeal bread contain around 760 kj (which is about 180 calories) compared to a wholemeal tortilla style wrap which is around 380 kj (about 92 calories).

Two thin slices of white bread contain around 755kj (about 180 calories) and two thick slices contain about 840kj (about 200 calories). Compared to a white wrap which is 422kj (about 101 calories).

So there you have it.  That's the deal with bread versus wraps.  If you don't want to ditch the carbs completely, making the switch from a thick white bread sandwich to a wholemeal wrap could save you 460kj which is around 110 calories.

Which is fine by me because I LOVE wraps and more than anything I like toasted wraps.  I'm thinking I might even start a blog series on wrap recipes.

Does bread make you gain weight?

Any other wrap lovers our there?

What's your favourite wrap?

Information source:;

Apr 14, 2017

Day 2738 - How to save calories with your fish and chips

Are you having fish for your Good Friday?

For those Catholics out there, today's the day we ditch the red meat.  Given we're at the coast, it makes it easy for us to grab some fish n chips wrapped in paper to eat on the beach.

I'm very much looking forward to it, but what does that do for my overall weight loss goals?

Let's take a look shall we.

According to nutritionist Amanda Ursell (Woman's Day Magazine, April 3 2017), the chips alone can have an incredible 4000 kj per serving.  That's close to a thousand calories!

When it comes to the battered deep fried fish, she suggests that the batter alone has 1067 kj which equates to around 255 calories.

So with that in mind on this Good Friday, if you're keeping an eye on your figure and have the resources available to you, then it might be better to bake your own fish and chips.

Scrap the batter on the fish completely and cut up your own potatoes, spray with a little oil and bake them instead.  According to Amanda, oven chips come in at around 820 kj per 100grams (196 calories).


This does not help my vision of take away fish n chips on the beach.  But perhaps if I ditch the chips, grab a salad and remove the batter I'll be doing OK.

Let's not take bets on whether or not I'll actually stick to that.

Do you eat fish on Good Friday?

Are you a fan of fish n chips?

What's your best fish n chips tip? 

Note: I am not a nutritionist nor am I a foodie. Nor have I thoroughly researched this other than a quick read of a magazine and a wander around Google. Always do your own research when it comes to your health and fitness.   

Feb 24, 2017

Food and Agriculture: Looking to the Future

Food and Agriculture: Looking to the Future

As we all know our world population is growing and things are changing in agriculture and food production. The short video below from the FAO takes a look at trends in agriculture and food and challenges that are coming our way. I encourage you to watch the video and utilize the discussion points to start conversations with others. To catch all the trends and challenges you may want to pause the

Sep 29, 2016

Why the food waste?

Why the food waste?

There are many challenges facing us as we work to feed over 9 billion people by 2050. While we must increase production to meet this demand in the future, many will note, that currently we are producing enough food to feed our population as is. There are several factors that are keeping us from feeding our current population including costs, infrastructure. and much more. One of the challenges we