Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2017

Day 2791 - the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Shot of ACV anyone?

They say an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It seems that drinking Apple Cider Vinegar will keep the naturopath, beautician and Jenny Craig away too. 

A bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar magically appeared in my food cupboard recently (no idea how it got there) and in my usual "must know everything" style I googled what I could use it for.

I not only discovered that it's the latest greatest buzz in all things health, but that it's now known as ACV because who has time to call anything by its real name anymore?

I learned that anyone worth their considerably lighter weight in ACV is taking a shot of the stuff at breakfast each day to improve everything from digestion to blood pressure to stamina (and everything in between).

So I grabbed my shot glass and took a swig.  

Not the nicest shot I've ever had but it's marginally better than that iron smoked apple wood whiskey I had once.

It turns out my "latest greatest" tag may have been premature because further investigation suggests ACV has been used throughout history to treat a long list of health problems.

Anyway, because I like to chat about ageing positively and all the super foods that help with that, I'm going to tell you what I found out about ACV.

9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Improved Digestion: Have a tablespoon 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better break down of food.
  2. Reduce Heartburn: By correcting low stomach acid conditions it can prevent heartburn.
  3. Constipation:  If your bowel movements are a bit irregular ACV can act as a mild laxative
  4. Intestinal Bacteria:  Apparently ACV is "full of beneficial acids which are believed to help improve the make up of your intestinal flora".  ( 
  5. High Blood Pressure:  Some studies show that daily does of ACV can have a general benefit on the cardiovascular system which (in time) results in lowering of high blood pressure
  6. Immune System:  Because of the positive impact on intestinal flora, the malic acid making it a strong antiviral and benefits to the lymphatic system, ACV is said to strengthen the immune system. 
  7. Weight Loss:  I read that studies have shown the acetic acid in ACV helps suppress the accumulation of body fat and liver lipids.  Plus due to pectin content it can slightly reduce the body's ability to absorb fat.  Plus having a swig before a meal not only helps digestion but can also reduce hunger levels. 
  8. Detoxification:  drinking diluted raw and unfiltered ACV is believed to help detoxify and cleanse the liver
  9. Skin benefits:  Drinking ACV can help with pH levels in the skin and can help with acne when applied topically.  

Not enough to convince you?  

Then wait, there's more ...

My reading also suggests it helps with stamina and energy; leg cramps and restless leg syndrome; bad breath; regulating blood sugar and aiding in diabetes; soothing sunburned skin; whitening teeth; wart removal; marinating steaks; detangling hair; and (wait for it) removing the smell of cat urine.

Did you know about Apple Cider Vinegar?

Have you got this magic potion in your kitchen cupboard?

Are you and ACV on an acronym basis? 

PS  I have an inner Naughty by Nature rap wanting desperately to emerge: "You down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), you down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), who's down with ACV? (every last homie!) ....

Note: I am not a nutritionist, dietitian, naturopath ... not even a foodie.  The information above is simply information found through my reading.

Information sources:;;;; 

May 31, 2017

Day 2785 - Wellness Wednesday - Why I love my FitBit

It's official - I'm a Fitbit convert.

Usually when there's a craze that everyone is doing I avoid it.  Just because I hate getting on the band wagon.

I refuse to have an iPhone because apparently you've got to have an iPhone.  I have never read the Harry Potter series because apparently you've got to read the Harry Potter series.  I don't watch Game of Thrones because apparently you've got to watch Game of Thrones.  So even though I'd bought both my parents and the two kids FitBits, I refused to get one myself because apparently you've got to get a FitBit.

Then as I sat at my desk day in and day out lacking the motivation to exercise I decided that perhaps I should consider getting myself a "coach".  Someone or something to kick me in the butt wrist and push me out the front door.

As you know I got my FitBit for Mothers Day.  I sat staring at it for a week or so and then finally worked up the courage to form a relationship with it.

We've been together ever since.

My FitBit travels with me, works with me, walks with me, eats with me and even sleeps with me. Sometimes it needs to spend time alone to recharge and on those days I feel lost without it.

I'm devastated when I forget to put it on after a shower and then go shopping without it.  The FitBit loves to shop! So much incidental exercise as I walk up and down the supermarket aisles.

Recently I worked up over 8000 steps just sorting uniforms for the local soccer club.  Walking from the socks box to the shorts box to the jersey box and back again really adds a few K's to your day.

A few weeks ago instead of dropping the model daughter at Carriageworks for Fashion Week I suggested we park at Broadway and walk there instead as I needed the K's.

Last Tuesday as I sat on a couch at Carla Zampatti waiting for my girl to finish her work day the FitBit told me I still had 2000 steps to go until I reached my goal. So I walked to Pitt Street Mall and back choosing the long route and rejoiced as my FitBit congratulated me via a buzzing little arm party.

On Sunday the FitBit gently hinted that I'd been immobile for too long (lying on the couch will do that) so I put on my sneakers and went for a quick wander with the dogs.

Yesterday while in Sydney filling in time, I set up my mobile office in the food court at Broadway.  About 90 minutes into my work day my FitBit gave me a kick in the wrist and said "go, go, go!"  So I did.  I packed up my laptop, put it in the car then proceeded to walk around Sydney University for the next 45 minutes.

When I checked into my hotel yesterday afternoon the FitBit said I needed to do 120 in ten minutes. I had no idea what that meant but proceeded to jog up and down on the spot until my wrist started to buzz and another arm party began.

Right now as I type the FitBit is asking me if I'd like to go for a stroll.  After spending 3 hours in the car driving home from Sydney and now sitting in front of a screen, perhaps a stroll is a mighty fine idea.

The bottom line is the FitBit gets me moving.  It encourages me to make better choices and choose more active options.

The FitBit holds me accountable.  By setting up my health and fitness goals it does what all good coaches should do and asks me how I'm going, gently shoves me when I'm immobile and cheers me on when I reach my milestones.

The FitBit also has a support system.  You can set up groups with friends who are at similar fitness levels as yourself so that you're part of a health and wellness group even if you don't see each other face-to-face.

Apparently the FitBit also does clever things like encourages better food choices and helps you track your water consumption for good hydration.  I haven't looked into that side of things yet, but rest assured I will.

Best of all the FitBit isn't hard to use.  It's any easy to manage system and you can adjust your goals in line with where you're currently at it life.  It doesn't judge you or scream at you when you have a dodgy day.  It simply encourages you to think about your choices.

And that's why I love my FitBit! 

Because when it comes to health and fitness, we could all use a good kick in the butt wrist.  

May 24, 2017

Day 2778 - Wellness Wednesday - the foods to avoid before working out

There are too many lollies in our house! 

I have managed to bring up my kids without having lollies in my house.

Sure we have lollies at parties and special events, but we've never been one of those families to have lollies in the house just for the sake of having lollies in the house.

(How many times can one person use the world "lolly" in a single blog post?  I may be going for the record.)

Anywho, it seems that when my husband turned 50 his inner child decided to leap out and he's now got cravings for sweets.

As a result he makes weekly visits to the grocery store to buy bags of lollies which he then empties into a big Tupperware tub stored high in the food cupboard.

As a family of tall people that doesn't actually put it out of reach of anyone, so the lollies have gone beyond his cravings and have quickly morphed into a family affair.

Which is annoying because (a) I have managed to keep lollies out of our lives for this long and (b) now that they're here I'm one of the ones diving into the container on a daily basis.  This is not good for my Fit and Fabulous endeavors nor is it good for my bra size.

Sooooo ....

That got me to thinking about food and working out and all things wellness and I discovered a post in Men's Fitness about the Five Foods You Should Never Eat Before a Workout. (Lollies being one of them.)

5 Foods You Should Never Eat Before a Workout

1.  Legumes - the high fibre content can cause bloating and indigestion issues before a workout
2.  Protein Bars - protein is a slower burning source than carbs so it may not give you the kick start you need for a good workout session.
3.  Carbonated drinks - the high sugar can cause bloating and diarrhea when in workout mode
4.  Simple sugars - lollies can have a negative effect by causing the blood pressure to drop
5.  Cheese - fats are slow burning so can effect the absorption of nutrients to muscles when working out.

What should you eat before a workout?  

Well, they say carbs are essential for athletic performance and according to Berkeley Wellness (University of California) we should eat a low-fat, high-carb meal or snack at least an hour before we hit the gym.

All of it of course depends on the type, length and intensity of our intended workout plus what we've eaten the day before, our metabolic rate and our own personal preferences.  A brisk walk or cycle for half an hour (for example) isn't impacted greatly by the fuel we give our body.

So there you have it.  That's the post about lollies and the 5 foods we shouldn't eat before a workout.

It's all a bit slap dash, but that's about where I'm at on this Wellness Wednesday!

Any other lollie gobblers out there?

What's your bad food craving right now?

Another other foods we should add to the "never eat before a workout" list? 

May 17, 2017

Day 2771 - Wellness Wednesday - The Fit Bit edition

I caved! 

I caved to peer group pressure and requested a Fitbit for Mothers Day.  Actually, it wasn't peer group pressure at all. It was more that I wanted to pressure myself to do my exercise by getting competitive with the people around me.  There is nothing that motivates me more than wanting to smash a few measurable goals and perhaps beat the person next to me in the process.

Anyway, I got a Fitbit and it's still sitting in the box staring at me.  I haven't even tried it on let alone worked out how to use the bloody thing. But I will and then I'll be bragging constantly about how many steps I've been doing.  Because it will magically make we want to exercise and I'll be burning so many calories I'll become a stick figure and you won't be able to see me.

If there's silence then you'll know there's probably nothing to brag about.

Watch this space.

Do you have a Fitbit?

Does counting steps motivate you to exercise?

Do you have a gadget that's still sitting in a box unopened? 

May 12, 2017

Day 2766 - 3 tips on how to ease anxiety levels

Feeling a bit anxious?

I've noticed that I've been suffering a bit of anxiety recently.  Nothing major, I just seem to get jumpy occasionally and my face tends to go red from nerves at the most unexpected times.

There are a few things I've read that may actually assist with reducing anxiety levels.

1.  YOGA

The first one is yoga.

A groundbreaking study at Flinders University in Adelaide has found that yoga can actually alter the function of DNA.

According to the study found that "chronically stressed women who practised yoga once a week for eight weeks experienced biological changes as well as positive psychological benefits".

Specifically the study looked at the gene associated with inflammation and immune response because chronic stress has been associated with elevated inflammation.

Participants found that after just one session of yoga their anxiety levels had dropped dramatically.  After 8 weeks they were feeling completely stress free.


According to, a diet low in potassium can cause anxieties to emerge. Potassium deficiency can also cause irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, Restless Leg Syndrome and chronic pain.

Livestrong suggests that foods high in potassium include beans, dark leafy greens, potatoes, squash, yoghurt, fish, avocados, bananas and mushrooms. They also say that the problem with potassium is getting the balance right as too much potassium can cause serious heart, nerve and muscle problems.

So if you want to stick to the more medium/low potassium foods to get your potassium levels up gently then lemons are a good middle ground.

Perhaps instead of a cup of tea in the morning a nice fresh glass of lemon water each day might do the trick.  The bonus is that lemons also support the immune system, aid digestion, repairs the skin, balances pH levels, cleanses the urinary tract, freshens the breath and reduces the appetite.  (


Apparently being around your best friend can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  If your best friend just happens to be funny, then that's a bonus!

The Woman's Day recently suggested that you can cut your stress levels by 39% simply by hanging out with your funniest friend.

According to laughing relieves anxiety because it brings more oxygen into the body and organs; stimulates and relieves the stress response; and relieves tension by relaxing the muscles.  In the long term laughter can also improve the immune system and our overall natural mood.

If your bestie isn't readily available, or they aren't particularly funny, perhaps a daily dose of a slap-stick TV show will help.

How are you anxiety levels?

Could you use some yoga, lemons and laughter in your life?

Note: I am not a psychologist nor nutritionist.  The above information is brought to you via my online reading.  

May 10, 2017

Day 2764 - Wellness Wednesday - Get dressed to be fabulous

Are you feeling fit and fabulous today?

I've noticed lately that I haven't been taking a lot of care about my appearance.

The fact that I've been extremely busy, overwhelmed, unwell and a little bit blue  has all added to a "care factor zero" kind of mentality.

Which doesn't bode well for someone striving to get back to her Fit and Fabulous tagline, does it?

I hadn't had a nail appointment in five weeks which meant my nails were all chipped and broken looking very much like I'd been in some sort of scrag fight.

The grey hairs glaring from my part line looked like I was wearing a skunk for a hat.

The chin hairs were so long and lush that I could have raised quite a bit of money for Movember.

And we won't even talk about the welcome mats under my arms nor the mohair pantyhose I've been wearing.

Embracing what nature gave us is OK for some, but going au naturale hasn't exactly helped me feel fabulous.   So on this Wellness Wednesday I want to chat about "keeping up appearances".

To really feel fit and fabulous it's important to look after ourselves.  To take care of our exercise, to ensure we eat healthily, to work on our mindset and to make an effort with our appearance.

I'm not saying we need to go out and buy a new wardrobe, nor turn to botox or plastic surgery, but some general upkeep can go a long way to helping us to feel as though we're being the best that we can be.

So this week I have gone back to basics and tried to tidy up the exterior just a tad to ensure my interior is getting a good chance at feeling like home again.  It's hard to keep a good house when the yard is overrun with weeds and the paint is peeling.  So I went and had my nails done, threw some polish on my toes, died my roots, had a bit of a shave and even got the Nair onto my lions mane.

Wellness isn't just about addressing what's going on within.  Sometimes we've got to give the outside a bit of energy as well.

How has your week been?

Have you been looking after yourself?

What do you do to keep yourself looking and feeling fabulous? 

May 3, 2017

Day 2757 - Wellness Wednesday - Let's talk about mental health

Sometimes we need a mental breakdown to wake up.

Today I am not going to chat about exercise nor food nor the evils of bread.  Today I'm going to talk about mental health. Specifically my mental health.

As you know I take on a lot.  It's just part of who I am. I like to be busy.

Sometimes I don't actually realise how much I've taken on until all my projects are playing push-me-pull-me at the same time.

As I sit here and ponder my naval, I realise that investing in projects is a bit like investing in property.

It's all good when your investment houses are fully tenanted and the properties are paying for themselves without draining your resources. It's all good when the residents are behaving themselves and the world is sunshine and roses. It's not so good when the houses need maintenance, or they are all empty and your bank account is being depleted. It can lead to dire times.

It's the same with energy and mind matters.  It's all fun to take on new projects when they're running at different times and behaving themselves.  But when your energy is being consumed with all of them at once and your mind bank is being depleted through lack of resources, lack of time and additional personal challenges, it's draining on the mind, body and soul.  It too can lead to dire times.

I am writing this because I have over-invested my time.

I am writing this because my energy and mind bank is running dry.

I am also writing this because we've had a few extra challenges this year that weigh heavily on our shoulders causing structural damage.

I am tired and lacking resilience and it's all led to an iddy biddy breakdown.

So, here I am saying that when we invest our time, we should probably do it in the same way we invest in properties.  Only invest in them if we can sustain them even when there is no rental income or when there is maintenance or property damage to see to.

I am learning that I should only invest in projects if I can sustain them when they all suddenly peak at once and if I get hammered with challenges coming in from the outside.

Seems pretty straight forward doesn't it?

But you know all of this already.  It's me that is the queen of over commitment.  I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

This Wellness Wednesday I have taken a step back, I've dropped a couple of commitments and I'm taking some time to breathe.

Otherwise I may just end up bankrupt.

How's your health and wellness this week?

Are you feeling fit and fabulous?

How wisely are you investing your energy?