Sep 5, 2016

Brief Guide rice cultivation system and method SRI

Brief Guide rice cultivation system and method SRI -

How rice ISR Systems - SRI was developed in Madagascar by a Jesuit priest who is came from France, Father Henri de LaulaniƩ, SJ. He has published a method results in 1983.

is the discovery method is then called Ie rice intensification system (French), which in English is most popular being the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). So how rice cultivation SRI system


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rice cultivation to SRI step uses organic methods

rice was divided into two types: upland rice and paddy rice. The difference between the two lies in the presence or absence of water supply. For today's discussion focused on SRI methods have been applied to the cultivation of rice.

rice with this type grows at an altitude of 0-1500 meters above sea level. The required temperature range of 27 degrees Celsius and should always get full sun without shade.

Wind influence on fertilization and pollination. The paddy rice must be on the muddy fertile soil thickness of 18-22 cm with a soil pH of 4 to 7.

The seeding process

the first step that must be done in the organic rice cultivation is to sow the seeds. Please you make the selection of seeds for the seed is really good. For rice seed that you use in the measurement field of 200 square meters approximately ½ kg.

seed analysis system that can also be included in the water you use to determine its quality. float hollow rice is synonymous with quality and seed should not select. Usually the seeds that float, it increased or hollow (empty).

The seeds that have been through the testing process, and then soaked in water for 24 hours, drained and ripened 2 to 3 days in moist until the candidate gushes. Semai these seeds in the media of the soil and provide compost around 10 kg.

After the age of 7 to 12 days of sowing rice seeds are ready for your immediate planting to land that is already in place. It is important to remember that the seeds were planted not to exceed 12 days, as it will be difficult to adapt.

land treatment system

Land management in the implementation of the path of the culture of SRI rice system is done by hoe or plow. Usually it will be done at least 2 times hoeing or plowing the coarse and fine piracy followed by hoeing.

Thus, the total land treatment for 2 to 3 days. Then aliri and soak paddy plantation area with water for 1 day. Make sure that the next morning all the seeds you ready for planting plants that have reached the age of 7 to 12 days.

The planting process

Before planting should be done pencaplakan or manufacturing plant spacing. A good distance from the rice plant of SRI system is about 25 x 25 cm or they may be 30 x 30 cm. Therefore, planting should be provided with spacing a distance not too tight or too loose.

Treatment Plant

The most important thing in the treatment of growing organic rice the SRI system is maintaining the water flow so that the fields drainage are not continuous but rather stagnant water.

Therefore, farmers are generally control, then closing and opening the door to the flow of water regularly. While the flowing water wetland rice is used as the culture medium becomes more controlled.

For fertilization is usually performed 20 days after sowing. The fertilizer used is compost at a dosage of about 175 to 200 kg. When fertilization should wetlands drained door closed water.

After 27 days of storage, aliri process of rotation between the wet and dry rice fields. While the pests that attack often paddy or rice crops are stinky stinky, birds, leafhoppers and Ganjuran diseases (The yellow leaves).

pest control method is usually done manually, a scarecrow in the middle of rice fields will help repel the birds began to spray biological pesticides such as kipait, pineapple and garlic until 'withdrawal to simultaneously burn plants that are attacked by leaf yellowing disease.

prevention is supposed to do is plant simultaneously. This is done so that diseases and parasites do not come. The researcher also establishing better water, use of healthy plants to undertake farming systems healthy plants with vitamins and nutrients that the superior immune plant.

like other pests that need to be careful if you used a culture system SRI rice this is thrips, white pest smelly stink, leafhoppers, beetles green, mouse, rice and drillers also birds.

Meanwhile, for a disease that is very vulnerable to attack is a leaf spot disease is the brown midrib rotten leaves, the disease explosion disease, cracked known as mildew and disease tungro and fusarium

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Brief Guide rice cultivation system and method SRI
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