Aug 12, 2016

Free and how Lettuce Farming For Beginners

Free and how Lettuce Farming For Beginners -

How Raising lettuce - There are two cultural groups lettuce that was in Indonesia, the first is the lettuce leaves that have a body shape is rounded leaves have more expands to form. In addition to body shape, some form of oval or round body, which is much more solid.

The types that are mostly lettuce leaves, leaf shape is more rough and wrinkled. It was very popular as leaf lettuce. Lettuce is often planted in areas with tropical or warm.


Lettuce Plant Image

For types of leaf lettuce, it can develop in the urban heat as Jakarta. wonder how the culture of lettuce

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seed selection

When the seed selection, you must first determine what the lettuce you want to plant. Here are some types of lettuce that you can plant, among others:

  • Lettuce bowl. Lettuce is generally used for sandwiches and burgers. It can also be used to make salad is fresh, crisp and fresh,
  • lettuce
  • boston. For lettuce this, the leaves are so tender and has a green color, and highly nutritious,
  • looseleaf lettuce. The color is light green and is resistant to much higher temperatures compared to other types of lettuce.

Lettuce multiply this by using seeds or plants. For the seeding media, you can choose, like banana leaves, tray, polybag, until the soil is printed on the beds. If you want to cultivate in soil beds, you must prepare the beds with a width of about 1 meter and a height of 15 cm, bed length can be adjusted as needed. The position of the beds to be in a place that is open.

After preparing the beds, you can mix the manure and the soil envelope using the same comparison. Manure you use must be fully cooked to prevent the growth of microorganisms which are not in need. The utility of this fertilizer to enrich nutrients. The degree of acidity to this culture is a pH of 5 to 6.8.

seeding Media Rinse with water to give the seed moisture later you water, try not common because it can addle lettuce. Scatter the seeds uniformly dense storage is 100 grams per 100 meters. At this stage, treatment is done is to water regularly.

weed and pest management should not be overlooked. lettuce plants can move after the leaves have 4-5 rooms or have aged 3 to 4 weeks.

Land Management and planting seedlings

Image Processing Results land

To enrich the humus in the soil, you can mix the use of manure, to the amount of manure itself is 20 tonnes used for one hectare, if you use the compost, the recommended amount is 2 kg per meter, this organic fertilizer has a goal inflating land and increased activities of microorganisms in the soil. After mixed fertilizer, let stand for about 2 days, and puree with penyangkulan.

When the land you are ready, immediately remove the seed sowing. In moving the factory, it would be better to raise the ground that hold the roots. Great, and in the hole that you can customize, spacing 10 x 15 cm.


Somehow the culture of lettuce that you should consider is maintenance. The treatments that you can do such as watering, fertilizing and weeding. For watering is better suited to the current weather, when it is not raining, you can 2x watering morning and afternoon. Watering fact can also be done during the day, but with a little intensity to avoid wilted plants.

Although the harvest cycle belonging to the lettuce is relatively fast, but weeding must be done, because lettuce has shallow roots so the competitiveness is much lower when compared to the attacker. Regular weeding is done by removing plants that trouble in the culture of the lettuce in need 1x weed control during cultivation.

pests and diseases

In culture, if you use the technique organic control, are not allowed to spray the pests and diseases using pesticides containing synthetic. Pest and disease control is done by looking at the model of cleanliness of the garden, fertilizing, plant perotasian. Regular watering and fertilization was effective right to fight against parasites.

However, the control of pests that are so effective is to make the culture of healthy and regulate for example in terms of environmental hygiene maintaining irrigation to stay safe plants and the adequacy of nutrients required by plants, it would be helpful for the immune system of the plant. In the element potassium can get by adding ingredients when the bamboo leaves to make compost.

harvest period of cultivated lettuce

The cultivation of lettuce is harvested 20 to 30 days after the seeds you plant. So if calculated from sowing to harvest, it takes about 40 to 60 days. For a single productivity, it can reach 15 to 20 tons per hectare.

Image Process harvest lettuce

harvest can pull the plant to the roots after harvesting is completed, a part of the roots of the lettuce in the wash, and leaves damaged in the exhaust. Lettuce grouped by size, post-harvest processing should be done very quickly and rapidly, so that the lettuce plants remain in good condition. How, is not difficult, not practice how the culture of lettuce? Good luck

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