Aug 11, 2016

Complete Guide How Farming Longan Sweet As Business Opportunity

Complete Guide How Farming Longan Sweet As Business Opportunity -

Whether you are a fan of fresh fruit that tastes very sweet and fresh longan known as?

plant this fruit has always been a lot to develop the business as the object of the activity of SMEs and is usually done by means of the mass in the growing of fruit -. favorite fruit

fresh longan fruit is the fruit of the most admired and once a type of fruit that is not Jula too expensive and not too cheap for much driven by the public, especially women -. household


Although fresh longan plant has been cultivated by farmers from beginner to professional, but business opportunities growing fresh longan is still wide open to be occupied by anyone interested.

Well, below we provide 6 comprehensive guide to the requirements of growing fresh longan plants you should consider for crops seeds with sweet longan success as business opportunities small scale commercial:

1). fresh longan requires loose soil conditions, the soil layer is thick and capable of binding and water.

2). The type of soil is good for use and suitable for growing sweet lychee trees between other types of andosol, Vertisol, latosol, or laterite soil.

3). plants need lychee pH of about 5.5 to 6.5 in the soil.

4). Rainfall desired range of 2500 -. 3000 mm per year, with the spread evenly throughout the year

5). In addition, sweet longan plants require full sun.

6). The optimum temperature for fresh longan growth ranged between 20 -. 33oC with high relative humidity around 65-90%

Know Varieties Klengkeng Manis

In some highlands, many have found sweet litchi varieties commercially developed as one of the objects of culture fruit producers whose average - average still works great harvest each year are: fresh longan Kopyor and fresh longan Stone, while in many developed plant longan sweet guy Pingpong, Diamond River lowland. and Itoh

the benefits of each - each variety is highly adaptable and have a lifespan that is early maturing, graft or transplant could bear fruit at the age of 8-12 month, while the seed can bear fruit when the tree longan sweet enter aged 2-3 years.

planting technique Klengkeng Manis

planting. sweet longan planting done before the rains. planting hole is required with the size 60x60x60 cm or 100x100x60 cm, depending on the size of your seed will be planted. Leave a gap of at least 6 x 6 m.

The fertilization. great reward artificial fertilizer is as much as l00 - 300 g of urea, TSP 300-800 g (400-1000 kg SP - 36), and l00 - 300 g KCl for each -. Each plant

fertilizer was given three times in the middle three months. After harvesting the fruits arrived, fertilizers done only once to 300 g of urea, TSP 800 g, 300 g KCl per tree.

In addition, you can add POC NASA HORMONIK, SUPERNASA and POWER NUTRITION. Combine first POC NASA HORMONIK and SUPERNASA in a container / heavy buckets of 15-20 liters of clean water, then take a liquid fertilizer bottle cap and fertilizer mix in it.

To POWER NUTRITION used when plants are started fruiting / flowering for the first time.

watering. When the new seeds are planted, the plant fresh longan require regular watering is as much as twice a day.

In addition, watering you can do with the state of the installation and culture environment.

Pruning The lining of the implementation begins when the young plant longan sweet and staple new stem not reaching a height of 160-225 cm.

The size is on the main stem reaches a height of 150-175 cm from the floor and do it early. the rainy season

at the beginning of the next rainy season, before the branches elected to cut, cut again until the remaining 30-40 cm, about - about 2/3 the length of the main branch. The implementation of the pruning is done three times.

When the size of the third, leaving the two main branches remain intact to grow.

Generally known two types of size is pruning maintenance and rejuvenation pruning.

crop maintenance pruning is fresh longan yet to bear fruit and is usually done at the beginning of the rainy season.

Two weeks before pruning, fertilizing usually farmers so that the growth of healthy plants.

Section clipped a branch -. the branch of the wild water that grows, broken or sick, grow cross with other branches, grow inward turning, and pushes down

rejuvenation pruning culture is performed on older plants in what branch or barren branches, not fresh, and production declined.

rejuvenation pruning usually done early in the rainy season and the previous two weeks remain fertilizer.

the size of this type carried out until the end of secondary branches. Pruning is done once because if more than a bad influence on the design that the results are falling.


The lychee harvest is usually done in January-February with production. 300-600 kg per tree

Longan including sweet fruit - fruit non - climacteric and must be harvested ripe on the tree because the fruit type can not be cured

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harvesting is done using a cutting tool such as scissors or a knife rod. Sign - a sign of ripe fruit is the color of the fruit skin becomes dark brown, smooth, smooth and secrete a sweet aroma

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