Jul 22, 2016

How Culture Daun Dewa

How Culture Daun Dewa -

How To Plant Culture Daun Dewa - Plants god is a plant that is used by people as raw material for traditional medicine, so it is advantageous not when someone take advantage of these conditions to earn income through culture.

the choice of planting site

Plant leaves of the gods could grow better in all areas that have a damp or fertile soil.

daun dewa

this plant can grow well in the Lower Mainland and in the highlands of the order of 1200 m above the level of the sea.

Usually these plants can live in the region that has a temperate climate with a wet forecast rainfall of about 1500-3500 mm / year.

Land preparation

  • Clear the land of weeds and other weeds.
  • Create bendengan on earth with a length that is adjusted and a width of about 2 meters.
  • Make a hole measuring about 20 x 20 x 20 cm and is about 50 x 75 cm hole.


Seeding can be done in two ways, namely by stem cuttings and root cuttings buds.

  • stem cuttings
  • Set measuring rods 15-20 cm.
  • Cut the bottom of the stems be tilted at a place to grow roots becomes more widespread.
  • Create a planting medium that comes from the ground and the manure ratio of 70: 30 or with a ratio of 50: 50. ..
  • Plant stems to a third table in the soil
  • Siramlah daily
  • general nursery occurred during the 3 months.
  • root cuttings

how penyetekannya can do like how the cuttings.


using cuttings planting seedlings of continuous life itself comes from rooted cuttings. Here's how:

  • Bulbs planted directly into the hole, until finally the emergence of new shoots or puppies
  • When puppies has a height of about 15- 20 cm, can be directly separated from his mother. or tubers to crash.
  • If the plants are old and already appears again and height puppies had reached about 15 cm, can be directly cut and planted before.

Fertilizing plants

preferably fertilizers used to grow the god of the sheet is an organic fertilizer in the form of manure or compost.

Each plant can fertilize 5 grams are given 3-7 days before planting by mixing with the soil in the planting hole.


watering should be done regularly every day, because this process is an important process in the formation of the leaves of the gods.


Cleaning the weed or weeds more should be done regularly, because fear will disrupt the process of plant growth gods for nutrients.

pests and diseases

Penanggulan Often these plants are attacked by caterpillars and beetles cover. To overcome this problem by cutting off the affected leaves and leaves - .. leaves off the ground

If the pest occurs while using insecticides to treat, and the attacks of the disease, use a fungicide if necessary


When the sheet of water plant 4 months, may be taken into harvest, how Memeti or cut sheets up to 4-5 leaves upward, and the shank (former extract) will bring new growth to be harvested in the next period

Read also :.

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