Mar 5, 2016

Arecanut ( Betel Nut ) high yielding varieties and its features ( Areca eatechu )

Arecanut (Betel nut) is an extensively cultivated tropical palm.  It belongs to the family Palmae and originated in India and South Eastern Countries. It is a tall stemmed erect palm reaching a height of 30 m and grows in laterite, red, loam and alluvial soils.

The indigenous areca nut cultivars are known by the place where they are grown. Among several species the genus Areca, Areca catechu is the most commonly cultivated species.

Arecanut contains water 30%, protein 5%, fat 3%, carbohydrates 47%, total alkaloids (arecoline) 0.2-0.7 per cent.

S. No
South Kanaka
Mostly  grown in South Kanara district of Karnataka and Kassaragod district of Kerala. It is characterized by large nuts and uniform bearing. The average yield is 1,5 chali/palm/year (7 kg. ripe nuts).                
Grown extensively in Maland area of Karnataka. It is preferred for tender nut processing and not as dry nut.
Sree Varjdhan or Rotha
It is predominantly grow in coastal Maharashtra. The nuts are oval, in shape and the yield is 1.5 kg chali (7kg ripe nuts) per palm per year. The kernal colour when cut is marble white. Its endosperm is tastier than other varieties. It starts bearing after 6-7 years of planting
It is grown widely in Mettupalayam area of Tamil Nadu, the nut size is very small.
This is grown in North East India.
This is grown in the Northern part of West Bengal. The nut is very big and uniform and much similar to Kahikuchi. It yields better than other selections. At Kidu farm in Karnataka it yielded 3.7 kg. chali (19.5 Kg. ripe nuts) per palm per year.
High Yielding Varieties
Mangala (VTL - 3)
It is a selection, from China and released for cultivation by Arecamit Research Station, Vittal (Kerala). It is semi-tall type and bearing starts after 3-5 years of planting. It has a number of desirable characters such as early bearing, early stabilization, high fruit set and yield. Its mean yield is 2 kg. chali (10 Kg ripe nuts) per palm per year. The nut possesses good quality attributes.
Sumangala ( VTL-11)
Introduced from Indonesia.
Its mean yield is 33 Kg., Challi (17:5 Kg rupee nuts) /palm /year. This selection is also reported to be tolerant to burrowing nematode, Radopkolus similes.
SreeMangala (VTL - 17)
It is a selection from Singapore. Its annual mean yield is 3.1 Kg Chali (15.6 Kg raw nuts)/palm/year. It also tolerates Radopholns similes.

 See also :

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Arecanut ( Betel Nut ) high yielding varieties and its features ( Areca eatechu )
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