I'm here in the midst of the third and final day of the International Floriculture Expo - Miami edition. I have been preparing for this event for what feels like a very long time, and while I think i was well-prepared for the goings-on in our booth, I was in no way prepared for the floral extravaganza that is the IFE: the Disneyland for floral enthusiasts, the Mecca of all things new and remarkable in the floral industry, the land where working is downright fun.
Of course it was great for the reasons I had anticipated: yesterday’s ceremony in which Lane named a lily for Stan Pohmer; featuring our fantastic flowers using materials from the farm (auction cart shelves, conveyor belt floor, greenhouse pipe chandelier); formally introducing All-In-One Vases and Upscale Vase Arrangements, and raffling off the much-coveted iPad2’s.

First of all, our team reconnected with old industry friends, and I got to make a lot of new ones. Maybe there’s something to this whole “flowers make you happy” thing because people within the floral industry are genuinely friendly and pleasant to be around – easy to befriend.
Second, I get to spend time with our flowers from the time they are babies until they are ready to make their way into the world on a daily basis, but here I get to see them in the world! Buckets upon buckets fully loaded with flowers are simply a stunning sight. It’s hard to say whether the two cartloads of Telstar Iris, the rainbow of soil-grown tulips, or the whole corner devoted to Lilies of all varieties (Royals, Lilytopias, Rose Lilies, oh my!) were more magnificent to take in. “Power in numbers” hit home with this display.
One last-minute inspired idea came to Lane last night when we found ourselves with a few extra tulips at the end of the day. He and another team member ended up handing out several bunches of tulips to unsuspecting people strolling around South Beach. Aside from a few “what’s the catch?” looks from suspicious passers-by, a lot of people walked away with bonus flowers and bonus smiles.
This morning’s highlight was getting a sneak peak of Rene van Rems’ new book Rene’s Bouquets for Brides, which is filled with creative and captivating wedding bouquets – some classic, some contemporary, and all made from flowers grown within the U.S. The photography perfectly captures the wide range of bouquets and “brides,” which a) make me want to get married one day so I can carry one of those masterpieces down the isle, and b) remind me that floral design of the caliber is a scientific art that is better left to the experts! For more information on Rene and his book, please click here.
Finally, the icing on the IFE cake for me was the fact that our booth tied for Best Booth Design for the show. I think that the tulips-in-boots chandelier was a big hit, and the farm-like feel of the booth really resonated with people. The stunning flowers just might have had a little something to do with it as well. ;) (And yes, I wore my boots during the entire show along with my fellow team members!)
Lily's Boots: Flowers, boots and the Miami heat