Apr 19, 2011

Easter and Lily

Let me be frank, until recently, if I were asked to name the first non-religious figure or object that came to mind when I heard the word Easter, I would have responded in about 0.0001 seconds The Cadbury Bunny.

Thanks tvguide.com

Second response: An Easter Egg.

Thanks melon-wallpaper.blogspot.com
However, my experience here at Sun Valley has forever changed that innate reaction. Ask me what I associate with Easter now, and I will immediately tell you "Tulips, and lots of them!"

I am truly amazed at the careful planning and hard work that goes into getting our Tulips from the bulb into the Easter basket.

The planning actually starts a YEAR in advance, when we choose the right mix of bulbs to purchase and plant for the next season. (Incidentally, these bulbs hail from the Netherlands.) Once the bulbs arrive at the flower farm, they are planted in soil crates and held in high-humidity rooting coolers, where they form small sprouts and root systems. Next, they are whisked away to very cold wintery coolers, where they patiently await spring.

When we're finally at the brink of Easter, the Tulip bulbs are moved into the Greenhouse somewhere around two weeks before they are ready to be harvested. Here they receive a heavy dose of TLC and the right mixture of temperature, moisture and sunlight so they can blossom into the beautiful Tulips Sun Valley is known for.

The Tulips are then harvested and sent on their way to the Bunching Room. Experienced team members carefully grade, bunch and package the Tulips with amazing speed and accuracy as they travel down the bunching lines. Then, from the Bunching Room to the Packing and Shipping Warehouse the Tulips go!

Did I mention amazing speed and accuracy? Well, the Warehouse team members work diligently to pack the Tulips into upright Tulip hampers (boxes) and load them onto pallets bound for refrigerated trucks, which are ultimately bound for our customers.

All of this takes place around the clock. It all happens within cold-chain managed environments. And it all means that people can enjoy those lovely Easter egg-like Tulip blooms for the holiday.

So, what's the first object that comes to your mind when I say Easter?


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Easter and Lily
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