Showing posts with label scenic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scenic. Show all posts

Jun 1, 2015

May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

This weekend we pause to consider the soldiers who fought and died for our country.  The veterans memorial in Hillsboro will be the site of a ceremony tomorrow, weather permitting.  General Logan first directed the decoration of graves in 1868.  The agriculture connection?  Many who fought and died for our country were farmers or farm boys who went off to war and then came home to grow our food.  Think of these guys as you enjoy your beer and BBQ.

Hillsboro, Illinois Veterans Memorial

May 23, 2015

Farmersville to Wagonner Green Diamond Trail

Farmersville to Wagonner Green Diamond Trail

By Angela Karban:

On Sunday, May 17, Don and I scouted our first trail of the 2015 Trailblazers Challenge.  We rode our bikes on the tree-lined asphalt path from Farmersville to Waggoner, the Green Diamond Trail.  We saw and listened to the melodic songs of many birds, including cardinals, robins, wrens, blackbirds, Baltimore orioles, and the beautiful indigo bunting. There was an abundance of milkweed plants along the edges which will feed the Monarch butterflies later in the summer.  And the sweet smell of the honeysuckle flowers was still in the air.  It was a delightful ride on a windy Sunday.
Come join us for the group walk at 9:00 a.m. on May 30th to start the season.  A light breakfast of orange juice and granola bars will be served  at the Farmersville entrance.  Bring your binoculars to view the birds more closely.

Apr 13, 2015

Passing of the Seasons

Route 66 Weigh Station Prairie is starting to turn a bit green.  IDOT did some drainage work through the winter and messed it up a bit.  There is not much action in the field in our area.

Mar 30, 2015

Eagle Cliff

On Saturday as I was coming home Miles Cemetery caught my eye more than usual because someone had burned the small hill prairie in front of the mausoleum. The burning helps maintain the grassland in an area that would likely revert to trees if not burned.  The evergreens are cedars.  If you click and enlarge, you will see two people standing in front of the mausoleum. Click the Link for Miles Cemetery Facebook page. This area was called Eagle Cliff by the early settlers because of the eagles nesting there. It happened that I was able to photograph an Eagle on her nest less than a quarter mile from the cliff. The nest has been there for several years.  It is less than a hundred yards from a very busy road.
Miles Cemetery

Eagle Cliff Eagle

Mar 14, 2015

Metamora Courthouse

I made a special effort on Wednesday to photograph the Metamora Courthouse.  It is now a museum.  The Metamora Courthouse is one of the few remaining where Abraham Lincoln Practiced law.

Mar 9, 2015


We took a weekend getaway to Lake of the Ozarks. On the way home we saw 5 herds of deer grazing.  The top photo is south of Timber Lake Golf course near Staunton.  The bottom on is near Hillsboro.