Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Dec 6, 2015

Holiday Bulbs Giveaway

Holiday Bulbs Giveaway

Amaryllis - picture courtesy of Longfield Gardens
If you are the type of person who heads right to the buffet table as soon as you arrive at a party, here’s what’s on the table.

The good folks at Longfield Gardens set up a nice buffet, I mean giveaway, of a Winter Gift Kit, featuring amaryllis or paperwhite bulbs, plus a rare bulb called Scilla madeirensis.

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Nov 25, 2015

An Updated Gardener's Guide to Thanksgiving Day Conversation

An Updated Gardener's Guide to Thanksgiving Day Conversation

Yes,  I am taking time from my busy schedule and long to do list, which includes "mow the lawn one last time" to pause and provide advice for gardeners who are wondering what they will talk about during their Thanksgiving Day dinner.

In past years, I suggested topics such as composting, including worm composting, the difference between sweet potatoes and potatoes, and fall bulb bragging. I

Dec 31, 2014

Happy New Year, Fifteen

Happy New Year, Fifteen

Time flies

The ol' rabbit Fourteen's bags were packed and he was checking his watch as he peered through the open garden gate looking for signs of Fifteen.

As he waited, he looked back over the garden and reflected on his year.  He was not particularly proud of the winter he had brought with him. It was surely one for the record books that wouldn't be forgotten for quite some time.  Cold,

Dec 2, 2014

When a gardener collects vintage Christmas postcards

When a gardener collects vintage Christmas postcards

When a gardener decides to collect a few vintage Christmas postcards...

She soon realizes she had better come up with some criteria for which postcards to collect before she has hundreds of postcards.

She decides she will collect those with unusual Christmas flowers, like this one with Lily of the Valley flowers.

Some of the cards have been sent and she likes to read what the senders wrote

Oct 31, 2014

The Halloween Hare: Do you believe?

The Halloween Hare: Do you believe?

This year I feel certain the Halloween Hare is going to visit my garden and create havoc if I don't take preventative measures.

What? You don't know about the Halloween Hare? You must be new here.  Put down your leaf rake, pull up a chair and I'll tell you all about him.

According to ancient gardening legend, the Halloween Hare hops from garden to garden on Halloween night looking for Easter

Jan 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Fourteen

Happy New Year, Fourteen

The ol' rabbit, Thirteen, gazed cross the garden, taking one last look before his time was over.

"I sure am leaving the garden quite green", he said out loud, in case there was any one there who could hear him. 

"I remember when I arrived and took over for Twelve, this place was snow covered from a blizzard that ol' Twelve threw down before he left for good.

"I kind of like this green,

Dec 27, 2013

Blooms for the Twelves Days of Christmas

Blooms for the Twelves Days of Christmas

I suppose it really does work out better if the blooms of the Christmas season reach their peak after the 25th of December.  

I will have more time to enjoy them while I relax after the hustle and bustle of pre-Christmas preparations. 

Imagine me sitting in an easy chair by the window so I have view out into the garden where I can see the birds flitting around the feeders I set out and filled