Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Apr 13, 2017

Day 2737 - The Lovin Life Linky - Beach Vibes Edition

Today's post is brought to you from the NSW South Coast

Tomakin Beach at low tide - south end
We are lucky enough to have a little beach house at Surf Beach which is in the Bateman's Bay region of NSW.

First we had it rented out full time to a lovely family who lived in it for about 6 years or so.   Then we decided to try just listing it as holiday rental so that we could use it ourselves from time to time.

As a result we now have a coastal getaway which is available to us whenever it's not  being rented out to someone else.

What I love about our little getaway is that it's positioned so that we can either walk to our local beach or choose to drive to any of the many beaches dotted along the coast.

Which is why I can post lovely photos like these:

McKenzie's Beach

Malua Bay


Tomakin north end

Surf Beach
So that's what I'm lovin' about life this week. Being able to make use of the gaps in our booking sheet for some autumn school holiday beach vibes.

Do you have a regular holiday spot you like to visit?

Anyone else getting some beach vibes this week?

What are you lovin' about life?

If you feel like a very affordable getaway to the NSW South Coast you can rent our place either through Stayz or from us directly via our Facebook page (it's cheaper that way).  

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The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

Dec 31, 2016

Happy New Year, Seventeen

Happy New Year, Seventeen

The old rabbit, Sixteen, sat by the garden gate, watching for her replacement to show up, a new rabbit named Seventeen. While she sat and waited, she surveyed her garden and thought back over the year.

"I thought I did pretty good with the weather," Sixteen said to no one in particular.  And she had done a good job with the weather. Everything was seasonal and as expected with no lows too low

Dec 3, 2016

When a gardener collects vintage postcards

When a gardener collects vintage postcards

When a gardener collects vintage postcards, especially vintage Christmas postcards, she quickly realizes she needs to narrow down her choices for which postcards to collect, or she will soon be overwhelmed with postcards.

So she decides to look for postcards that feature flowers and plants other than the traditional poinsettias, holly, and ivy.

Her eye is drawn to this card which features

Dec 31, 2015

Happy New Year, Sixteen!

Happy New Year, Sixteen!

Hellebores bloom for the new year.

The old rabbit, Fifteen, took one more walk around the garden while she waited for Sixteen to arrive. She lingered a bit and admired all she had done through the year.

She was pleased she had finally gotten rid of the big Viburnums that anchored two corners of the vegetable garden and replaced them with Pawpaw trees.  The newly planted trees were doing well,

Dec 22, 2015

Hope, Faith, and Joy

Here on the farm, Christmas is a wonderful time of year.  We are busily sending out all sorts of colorful flowers and hefty bunches of greens across the nation to make everyone’s holiday extra special.

holiday greens and red tulips

 Planting flowers involves a lot of hope. When you cover that bulb or seed over with soil, you get no guarantee that it will ever come up.

tulip bulb in the ground

It takes faith to be in this business. Faith that nature and our own skills will nurture the flower to harvest. 
red dahlia blooming
 When your hope and your faith are strong, you are rewarded with joy.  When the flower pokes through the soil and reaches for the sky, and when a person experiences our flowers in their home and shares them with their family. This is the joy we share as flower farmers.

white lilies

 Flowers are the embodiment of hope, faith and joy. We sincerely hope your holiday season is filled with all three.

Merry Christmas from Lane and the Sun Valley Team.

Lily Sun Valley

Dec 20, 2015

Amaryllis, they barely know thee!

Amaryllis, they barely know thee!

Amaryllis blooming

I recently conducted an unscientific polling of 20 random individuals to find out who many know what an Amaryllis is.

I showed them an actual Amaryllis and asked one question.  "Do you know what this is?"

The particular amaryllis I showed them was sitting on a bed of decorative rocks in a large clear glass vase so the entire bulb, some foliage, and a big flower bud were

Dec 8, 2015

The Flowers of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December is the month of celebrations.  Hot on the heels of Thanksgiving, we step into a whirlwind of Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years.....whew!

This Saturday is one of those December Celebrations known as The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  This cultural and religious commemoration takes place every year on the 12th of December, yet can often be overlooked during the hustle and bustle of other winter holidays.

Feast Day Our Lady of Guadalupe

However, this day is no small holiday.  It has been celebrated by millions of people in Mexico for nearly 500 years, and here in the United States for about 200 years.  You probably recognize the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (aka the Virgin Mary). She is Mexico's patron saint; you can find her image on almost anything and everything, and her story explains why.

Our Lady of Guadalupe day flowers
A super-colorful shrine honoring Our Lady

Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe (Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe)?

Her story in Mexico goes something like this--on December 9th, 1531, an indigenous man named Juan Diego encountered an apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Hill of Tepeyac (now a suburb in Mexico City).  Her request? That a shrine would be built at the site in her honor.

When Juan Diego told the local archbishop about his experience, he was sent away and told to bring back proof. And what kind of proof did Juan Diego bring back? Flowers!

Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe

On the 12th of December, the Virgin Mary reappeared to Juan Diego and told him to bring her flowers from the top of the Hill of Tepeyac, whose stony summit was normally barren.  He followed her wishes, and to his surprise found flowers growing.  He brought them to the Lady, who arranged them inside his cloak, and she told him to go show the unbelieving bishop.  When Juan Diego saw the bishop, he opened his cloak, the flowers fell to floor, and lo and behold, on the fabric was the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
 Lady Guadalupe day 2015
...and the rest is history.  The shrine was built and rebuilt (now known as the Basilica de Guadalupe), and the robe with the image is still on display.  It is the most popular religious pilgrimage site in the Western Hemisphere, and it is this very image that is ubiquitous throughout Mexican history, not only as a religious icon but also as a sign of patriotism and ethnic pride.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica shrine
Basilica de Guadalupe

How do you celebrate The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe? 

In Mexico, the entire week leading up to December 12th is filled festivals, ceremonies, and pilgrimages that culminate in an all-day celebration on the 12th.  In the Basilica de Guadalupe, dancing begins on the eve of the 12th at midnight and continues throughout the day, groups of dancers alternating to keep up the pace.  Elsewhere, millions of people celebrate by making shrines, lighting candles, and celebrating with their families and friends.

Lady of Guadalupe celebration flowers shrine
A Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe

In the US, many parishes with a large Hispanic base will often have a special celebration, reception, or party in honor of the day.  As well as being a fantastical celebration full of dancing, feasting, and colorful decor, this day is an important affirmation of cultural and religious identity for many Mexican-Americans.

Feast Day of our lady of guadalupe flowers decoration
Flower and candle offerings (photo by Bob Chwedyk)

What Flowers and Colors are Symbolic of Our Lady? 

The colors of this celebration are very bright! Reds, pinks, blues, greens and white  rule the day, and flowers also play a major decorative and symbolic role as they are used to adorn shrines, homes, floats, and people.

It's not surprising that flowers are so closely associated with Our Lady.  In the past as well as the present, flowers have often been used as representations of virtue and viewed as faithful symbols of purity and innocence--the very traits most lauded in the Blessed Virgin.

Pope Francis white lilies
Pope Francis offers pure white lilies to Our Lady

Above, Pope Francis brings white lilies to La Virgen; below, a bouquet designed by Sun Pac, using colors significant to Lady Guadalupe.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Flowers bouquet
Sun Pacific designed this celebratory bouquet using the colors of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe has been called the Empress of America, the patron saint of not just Mexico, but the whole continent.  If you belong to the North American continent, Our Lady belongs to you.

Happy Guadalupe day and ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!

Lady Aster