Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Dec 23, 2013

The Christmas Cottontail's Next Adventure

The Christmas Cottontail's Next Adventure

The tiny elf ran, slipping and sliding on the snow and ice, all the way from Santa's workshop to the potting shed and greenhouse where the Christmas Cottontail was busy getting ready for his big night helping Santa.

It was late afternoon, and there were just two days left before Christmas. 

Just as the Christmas Cottontail was ready to take a break for clover tea and green bean cookies, one

Dec 20, 2013

I am not buying a poinsettia this year

I am not buying a poinsettia this year

I am not buying a poinsettia this year.

I am not buying a poinsettia this year.  Been there, done that.  I'm more into the Christmas Rose as a potted plant for the holidays.

I am not buying a poinsettia this year.  As soon as I bring them home, they start to drop their leaves. I think they put those foil pot wrappers on the pots of poinsettias to hide the bare stems which show after all the

Dec 12, 2013

Lily of the Valley for Christmas

Lily of the Valley for Christmas

On the surface, the story appears to be that I happened to see some pre-cooled Lily of the Valley pips for sale and decided to order them and give them a try.

But actually the story of how I came to this point of planting Lily of the Valley pips a few weeks before Christmas so they will bloom for the holidays starts way back many decades ago when I was a little girl.

Every Sunday when I was

Apr 2, 2013

Plan now for Easter 2014 blooms

Plan now for Easter 2014 blooms

I watched. I waited. I held my breath. I hoped.  I prayed. I planned for crocuses to be blooming in the lawn on Easter.  I planned for sunshine and warm-enough-to-be-outside temperatures.

And lo and behold, there were crocuses blooming in the lawn for Easter and it was sunny and around 60F when we started the big egg hunt.

I love it when a plan for the garden works out just like I planned it

Mar 31, 2013

Easter Greetings

Easter Greetings

Happy Easter from everyone at May Dreams Gardens