Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Apr 14, 2017

Day 2738 - How to save calories with your fish and chips

Are you having fish for your Good Friday?

For those Catholics out there, today's the day we ditch the red meat.  Given we're at the coast, it makes it easy for us to grab some fish n chips wrapped in paper to eat on the beach.

I'm very much looking forward to it, but what does that do for my overall weight loss goals?

Let's take a look shall we.

According to nutritionist Amanda Ursell (Woman's Day Magazine, April 3 2017), the chips alone can have an incredible 4000 kj per serving.  That's close to a thousand calories!

When it comes to the battered deep fried fish, she suggests that the batter alone has 1067 kj which equates to around 255 calories.

So with that in mind on this Good Friday, if you're keeping an eye on your figure and have the resources available to you, then it might be better to bake your own fish and chips.

Scrap the batter on the fish completely and cut up your own potatoes, spray with a little oil and bake them instead.  According to Amanda, oven chips come in at around 820 kj per 100grams (196 calories).


This does not help my vision of take away fish n chips on the beach.  But perhaps if I ditch the chips, grab a salad and remove the batter I'll be doing OK.

Let's not take bets on whether or not I'll actually stick to that.

Do you eat fish on Good Friday?

Are you a fan of fish n chips?

What's your best fish n chips tip? 

Note: I am not a nutritionist nor am I a foodie. Nor have I thoroughly researched this other than a quick read of a magazine and a wander around Google. Always do your own research when it comes to your health and fitness.   

Apr 12, 2017

Day 2736 - Wellness Wednesday - the challenges of being on holidays.

Why do holidays contain so much bread?

It's that time of the week,  Time to check in and brag about the wins and admit to the defeats of the Wellness Week.

We're on holidays!  So let me firstly brag about that.

Wandering along the board walk at Narooma

Paddling around the rock pools and in the shallows at Tomakin 

Now let's get into the nitty gritty of this post.

As far as exercise is concerned for the past week, I can safely say I didn't do well.  One of my volunteer roles has had me strapped to the keyboard which has meant the dawn exercise has suffered.While there has been a bit of incidental exercise, the 5km morning walks have gone by the wayside mainly because of the extra screen time I've had at 5.00am.

Of course I can't blame the volunteer work.  I could have made it happen if I'd really wanted to.  I just used the "lack of time" excuse because sometimes that's easier than pushing myself that little bit further.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

My food choices have not been as bad as they could have been.  Holidays do tend to bring with them more meals with bread (which I'm feeling very attracted to right now), but so far I have managed to avoid the fish and chips, pizza and hamburgers.

Holidays also seem to bring daily doses of champagne.  Which feels incredibly fabulous but may not be doing my body any justice.

Salads are still high on the menu, as are all the clean green foods without packaging.

Sugar is starting to creep back in via baked goods that magically appeared in our holiday house.

You can't beat a holiday mindset.  While I'm still at my screen during periods throughout the day keeping things ticking over, I'm managing to get plenty of time to read my book, hang with the fam and wander along the beach.

I think the best part about holidays (whether you take your work with you or not) is that when you're away from your home you can cleanse from the worries of household management, the kids schooling and the general day-to-day chores.   A few layers are removed that help you feel lighter.

I can safely say I feel lighter this week, even if the bread and baked goods won't reflect that on the scales when I return to the real world.

How's your wellness this week?

Anyone else on holidays?

What one food brings you undone when you're on holidays?  

Oct 13, 2016

World Food Prize is Here!

World Food Prize is Here!

It is mid October which means one thing...It's World Food Prize time! Each night following the Borlaug Dialogue we will post highlights from the day to get you thinking and discussing these topics around the globe. Tuesday of this week we hosted Emiliano Mroue on campus, as part of the World Food Prize Lecture Series, to share the work he is doing in Sierra Leone with The West African Rice

Jan 8, 2016

Build the Soil

Build the Soil

We started off the morning with our great elementary students with our "what we know about agriculture" lesson, but this time shared it with 4th graders. At the end of the lesson they raised the chain above their head while in a circle and stated "Agriculture feeds the world!" in both Creole and English.

Next we had some down time before our afternoon activities so we loaded up and headed to a