Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2016

Global Commodity Food Prices

Global Commodity Food Prices

This week we feature the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) food price index. The linked website shares what the food price index is and what trends we are seeing. We encourage you to explore the different commodity areas and reasonings for increases and decreases of specific commodity areas and the overall direction of commodity prices. After you analyze this website use the discussion

Jun 25, 2016

Getting Ready for the Weekend

The first time I saw the Starr's Primal Meats and Package Liquor, I thought, "what a great combination".   It features great agricultural products and it looks like  a great place to stop to finish your weekend preparations.  A bonus that the butcher shop is well reviewed.  

Jan 19, 2016

Grass Fed Beef

Grass Fed Beef

Growing grass fed beef fits well into an intensive grazing system.  Demand for grass fed beef is higher than ever.  Recent headlines have said that USDA was recinding the grass fed beef label.  The headline was misleading.  Actually, the labeling authority has been moved from Ag Marketing Service to Food Safety and Inspection Service. On Pasture has more information.  

Dec 15, 2015

Good and Inexpensive American Food

Good and Inexpensive American Food

We hear and read about how inexpensive food is in the United States, but with all the convenience foods out there, we may not realize how inexpensive it is to make a really good meal.

Yesterday, has an urge for some comfort food.  In our household, that sometimes means chicken dumplings.  I went to the store and found a chicken for $2.79.  Wow, What a bargain!  Then I got to thinking how much is was going to cost to prepare probably 8 servings of great food.

Chicken - $2.79
Flour   -      $.25
Egg     -       $.15
Onion  -      $.25
Celery  -     $.40 It was kind of high priced.
Salt       -     $.01
Sage      -     $.10  (optional)
Pepper  -      $.05  (optional)
Heat      -     $.05  to operate the stove

Total      -     $4.05

Eight servings, less than 51 cents per serving.  Less then 50 cents to add a serving of fruit or vegetable, although as you can see it already contains some vegetables.

Learning how to cook, might be in order if you think food is expensive.  The best home made foods are also simple.  I could think of  at least 6 ways to use that chicken that would make  a lot of meals for little money.

Dec 3, 2015

Climate Change is Here

Climate Change is Here

Many have heard about the recent global talks on climate change that are taking place in Paris. In the past some have argued the validity of climate change and a warming planet, but as science has shown our world is warming and many are starting to take note. The linked article takes a look at how climate change is effecting food supply and chains around the globe. Use the discussion points

Oct 17, 2015

Borlaug Dialogue Day 3: Let's Get to Work

Borlaug Dialogue Day 3: Let's Get to Work

Today was the third and final day of the Borlaug Dialogue. There was plenty to think about and we were definitely left with a charge to get out and take action. Enough talk, it is time to take action and make a difference. Every little bit helps. As the previous days, below you will find a recap of our final day in Des Moines to keep the dialogue going.

Breakfast Keynote Address: Mehmood Khan

Sep 11, 2015

Global Food Prices Drop

Global Food Prices Drop

We have all heard the reports of a bunker crop coming and low commodity prices. Yet another sign of this is a large decline in global food prices. Linked below is an article that hits on this decline in food prices and examines many reasons. Read the linked article and use the discussion points to guide conversations around the globe in various settings!

Global Food Prices Drop Most in 7 Years