Showing posts with label Work from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Work from home. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2017

Day 2790 - What's the view like where you're sitting right now?

Let's share our views

What's the view like where you're sitting right now?

As you read this, take a look around you.  As you look forward, what do you see?  Look up. To the left.  To the right.  Now turn around, what is behind you?

When you look are you focussing on objects close to you or are you more interested in what's in the distance?

This could be a post about vision.  I could start chatting about short sightedness versus long sightedness and how glasses make you look 10 x smarter. I could go deeper and wax lyrical about visualisation, short term goals and long term dreams.

But really this post is just about what you can see right now.  Your view right this minute.  There's nothing metaphorical about it (as much as I'm tempted I just don't have the energy today).

What I see is flesh painted acrylic nails on a keyboard. A scrap of paper with a note in black Artline that says "fees, uniform, letter" and another scrap of paper with "view from here".  I see the screen in front of me with my words magically appearing to the sound of my acrylics tapping. I see a pathology form for the model daughter, an envelope waiting to house a set of keys, some unopened bank statements and a Cheer Chick Charlie coffee mug.  There's a pile of business cards of people I met once, there's a magnet with the phone number for the National Home Doctor Service, a calculator and an old digital camera that used to be so important to me before the Samsung phone arrived.

Above my computer screen are canvasses and signs telling me to believe in myself, that dreams can come true and "yes" is the word I should be using as "no" is sooooo 10 years ago.

To my left there is a pile of paper, books and folders. It's an in-tray of sorts but really it's just a disorganised pile of stuff I've just shoved to the side.  The latest Charlie book, diary pages for our coast house rentals, receipts, my FitBit box, kids assignments, my postage log, more unopened bank statements, a folder of computer instructions, handwritten notes reminding me of my soccer duties, Cheer Kids Magazine pages, prescriptions, my diary and an information sheet on whether or not you should use antihistamines for itchy dogs.

To my right is my stapler, hard drive, Dymo label printer, a pile of books, another computer screen and my mouse.  Beside my desk is my shelves that house the folders and files for my organised self.

If I look hard right I can see the doors to my balcony.  At dawn all I see is blackness but in an hour or so I will be able to look over the roofs of the houses in my suburb from my second storey perch across to the Brindabella Mountains in the distance.  In another month there may be snow on their peaks.

Due to the wonders of the swivel chair I can turn around and see my brown lounge suite with perfectly plumped cushions.  There's a fire place to the left and and world globe to the right.  My husband's desk sits at the far side of the room with a Foosball table in one corner.

That's what the view looks like where I'm sitting right now.

I'm not going to turn this post into anything other than what it is.  An exercise in looking at what's around us.

Really looking.

What's the view like where you're sitting right now?

What do you see?

May 29, 2017

Day 2783 - Do you have a hobby?

What is a hobby?

According to the dictionary a hobby is "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure".

This is where I get confused as to whether or not I actually have any hobbies.  Or if perhaps my life is one big hobby!

Back in the old days when I trundled off to work everyday at the Department of Agriculture it would be easy for me to define my hobbies and my leisure time. A hobby would be anything I was doing that brought me joy outside of  those clearly defined work hours. Technically speaking the family stuff doesn't count.  Being with your kids is called being a parent, not a hobby. So back then I would have listed stuff like reading, doing crosswords and creating photo albums of our adventures as my hobbies.

These days it's harder.  There are no clear lines between my "work" and my "pleasure". Time all rolls into one. Everything I do is usually because I enjoy it.

For the purposes of the tax department, my consultancy business is loosely defined by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science as a hobby based business.  Which basically means it's small and something I do for my own personal enjoyment and satisfaction,  I don't earn big wads of money from it and I do it in my own time and only when people contact me. I don't race out there looking for clients.  A hobby  ✅

When it comes to my children's book series I guess that is much more than a hobby. I have invested a great deal of time, money and energy into Cheer Chick Charlie.  I do the taxes and there's a profit and loss trail. While I love it, according to the Government it's a business. Not a hobby ❎

As for blogging I would definitely define that as a hobby.  I do it regularly in my "leisure time" and the only reason I write most days is because I love it. I choose not to make money from my blogging. A hobby ✅

When it comes to my volunteer work, do I class that as a hobby?  Hmmm.  It's what I do to ensure I'm actively involved with my community.  I do it to give back.  While I do it regularly it's not necessarily done in my "leisure time". In fact, it eats into my leisure time.  But it does bring me satisfaction. Not a hobby ❎

Yesterday I took the day off from being an adult.  Other than a few household chores, helping kids with homework and a quick walk, I bummed around the house all day in my Ugg boots.  It would have been the perfect time to indulge in a hobby.

That's when I realised I don't have any traditional hobbies.

I don't like to garden.

I don't cook for pleasure.

I don't knit.

I don't sew.

I don't play chess.

I don't go dancing,

I'm not much of a bush walker.

I don't watch birds.

I don't play guitar.

I don't colour.

I read and I write and I communicate with people.  Then when it's all done I watch TV and hang with my family. That's what I do.

Could it be that my life is one big hobby?

Or don't I have any hobbies at all?

At what point do hobbies stop being hobbies and just become "life"?