Showing posts with label Organic Farming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organic Farming. Show all posts

Jun 12, 2016

Organic and Natural Farming Techniques - Panchagavya

In modern Agriculture, application of chemical pesticide and fertilizers has damaged the quality of soil, water and crops over the years. To replenish the eco system, now we are going back to organic and natural farming techniques. A key ingredient of organic farming is “Panchagavya” which is not only used in the field of Agriculture, but also in the improvement of animal and human health.
Panchagavya means "five products from the cow". They are cow dung, cow's urine, milk, curd and ghee. By mixing all these ingredients in equal proportion and allowing the mixture to ferment we get Panchagavya.
Benefits of Panchgavya
In plants panchagavya promotes growth, yield and immunity and acts as organic pesticide.
In humans panchagavya has been reported to heal wounds, increase appetite, as a cure for white patches and psoriasis.

Jan 27, 2016

Does Compost Tea Work?

Does Compost Tea Work?

Compost Tea is sold as a soil nutrient enhancement.  Researchers in Indiana looked at the effects of the Compost Tea under four different treatments.  The results showed no significant improvement to soil health or fertility, but some parameters related to soil health seemed to improve.  click on the Lint to read about the Indiana Compost Tea Research.

Aug 12, 2015

Vegetarian Fed Chickens

Vegetarian Fed Chickens

Our local supercenter has eggs from vegetarian chicks.  One issue I have is, "what are they using for a calcium source?"  Oyster shells?  Oops that is an animal product. Limestone?  Oops, remains from shell fish.  And how do they keep them from eating insects that might make their way into cages.  And I should pay double for such a dubious product?  

I found a Washington Post Blog on the topic that is well done.  

May 18, 2015

Is Chipotle Promoting the Anti-science Movement?

Is Chipotle Promoting the Anti-science Movement?

It seems that one of the things that makes our country great is that if you can find a market niche for your product and promote it, you drive our capitalistic society.  The question is, are Chipotle and Whole foods taking that concept too far.  Apparently a significant part of our population believes that non-GMO and organically grown are healthier.  Is it wrong for companies to take advantage of that belief?  Michael Gerson of the Washington Post wrote a column that appeared in today's St. Louis Post Dispatch accusing companies like Chipotle and Whole Foods of adding fuel to the fire for the anti-science movement.  His column is entitled "Corporate Irresponsibility over GMO's".

Personally, I have nothing against organic farming if it does not cause underproduction and hunger.  In general I refuse to pay a premium for organically grown food.  What anyone eats or pays for food is their  business.  It is socially irresponsible to drive up food cost for the poor.  It is also socially irresponsible to impose food production techniques that leave people hungry.

Mar 27, 2015

Breeding Plants for Organic Agriculture

Breeding Plants for Organic Agriculture

The lead article in this month's CSA News is about breeding plants for organic agriculture.  Some people think that the food we eat is the way it has always been The way it is now.  One of the things that marks human social development is the move from a hinter gatherer society to an agriculture society.  Over 10,000 years ago humans began selecting seeds from superior plants in order to grow bigger, tastier, or higher yielding plants for food.   This chart has an example of selecting our brasicca crops for different valued characteristics. 

About 25 years ago, plant breeders began to work on ways to move genetic characteristics between species.  That is a rarity in natural breeding.  Time, energy and money has been concentrated on developing these transgenic crops and we now have 8 crops that carry transgenic genes. These are know as GMO crops. 

This occur ed about the same time that organically  foods started to gain popularity.  Foods may not be labelled organically grown if they are derived from transgenic manipulation.  A problem that organic producers face is getting seeds with superior genetics that do not contain transgenic material.  Now some researchers are going back to basics to help organic producers.  These plant breeders can use modern technology to check seeds for superior genetic traits even if the plants are selected by traditional breeding methods.  Click on the links for more information.