Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2017

Garden fairies are surprised early in the morning

Garden fairies are surprised early in the morning

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we decided to write a post to warn everyone that Carol is getting up quite early to work in the garden these days.

Well, at least she did today. We aren't sure if this will continue but Granny Gus McGarden, our favorite garden fairy who pretty much runs the Vegetable Garden Catheral was startled to see Carol sauntering out to the garden early

May 28, 2017

Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical Questions

I went to the local greenhouse to get some more containers of Geranium 'Rozanne', which I have somehow fallen in love with this spring.

I knew when I went to the greenhouse I was going to buy the plants, and I knew I was going to buy those plants from them because I already bought some from them earlier but needed more, and they were kind and gracious enough to add some to their latest

May 22, 2017

Garden fairies discuss a dire situation

Garden fairies discuss a dire situation

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we cannot remember when we last posted on this blog but we know it was a while ago.

We are a little miffed that readers didn't clamor for us to write something sooner but we will get over it and besides we are far too busy to spend time here on this blog. After all, it is spring and we have flowers to open up all over the garden, including this

May 18, 2017

I took my tree to Tree Court

I took my tree to Tree Court

I took my tree to Tree Court.

I'm breaking up with it.

Me: Your Honor, this tree has not performed its tree duties in the almost seven years it has been taking up residence in my garden.  It refuses to have flaking bark like other paperbark maple trees and has barely grown since it was planted.  At one point, Your Honor, my sister thought it was a weed tree that I just let grow there.


May 10, 2017

Sailing through the garden on the good ship 'Rain Again'

Sailing through the garden on the good ship 'Rain Again'

Dear Olive,

Greetings from the good ship 'Rain Again'.

We've had quite the journey through Spring so far. We've sailed along with six or more inches of rain in the last ten days or so, depending on which rain gauge you believe. My garden is thoroughly and unequivocably saturated from it all.

The cruise director on the good ship 'Rain Again' has kept me busy, more or less, while we've been

May 9, 2017

Mother's Day Comedic Relief

Can you see it? That's May 14th on the horizon. I hear her waters are calm, the weather is mild, and naps abound. We're close. For many of us, it has been "all about Mom" for weeks - nay, months! I say it's time for a little respite and some good ol' laugh therapy to help push us through the breakers, and onto the peaceful shores of Mother's Day. 

Mother's Day Jokes
Some E Cards

Tweeting Moms: 

Mother's Day JokesMother's Day humor
mothers day fun mother's day jokes sun valley floral farms

Moms by Comedians

Brian Hope Quotes

Rita Rudner Quotes

Joan Rivers quotes

"Thanks, Mom"

Mother's Day Humor Sun Valley
Jokes for Mother's Day

mothers day puns
(I had to sneak in at least ONE pun)

Don't forget to laugh this week and Happy Mother's Day, everybody!

Sun Valley Mother's Day Humor

Apr 29, 2017

It's been a glamorous week in the garden

It's been a glamorous week in the garden

It's been a glamorous week in the garden.

I spent time nearly every day this past week digging out compost from my three compost bins on the east end of the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. Those bins are right where I plan to put a new flower border.

Why add a new flower border? Because the Cathedral needs more flowers. But rest assured and breathe easier because I have not given up on composting