Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2017

A Few Suggestions for Plant Variety Names

A Few Suggestions for Plant Variety Names

I have  few suggestions for plant variety names that would make it much easier for me to remember them.

I suspect other gardeners will also find my suggested names much easier to remember, too.

My first suggested plant variety name is 'I Lost the Plant Tag'.

Can you imagine yourself out in the garden telling someone what the name of your latest daylily purchase is?

"What's the name of

Apr 1, 2017

What a gardener's DNA test reveals

What a gardener's DNA test reveals

How many of you faithful readers have sent off for a DNA test to find out where your ancestors came from and who you might be related to?

I sent off my saliva for a DNA test about six months ago and nearly forgot about it until an email popped up with my results.

Most of what they reported was about what I expected. As I reviewed the details, though, I saw at the bottom there was a note

Mar 30, 2017

Five places to hide your plant purchases

Five places to hide your plant purchases

'Tis the season for gardeners everywhere to flock back to their local garden centers and greenhouses to load up on new plants for their gardens.

My local supplier, I mean greenhouse, is packed with all kinds of pansies, violas, and other frost tolerant flowers just begging me to buy them and take them home.  So far, I've purchased three flats of pansies, three flats of alyssum and five flats

Mar 28, 2017

The I Love Dandelions Society Established 2017

The I Love Dandelions Society Established 2017

I've decided to establish the I Love Dandelions Society.

What are the society's goals?

To encourage the use of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a suitable and highly desired ground cover for flower borders and vegetable garden beds.

To promote the beauty of dandelions that grow up through sidewalk cracks or establish themselves in the middle of perennial flowers.

To support those

Mar 22, 2017

 One, two, plant a shoe

One, two, plant a shoe

Finally after over 20 years of wearing them around the garden, I've officially retired from active service a pair of my garden clogs.

Though retired, I'm sure the clogs did not want to be thrown unceremoniously into the rubbish bin or be tossed without fanfare to a corner of the garage, never to be seen again.

Like anyone or anything in retirement, these clogs begged to have a new life, to

Mar 8, 2017

A New Book: A One Act Play

A New Book: A One Act Play

A New Book

A One Act Play


Carol M.


Cast of Characters

Garden Fairies………………………………Assorted Garden Fairies
Granny Gus McGarden..................................The garden fairy who tends the vegetable garden

TIME: Early Spring
SETTING: A garden



(We see some garden fairies huddled around the compost bins in the vegetable garden)


Mar 4, 2017

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we are busy because spring is coming early but when we got word of Carol's book that blew in during the big winds from a few days ago, we decided to pause in our spring flower duties and write a press release.

That is why the lovely crocus pictured here isn't open yet.  We had to stop everything and work on the press release.

Have garden fairies