Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Nov 11, 2016

Garden fairies discuss someone's laziness.

Garden fairies discuss someone's laziness.

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have decided to post on Friday instead of our usual Sunday because Carol is lazy.  That's right. We said it. She's lazy.

She has barely lifted a finger to do garden clean up around here. Though, come to think of it, she has cleared off the beds in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral and put a nice layer of leaves and grass clippings on top of them.

Oct 31, 2016

Rare in Cultivation

Rare in Cultivation

Admit it. You read that title "Rare in Cultivation" and your heart skipped a beat. Maybe your fingers started shaking a bit as you quickly scrolled down to see what plant it is that I am going to write about that is "rare in cultivation".

Already if you are a gardener, you want this "rare in cultivation" plant. You can hardly wait to find out what plant it is and are thinking about where you

Oct 26, 2016

Mowing - A Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Mowing - A Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Hello Dr. Hortfreud.

Hello, Carol. How are you and did you want to talk about the iris that is re-blooming that never re-bloomed before?

No, Dr. Hortfreud, I want to talk about mowing.


Yes, again, though I don't think we've talked about it that much.

It's your time, so proceed. What about mowing?

Well, Dr. Hortfreud, I think up my best ideas when I'm mowing and I'm concerned that

Oct 2, 2016

Garden Fairies Discuss What Happens When They Argue

Garden Fairies Discuss What Happens When They Argue

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we were just discussing what happens when we argue amongst ourselves.  What happens is the toad paints the flowers of Tricyrtis to look like the spots on his back and so we end up with toad lilies.

He did this while we garden fairies were arguing about whether the flowers should be white or purple.  We at first were just a bit miffed that the

Aug 31, 2016

List of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door

List of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door

I believe I have the qualifications and experience to provide a list of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door to you.

Now, don't spend too much time trying to figure out how I can provide such a list.  Just go through the list and answer yes or no about your neighbors.

And as you go through the list, you might also see if any of these ten clues apply

Aug 12, 2016

Garden fairies step in to save this blog

Garden fairies step in to save this blog

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have stepped in at this time to save this blog from sure and certain extinction because a certain person seems to have become quite lax in providing any new blog posts.

So, we are garden fairies, and we have taken it upon ourselves to find some pictures and post some updates ourselves.

You're welcome.

First off, we found some pictures of

Jul 31, 2016

My Methods of Weed Control

My Methods of Weed Control

The redbud in this picture is a weed.

This has been a marvelous growing season for weeds, has it not?

I feel like I can't turn my back on a flower border or vegetable garden bed for more than two seconds before a new weed seed germinates. There are weeds everywhere.

I clear out weeds in the morning and by nightfall they are back, and it seems as though they've brought their friends with them