Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Feb 26, 2017

Garden Fairies Cancel Celebration of End of Winter

Garden Fairies Cancel Celebration of End of Winter

No one knew who put up the sign, but when the garden fairies woke up shivering, they saw it, set at an angle so the snow stuck to it.

Honoria Hellebore wiped the snow off and read it to everyone gathered around.

"The celebration of the end of winter has been cancelled due to snow."

When word of the cancellation reached Granny Gus McGarden out in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral, she nodded

Feb 22, 2017

Witchhazel for Wildflower Wednesday

Witchhazel for Wildflower Wednesday

Which witchhazel do you have?

Which hazel? Like the maid on the old television comedy Hazel?



That's what I asked. Which hazel?

The spring one.

Oh, the spring one.  Does she focus on spring cleaning?

No, she's a plant.

Oh, so not that Hazel?

No, witchhazel.

That's what I asked. Which hazel?

The plant one? What's she called?

Which hazel?

Are we asking about Hazel

Feb 12, 2017

Garden Fairies discuss sunny and 67º in February

Garden Fairies discuss sunny and 67º in February

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have not posted for awhile, which as you know, is not our fault.

Carol hogs the computer. She doesn't like us to post too often because she said, "How am I going to be taken seriously as a garden writer and disseminator of great gardening wisdom if I let garden fairies post on my blog?"

As if!

We have a thing or two to explain to Carol about

Jan 26, 2017

Dear Garden Blog...

Dear Garden Blog...

Hellebores, what would winter be without them?

Dearest Garden Blog,

I'm writing to offer my apologies for neglecting you for over a week. It was not my intention to leave you with no new updates for such a long time but time slipped away from me.

Rest assured, of course, that I have not been blogging elsewhere. I would never do that to you, my faithful blog who has been with me for well over

Jan 9, 2017

Enga:  Enemy of the Garden

Enga: Enemy of the Garden

The other day, I had a close up encounter with Enga, short for ENemy of the GArden.

Enga a fat squirrel who hangs out around the bird feeders, trying to steal the peanuts I've been putting out for the blue jays.

The blue jays love the peanuts. At times I've counted six or more blue jays hanging around the crabapple tree, waiting for their chance to get a peanut from the peanut wreath.


Jan 5, 2017

Garden fairies take umbrage

Garden fairies take umbrage

Patiently waiting for helleborus buds to open

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we take umbrage! We are beside ourselves after taking a look through this book that Carol is getting ready to publish.

Please sit down and hold tight as we tell you...

There is just one mention of garden fairies in the entire book.

We are garden fairies so we will just take a moment and let that

Dec 1, 2016

They say only the best trees are chosen

They say only the best trees are chosen

The birds flew away when they saw the camera.

They say only the best trees are chosen...

Oh, pardon me. Before I get too far along with this blog post, let me introduce myself.

I am Malus 'Guinzam', but most folks just call me Guinevere®. I'm  a flowering crabapple tree. Having said that I know just what you are thinking. Diseases! Crabapples dropping everywhere!

But that's not me!

I have