Showing posts with label Corn Condition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corn Condition. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2017

Southeast Iowa Crops

Southeast Iowa Crops

We drove across Southeast Iowa this morning.  Irrigation rigs are running in the river bottoms.  Corn is dark green, but most is not yet tasseling.  Some fields had leaf rolling, but none of the corn looked to be beyond the help of a timely rain.  Soybeans are looking good too.  Judging from brown lawns, I would say rain would very welcome.

Jun 30, 2017

May 1, 2017

Rainfall Amounts

Rainfall amounts have been excessive across much  of Illinois in the past week.  Below is a map showing NOAA estimates.  I am in the 6 inch range which matches my rain gauge pretty well.  I estimate a week with no rain before we can get back in the field.  Will your corn survive?  Probably not if it is under water.  If it is still in the ground, but not under water, it depends on when it was planted.  If the soil gets saturated before 24 hours have passed since planting,  you are probably looking at replant.  Keep in mind that stands with population over 20,000 may not need replant.  Also, if replanting, I would recommend destroying the old crop instead of letting early corn compete with late corn.

Apr 25, 2017

Corn at Famersville

Corn at Famersville

We sampled near Farmersville today.  Lots of corn was completely emerged.  Some is just spiking. There was still a lot of planters in the field. I think most were planting corn.  The Virden soil was still pretty wet, but over all planting conditions were excellent.    

Aug 6, 2016

Expecting Record Yields?

Expecting Record Yields?

In general crops in Illinois look tremendous, but get into the fields and look around and some may not be so great.   I am seeing fields that were set back a bit by our dry June.  I also see fields that appear to be running out of nitrogen especial in wet spots.  Yes it looks like a very good year in terms of yield, if not financially.  Emerson Nafziger offers some observations and advice about looking at your corn now to see which hybrids are performing.  Some may not be filled as well as you would like.

Jun 4, 2016

Corn Growing Fast

Corn Growing Fast

Early planted corn is growing very fast.  I have fields that are waist high.  In two weeks they will be tasseling.  Pollination will take place before any problem with dry soils.  On the other hand about 20% of corn fields are less than 4 inches tall.  A hot dry summer could affect yield on those fields.  Most corn is somewhere in between.

May 20, 2016

Northern Macoupin County

We covered most of Northern Macoupin County today. Corn is looking good except in wet spots.  Some is just coming up.  Not many soybeans are planted.  Soil was wet for farm work, but firm enough for sampling.  I saw many planters in people's yard today, but none as interesting as the one below.  I am curious as to when it was last used to plant corn.