Showing posts with label Corn Condition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corn Condition. Show all posts

Sep 5, 2015

What is Going On Out There Today

What is Going On Out There Today

Part of my day was spent delivering reports.  One client was filling his silo.  He said the moisture was perfect, but it might have been Ok if he had started a bit sooner.  He feeds distiller's grain and silage mixed.  One client was baling hay today.  Weather is perfect for hay baling.  Another client was building a small building.  His said corn is 24% moisture, but at this early date he prefers to dry it some more in the field.  Many of the bigger farmers including a few clients are not waiting for dry down.  They have a lot of ground to cover and prefer to start when corn reaches maturity.  Yield reports are 10% or more off of last year.  One client said hillsides are not any better than flat land.  I am thinking side hill seeps affected his corn.  Last weeks stalk tests lead me to believe stalk quality is not the best.

Jun 5, 2015



Wetness is becoming an issue in our area. Corn is definitely showing the effects.  Corn is uneven, stunted and yellow.  It might be a good year to invest in a chlorophyll sensor.

May 31, 2015

Wet weather

Wet weather

We are getting a lot of rain this weekend. 1 to 3 inches. Corn is already showing effects of cold and wet.  There are still fields of soybeans to plant.  Corn prices remain in the dumper.