Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts

May 15, 2017

Day 2769 - What Mothers Day Means to Me

What does Mothers Day mean to you?

I love days like Mothers Day and I tend to celebrate them with gusto.  I also like to share our celebrations on my social media so as to include my extended family and friends who are scattered around Australia and the globe.  I'm one of those annoying people who fills your Mothers Day feed with happiness, smiley faces, hearts and flowers.

I get that it can become over commercialised and feel artificial for some.

It can also feel sad and seeing the social media buzz might cause some emotion.

But having special days like Mothers Day slotted into the annual calendar allows me to stop and focus.  For me these days are like high viz flags along the road that shout "stop and be grateful" or "stop and reflect" or "stop and smell the roses".

For me Mothers Day is:

  • An opportunity for me to gather extended family together in one place for a meal.
  • The chance to update my photo album with family photos of our growing children and ever expanding extended family. 
  • A way in which to connect with all the mother figures in my life. 
  • A day of gratitude. 
  • A day of memories. 
  • A day of rest and relaxation as my family ensure my every need is met.
  • A reminder that I'm lucky to have my mother, my maternal grandmother and my kids in my life.
  • A chance to contact friends and family who have lost their mums (or their bubs) and tell them I'm thinking of them.
  • The chance for a good meal, lots of laughs and new slippers.

Yesterday we had a big brunch that included my hubby, kids. parents, in-laws, cousins, nephews, nieces and it also included my 96 year old grandmother,  There were photos, gifts and cake.

I know there will come a time that this day may feel bittersweet.  But for now Mothers Day is a day I look forward to.

What does Mothers Day mean to you?

Apr 20, 2017

Day 2744 - The Lovin Life Linky - The Mudita edition

What are we lovin' this week?

Well, I've got to say I'm struggling a bit this week.  The fibromyalgia pain with the associated migraines is close to doing me in.

As I sit here and wonder what it is I'm lovin' about life I find my focus shifting from myself to the joy of the people around me. You could say, I'm dabbling in a bit of "mudita".

Firstly, I'm lovin' that I just dropped the hubster off to the airport for his trip to New Zealand.  He's headed to the World Master's Games in Auckland for ten days of basketball.  Basically it's the Olympics for old people, so it's a pretty big deal.  Yay for him!

Secondly, I'm lovin' that my boy's soccer season is about to commence and he's finally had his first training session.  He's been very antsy of late just itching to get back on the field.  The recent selection to division one means he's back with the team of guys he played with last year which makes him happy. Yay for him!

Thirdly, I'm lovin' that casting season is about to begin for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week which means my girl gets to make regular trips to Sydney to try her luck in the big city.  She's working hard on her health and fitness right now, plus she's getting ahead of all her school assignments to ensure she's ready for the many days off school.  There's no guarantee that she'll get a spot, but at least she's putting her best foot forward. Yay for her!

Finally, I'm lovin' that I get to hang out with you guys for the day as you link up your Lovin' Life posts.  Yay for me!

The Buddhist teachings of Mudita is another great way to age positively.

Have you ever heard of Mudita?

Do you get pleasure from the joy of others?

What are you lovin' about life this week? 

Without further ado, let's get this linky started.

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The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

Apr 17, 2017

Day 2741 - Annual celebrations creating precious memories

This is the stuff that memories are made of.

The Easter Bunny left a little something for everyone

The best thing about annual celebrations like Easter, Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and birthdays is the memories that are created when you surround yourself with family and friends.

It's not the every day that sticks in our minds the most.  It's the special days where people put in an effort to be together.

Ever notice how so many of those memories involve a feast?

This feast was lovingly created by my mum (who is a hell of a lot more clever in the kitchen than I am).

Roast lamb

Roast vegetables

A beautiful table setting

Lemon and mint infused water

Easter decorations

A beautifully concocted dessert of steamed pumpkin pudding with maple syrup, cream and ice cream

The best part of this celebration was getting to spend time with my grandmother.  At 95 we don't know how much longer she'll be part of our memory creations.

Creating memories

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope created some precious memories of your own.  

Feb 23, 2016

Women's Day Celebration

Women's Day is not a "new" holiday by any means, but it sure does feel like it.  The earliest Women’s Day observance was held on February 28, 1909, in New York, and the earliest I ever heard of Women's Day was March 8th, two years ago.  As a wee lass, I never saw Women's Day on the calendar, but I'm starting to now.  Why is that? I assume it's because women have made notable advancements (especially in the last two decades) that demand recognition, honor, respect, and celebration.
Women's Day 2016

When the first Women's Day took place in 1909, women had very few, if any, rights.  They couldn't vote, own property, choose a career, sue or be sued.  At this time they weren't even considered persons under the 14th Constitutional Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law.

But we've come a long way since 1909.  In the US, we exercise those hard-won rights with vigor.  For example, a record number of women (104) will be serving in the US Congress this year (yes, that is only 19% of Congress, but that is twice the amount from 20 years ago).  There is even a serious female contender--nay, front runner--in the presidential bid.  Also, twenty years ago there were zero female CEOs on the Fortune 500 list.  Now, women occupy 5% of those positions.  Change may have started slowly, but it is catching fire.

womens day quotes

The point? Honor a woman this day.  Whatever her position--CEO, administrative assistant, small business owner, full-time mother, manager, laborer, engineer, artist, customer service extraordinaire--honor her.  Her current social, cultural, and professional position was built upon centuries of revolutionary history, the ripples of which are still in effect.

womens day march 8 2016

We say, start with flowers. Flowers are pretty, but they are not weak.  They, too, have used all their resources--their genetics, their will, their immediate environment, the sun, dirt, and rain--to fight against the elements and rise up, beautiful, fragrant and strong. Men, honor the women in your life with vibrant, living blooms.  Women, celebrate the fellow females in your life with flowers--your mother, sister, boss, co-worker--any woman that has inspired or encouraged you in that special way that only women can.   Go further and buy flowers for yourself--love and respect yourself, and recognize from where you have come.
womens day march 8th

Women's Day is a day for reflection and celebration.  Reflection on how far we have come, and a celebration of the hope we have for the future. Enjoy it!

lady aster womens day