Showing posts with label Canberra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canberra. Show all posts

May 11, 2017

Day 2765 - The Lovin Life Linky - The Big Heart Edition

Today I invite you to give your 5 cents worth.

There are winners in this world and there are whiners.

The whiners use their energy to complain about the problems in life where as the winners step up and bloody well do something about it.

Last night I attended the Big Heart Project in Canberra.  It's part of Connie Johnson's last fund raising hurrah for cancer as she bows out of the public eye to live her final days in peace with her family.

To date Connie and her Gold Logie winning brother Samuel, have already raised over $4 million for cancer research.  There ultimate aim is $10 million.

The aim of the Big Heart Project yesterday was to fill a heart 100 metres in circumference with 5 cent pieces to the total of $1 million to add to their fundraising efforts.  If they do this it won't just raise much needed cash to kick cancer's arse, but will also be a world record.

Well, they smashed it.  By the time I'd left the Lyneham Netball Centre at 6.30pm last night the Big Heart was already worth $1.6 million.

This is what $50 worth of 5 cent pieces looks like

Pouring more love into an already full heart

Shining bright this is the tip end of the very Big Heart

The moment I walked into the event I could feel the love.  Surrounded by hundreds of people I couldn't help but tear up as I exchanged my money for 5 cent pieces to add to the pile.

No doubt the Johnson family is feeling a mix of love, happiness, pride and a huge amount of sadness right now.  After years of battling the disease Connie stopped all treatment earlier this year after she received the bad news that the cancer was too advanced to continue the fight.

But Connie is not a whiner.  While the cancer may be cutting her life short she hasn't let it win.  As she says in the "thank you" note we received on leaving last night:

"As I look at this heart growing I realise that we are well on the way, and that this fight will continue long after I'm gone.  One day, maybe next generation, maybe the the one after, our families won't have to live and die with cancer in their lives.  You have given me the peace to relax, step back and enjoy the rest of my days with my family, knowing that this amazing village will continue to fight." 

Connie and Samuel soaking up the love
We all have challenges to fight. Some are bigger than others. We've had an absolute shit year so far if the truth be known.  It's been riddled with challenges and it's almost brought me unstuck. But we can choose to be whiners and complain about it, or we can be winners and turn the challenges into an opportunity for growth. We can make a decision to kick some butt.

Today I'm lovin' that Connie and Samuel are achieving their fundraising goals.

I'm lovin' that so many people stepped up yesterday and attended their event.

I'm lovin' that I got to share in just a little snippet of their journey.

But most of all, I'm lovin' that they're doing what they're doing to help kick cancer's butt.

What are you lovin' about life this week?

Have you been following Connie's journey?

Are you ready to kick some butt?

If you would like to contribute to the Big Heart project you can do so here.

To join the Love Your Sister Village click here.

To follow Connie's blog click here.

To buy Connie and Samuel's book "Love Your Sister" click here. Every sale contributes to cancer research.

Don't forget to check your breasts regularly to get know your breasts.  If you notice any changes see your doctor ASAP.

*   *   *   *   *
Without further ado, it's time for the Lovin' Life Linky.

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

Apr 29, 2017

Day 2753 - How to use Canva - a free graphic design package

This poster was made with Canva - a free graphic design package

As you can see by the above poster I'm busy today helping launch the 2017 soccer season at the Gungahlin United Football Club Gala Day.

The poster looks very fancy, doesn't it?

It literally took me 5 minutes to create via

Whether you need to create fancy posters, invitations, blog graphics. Facebook advertisements, Twitter headers, menus, flyers ... Canva has a template for you.

To create the above poster I simply chose a blank poster size template to get me started.

I then added a free Canva background in a "quilting" style and change the colour to yellow.

Next I clicked on "Elements" and chose "lines" to create the black band across the top by resizing it to fit my purposes.  I then clicked "text" and wrote GUFC Gala Day, changing the text colour to white.  So that the black band stayed behind the white text I clicked on the black band and clicked "arrange" in the top right corner.  I then clicked "back" so that it was layered first with the text on top.

To create the "Saturday 29 April" text on its side it was just a matter of creating the text and then clicking on it so that it was surrounded by a dotted box, then turning it via the "rotate" option. I then clicked and dragged the text to where it needed it to be.

For the text inside the grey box I headed back to "elements" and chose "shapes".  I chose a square and then pulled and dragged the sides of the square to resize it, then changed its colour to grey.  I added a series of individual text boxes to create the information text in different fonts.

To add your own graphics such as the GUFC logo, simply choose "uploads" and "upload your own images".

For the soccer balls I did a search for soccer ball on Canva in the "search 1,000,000 images" box.  There are both free and paid images to choose from. These soccer balls were free.

I then added one and sized it, then dragged it to where I wanted it to go.  I used the "arrange" function to either bring it forward or send it into the background.  I then clicked on that ball and with Ctrl C I copied it and with Ctrl V pasted another one onto the poster. Again I resized it and dragged it to where I wanted it to be using the "arrange" function again to determine what layer it should be at.

When the poster is as you want it to be you can download it as a PNG file or PDF.

The great thing is you can create branded templates for creating very quick social media posts for your business or organisation.  This makes promoting your brand very quick and easy.

Canva is a great free resource and once you get more advanced you can then revert to a paid option for access to more images, the ability to create PDF pages with "bleed" and the option to download PNG files with transparent backgrounds.

Have you used Canva?

What other free packages can you recommend?

Anyone going to the GUFC Gala Day today?

Apr 27, 2017

Day 2751 - The Lovin Life Linky - Autumn Leaves edition

Forget the red carpet, ours is yellow.

Autumn well and truly hit us in Canberra this week with wet weather, falling leaves and zero degrees at dawn today.  My backyard looks like the trees thew up in it.

Given it's so wet we can't rake, sweep or blow, so for now I just have to stare out the window and look at the yellow carpet nature has given us.

There's a very large part of me that feels like swearing - particularly when the kids and dogs bring the wet leaves into the house on their feet.

But really,  what's the point in getting annoyed when it's a sign of nature at its finest.

So as the trees shed and the weather turns cool, I'll be looking at it in wonder and awe rather than in annoyance and self pity.

For as long as I can anyway.  Then I'll probably start swearing again.

Has autumn hit your part of the world?

Anyone else got a yard full of leaves?

What are you lovin' about life this week?

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The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife