Showing posts with label Around the flower farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Around the flower farm. Show all posts

Apr 6, 2011

Where have Lily's Boots been?

I recently found creative writing inspiration from two seemingly unrelated facts:

1. It rains A LOT in Humboldt County, where our Arcata farm is located, hence rain boots are my typical footwear.

2. My quest for flower knowledge tends to bring me all over the place.

The combination of these two simple truths spurred the idea for "Lily's Boots", a weekly recap of where I've been in the flower world. This flower world of which I speak consists of places ranging from our flower farms... to floral trade shows... to my kitchen (where I attempt to improve my flower arranging abilities).

I'm hoping my Boots' travels will enlighten me (and my readers) on the many wonders of the floral industry.

From here on out, check in with me on Fridays to find out where my Boots have been!

Boots compliments of Chooka.

Feb 16, 2011

Where's Lane?

Waldo, er, I mean Lane

It may come as no surprise that the ever-busy Lane is a hard guy to find. After an exhausting hunt for Lane the other day, one of our team members said he is just like Waldo, the infamous master of elusiveness.

When we finally found Lane (with his new reading glasses) in an office meeting the other day, some of us couldn't get over his considerable likeness to the very same Waldo! This inspired me to attempt to pinpoint where exactly Lane can be spotted these days.

Humboldt County - land of excellent growing conditions
Ok, this one is a give-away. Lane lives in Arcata, CA. Too easy. In Arcata, you might observe Lane strolling through the coolers, hyacinth fields, and tulip greenhouses; cheering loudly at his son's football games; and volunteering at local church and community charity events.  

Oxnard, SoCal
Lane can be found at our "other" farm down in SoCal once a week walking the flower fields and warehouses. It's part of the job, but I think he's got other motives. Nothing really beats the joyous feeling one gets from being surrounded by colorful seas of Gerberas found in our Oxnard farm.

Gerbera Warehouse - Oxnard, California Flower Farm

Oh Canada
Recently added to Lane's agenda: visiting our "other other" farm about every other week. It probably comes as no surprise that the Dutch-born farmer has an affinity for tulips. You can probably find him monitoring the progress of the tulip growth up in our chilliest farm.

Willow Creek, summer home of Bigfoot
If you're lucky, you might spot Lane taking one of his regular Sunday drives up to our mountain valley farm. He's been sighted strolling through the sunny fields of greens with his lovable mutt Mae Mae, chewing on an apple and snapping pictures of the plant growth.

Willow Creek Flower Farm

You name it
The rest of Lane's time is spent at flower auctions in Holland; events supporting the floral industry with SAF in Washington, DC and CCFC in Southern California; and at floral trade shows and conventions held throughout the US and other flower hotspots across the map. If you're really intent on seeing him, check out the trade shows we'll be attending this year and hope for the best:

Well, now that you know some of the many places Lane might be seen, I wish you good luck finding him!