May 28, 2017

Tikam Batu BH: The 10 days List Of Things Done Outside and Inside !!!

I wanted to share the list of things that were carried out in this Tikam Batu BH.

This BH after my site visit the owner refuse to allow me to prepare a proper visit report.

I worked on the proposed budget  on what I thought of doing and the owner instructed me to move over.

He refused to wait for the report and the reason was obvious.

"I have suffered long enough and I can no longer wait for my bh to be revamped similar to the one you did in Lenggong Perak"

The exact words from his mouth.

My articles about Lenggong BH that was revamped almost 3 years ago:

I took it as a compliment and accepted his revamp job.

It seems that he met the Lenggong BH owner and heard a lot of progress after my revamp works.

Immediately after that he realized that his BH needed my personal touches too.

These were the list of things I did in his BH:

1) Removed the roof above the monkey house.  My main reason was to have access to those areas where I wanted to install external sound tweeters (hexagonal, bazookas and power tweeters) and light.  The monkey house already have a cement slab above it.  My full team took almost 2 days to finish the demolition.

2) Relocate the main entrance hole so that it will facing the Padi field areas and at the same time reducing the light polluting the nesting room.  I choose a spot on the wall of the monkey house and opened a smaller hole about 2.5 feet wide by 3 feet high.  The current entrance hole was totally closed since it was located directing facing the main entrance door and make the top floor too bright.

3) Due to wrongly placed LAL hole, a new opening was created.  The new LAL hole was about 6 feet wide by 7 feet long.  I took almost three solid days and 2 workers to hack it up.  Once hacked the steel bars were cut and the hole mouth were smoothed finished.

4)  One very crucial operation that were carried on the 2 floors (only revamped 2 floors) was the erection of walls that will force those wild birds to 100% fly above the LAL hole and block those bright lights.  Each floor was with at least 2 VIP rooms, one roving and the other for the LAL hole.

5)  All old tweeters were removed together with those cables.  These old tweeters were burned and a new set of internal and external sound tweeters were installed at various strategic locations.  Main objective is to pull those wild birds to the VIP rooms and once they stayed there they will feel at home.

6) Once the roof of the monkey house was cleared, a number of tweeters inclusive of Bazookas, power tweeters and hexagonal tweeters were set precisely around the monkey house walls.  Main objective is to push two external sounds to pull as many swiftlet as possible to the BH monkey house rooftop.

7)  Before tweeters installation, I removed almost all corner covers.  Those that were facing the flying path were taken down and burned.  Found out that a number of the 90* corners were infested with cockroaches.

8)  I did some cleaning of all these nesting planks using salt water spiked with two cupfuls of Tanali vinegar.  Main reason is to remove those thick dust and spore accumulated on the plank surfaces.  The sale and Tanali helps to prevent fungus from growing.  The plank surfaces now smell cleaner after the cleaning.

9)  After tweeters installation I did installed about 500 pieces of fake nests made of styrofoam.  I used knife and a hot wire cutter to shape it to my liking.  These fake nests will be like a bait when you do fishing.  I can assure you that nearly 80-90 % of the new nests will be found on these fake nests.

10)  To make the BH wet the top floor was installed with a 15 nozzles mist pump.  Perfect from a floor of about 70' X 20' size floor.  More nozzles were installed inside the VIP rooms.

11) The second revamped floor was installed with two chicken coop humidifiers activated using a timer.  I set it at 30 minutes Avery 2 hours.  Tested and both humidifiers performed well.

12) The cables connecting the bazookas, power tweeters, external sound tweeters, hexagonal tweeters and all those internal sound tweeters need to be pulled into the data room.  This was messy and each cable need to be tagged.  However it was done without any problem.

13) The next scope of works was to install the four amplifiers, they were saperately attached and controlled by hager timers.  There were two external sound playing amplifiers and 2 for the internal sound playing tweeters.

14)  The most painful work to do was to remove all those sisa woods, dust, cement boards and etc.  Managed to engage a local worker to clean up the left overs.  He was very happy to clear all of them.

15) I did the sounds selections. Two best and most attractive sounds for the external sounds and one type of sound for the internal.

16) Also installed an owl trap inside the monkey house.  I advised him to buy and install two more to be on the safe side.  Every evening there were at least 2-4 owls prowling on his BH roof top.  These owls must be those who used the top and monkey house areas as their nests before.

17) One additional works inside the monkey house was the erection of a sloping wall to cover the cement extension slabs.  My workers decided to cover it with cement board.

The BH was put to test for a number of days and they looks fined.

The owner after paying his final visit was very happy with what was done inside and outside his BH.

He confessed to me that I was the fourth consultant and I am the best.

After handing over he paid all the balance dues.

I was happy for him and I told him that if he take good care of his BH and no attack by those owls he will see the changes soon.

He smiled and thank me (halal) for all the works that was done inside and outside.

Best of luck to him.

I am 110% sure this BH will be doing fine.

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Tikam Batu BH: The 10 days List Of Things Done Outside and Inside !!!
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