May 31, 2017

Pontian BH: Visit For The First Time !!!

Another BH that is critical and need some expert help.

Owner claimed that after almost 3-4 years the person who took charge went missing.

He need to force his way into his own BH when he can no longer traced the person who promised to deliver the BH with 10 nests.

Maybe due to design failure those birds simple refuse to enter and stay.

Right now if I am not mistaken the number of nest might be about 5-8 pieces.

Critically ill and more or less in ICU state.

After viewing inside I think I know the reasons.

I need to crack my head on what to be done if the owner wanted to see more nests.

My biggest concern are the followings:

1) The BH is with not water supply.  Its due to its distance from the water supply line.  The owner claimed that there is a stream nearby but I doubt his words.  The only wise solution is to harvest the rain water..

2)  Another short coming is the power supply.  There is no power supply except a solar power system.  The use of battery store energy has a lot of limitation.  For example how will my workers run those power tools during revamp operation.  Also the power in the three batteries might not be able to operate any water spray system or pumps.

3)  This 3rd item is what I hate most.  The ceiling height of each floor is about 12 feet high.  Its difficult to work on those nesting planks like installation of tweeters or fake nests.  I don't dare to climb up those ladders or racks.

4) Nearly every partition walls found inside this BH are made of bricks.  If I wanted to remove any of the walls I need to hack them down and lifting those broken brick to the ground floor will be a major task.

I guess I need to firstly write a full report and submit to the owner.

Once he read them perhaps he can decide what he wanted to do with it.

Keep your fingers cross.

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Pontian BH: Visit For The First Time !!!
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