It's safe to say that no expense was spared in the preparation of this premiere. The place looked amazing with all the alien displays and props dotted around everywhere. The cast made their way through the carpet and down to the stage where they were interviewed by Edith Bowman (pictured above). With all the interviews done and dusted, it was finally time to take our seats inside. I've always loved visiting ODEON Leicester Square - not only does it have funky leopard print seats but it really feels like a special occasion whenever I've been there and always makes for a great premiere location.
Finally, it was time to see it. Having taken our seats, the cast came on with Edith Bowman to introduce the film and say a few words. Unfortunately the film is under embargo until the 8th May but, fear not, I will be sharing my thoughts very soon! All I can say is that it's well worth making yourself familiar with the previous films before giving it a watch to truly get the full experience.
Well, that's it for another film event. Will you be seeing Alien: Covenant in cinemas? What expectations do you have of the film? As always, I love reading your comments so please do leave me lots of lovely ones down below. Again, a ginormous thanks goes to ODEON Cinemas - I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to attend this event.
Until next time film fans - game over, man
Disclaimer: Please note that all images in this post were photographed by myself and are not for free or public use. They are protected under copyright and are property of Popcorn & Glitter.
Film Event: Alien Covenant Global Premiere