Apr 20, 2017

Travel Diary: Postcards from Berlin, Part II

Well it already feels like a lifetime ago since I went away to Berlin but I'm still clinging on to my amazing trip for just a little bit longer. And so, here's Part II and my final postcards from Berlin...

So when I booked the trip, I purposefully booked our hotel in the centre of Berlin so that we would be close to all the attractions and sights. Stepping out of our hotel room, we could immediately see the world famous Checkpoint Charlie (pictured above) and fragments of the wall which are hugely popular tourist attractions throughout the city. We spent a great deal of our time in Alexanderplatz - home of Berlin's famous TV Tower which stands at 200 metres tall and gives you a perfect 360 view of the city. In case you're wondering, that's higher than the Eiffel Tower, y'all. I was fortunate enough to visit the top of the tower both at night and during the day and either is stunning. You can also dine at The Sphere - a revolving restaurant inside the tower which stands at 207 metres above the city. 

Before grabbing some dinner on our second night, we decided to head over to the Menschen Museum - a human body exhibit made famous by the controversial Dr Gunther von Hagens. The museum is a little bit tucked away but is immediately next to Alexanderplatz train station and well worth the visit. A word of warning however, all the bodies and parts used in this museum are genuine. As such, some sections of the exhibit are a little bit difficult to see and it's a little weird to think that you're looking at an actual person who has donated their body. That said, if you've got a strong stomach you can see what a real one looks like right in front of your face for €14.

Body parts aside, our third day consisted of some intense tourist behaviour. In the morning we headed over to the famous Brandenburg Gate, The Reichstag building and The Holocaust Memorial before a walk around Potsdamer Platz. We also managed to stop by the Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism in the park opposite The Reichstag which has beautiful but heartbreaking meaning and is well worth reading up on. After grabbing some lunch at the Sony Centre, Vanessa and I finished up our day at the Berlin Zoological Garden.  

As I mentioned in Part I of my Berlin Postcards, one of my favourite restaurants in Berlin was in the middle of a refurbishment and so we set out to find somewhere new to try. Thanks to a bit of browsing on Instagram however, we came across Lily Burger - a vegan-friendly bar and grill located just outside of Alexanderplatz. Go for the crazy decor and stay for the amazing menu and friendly staff. I'd definitely recommend this as a hot spot to eat in Berlin if you get the chance. Don't worry, I'll be sharing some foodie reviews from my trip soon so stand by for those. 

Well, that's it for the final part of my Berlin Postcards. Don't forget you can check out Part I of my travel diary here but tell me, have you been to Berlin yet? Where are your favourite places to see? As always, I love reading your comments so please do leave me lots of lovely ones down below. Don't forget you can still check out the rest of my Berlin adventures here.

Until next time world travellers, 

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Travel Diary: Postcards from Berlin, Part II
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