Mar 4, 2017

Pedas BH: After Just 5 Months ............

A very unusual thingwhen the number of birds entering in the evening jumped by 121% as compared to the month earlier.

This was precisely what really happened in this Pedas BH.

The BH was handed over to me on a JV basis due to its poor performance for almost 6 years into operation.

I was asked to do what ever I wanted to and nurse it until such time the house is normal.

The owner in a way forced me to take over and help it.

I  took the offer due to several reasons and most important was its closed proximity to where I am staying.

What I told the owner was to arrest the owls entering the BH.

After which I revamped only the top most floor.

The rest of the floor can be modified once the top floor nests population is satisfactory.

As such my lay out to finance the revamp operation was about 1/3 as compared to working on all the three floors.

Once revamped I added lots of external and internal sound tweeters.

I introduced the hexagonal tweeter.

More external sound tweeters were added to pull those birds the moment they entered the LMB hole towards the back of the floor.

Created necessary VIP rooms.

Spray Mutiara aroma nearly every month.

Change the external and internal sounds twice.

Got hole of a neighbor to inform me if the external sound is dead.

After 4 months the number of birds climbed from 8 to 46.

Yesterday, the number of birds leaped to 102 after 5 months into operation.

I believed that it will continue to increase if there is no disruptions either to the sound system or attack from predators (owls especially).

Very pleased to write to the owner about her BH performing.

How I wish next month the number of birds jump to 204 birds.

Another 100 % up.

Why not?

I have listed a number of things to be done.

One very crucial is the installation of a water storage tank to humidify the BH.

The water droplets will help to wet the BH floor, increase the room humidity and of course will reduce the room temperature slightly.

Swiftlet love Bh that is cool and wet.

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Pedas BH: After Just 5 Months ............
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