Dec 20, 2016

Sg Tiram Estate BH: Will Start Mobilizing to Site Tommorrow

It looks like the owner of this BH like my visit report.

I was asked by him to visit his BH and after 3 days I submitted to him nearly 35 pages of report.

After reading my report he told me to mobilize his BH as soon as I can.

I know very well that once he read my report he will be fascinated with all the observations made and all my recommendations.

Do you know why those who read my visit report will immediately call me to mobilize immediately?

The answer is simple.  No other "Consultant" will take the trouble to sit down and write a full report like I do.

Together with the report I will come out with sketches, dimensions and pictures telling the owner what precisely he should try to do.

This Sg Tiram Estate BH owner already used 3 consultants.  Not one of them provide a report on what they saw and what should be done inside and out side the BH.

They did not have any clue and they simply try their luck.

My explanations why this particular BH experienced a drop from 50 nests to only one nest was well accepted by the owner.

The consultant open a new entrance hole, wrong side, and at the same time shut down the old entrance without allowing those old tenants some time to find the new way in.

The BH sound system was not operational when the owner decided to take over the BH.

His trusted consultant no longer pick up his call.

A mess and highly stress environment.

Luckily he discovered my blog and call me to assist him to reactivate the one story BH.

I will me mobilizing my staff and some equipment tomorrow.

Need to finish the job before year end.

Will report the BH progress next year for you all to follow.

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Sg Tiram Estate BH: Will Start Mobilizing to Site Tommorrow
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