Aug 14, 2016

Things to look for in Aquaculture Oud

Things to look for in Aquaculture Oud -

The things to look for in Aquaculture Oud -. As a basic ingredient production plant perfumes and fragrances, culture Agarwood always bring benefits to farmers

again, if farmers are able to market the culture of Agarwood haril to countries foreigners. It was more profitable because of the demand in some countries is quite high.

Middle Eastern countries known to have a high demand given the aloe plant is used for incense or incense in religious ritual.


If you are interested in growing this culture, the following tips for growing agarwood can grow faster.


The best time to start planting aloe are in the rainy season. This course aims to provide water for the aloe seeds could be better met.

Although not in the rainy season, it is appropriate to verify, first locate the plant near a water source.

So if the soil is too dry, watering can be done easily.

the ideal distance is 2X2 m Agarwood cultivation. This is especially if the cultivation of agarwood using monocultures. If the cultivation of aloe using intercropping, the distance can be increased to 3x3 m.

Just to note is the distance too close plants that have been there in the country.

This regarding the availability of nutrients in the soil. If the soil is too tight by the plant, it is feared aloes planted on earth do not get the nutrients, so pertumbuhanya can not be maximized.


The provision of shade is very important for agarwood culture. Because aloe plant requires only 40 to 60 percent exposure to direct sunlight.

If it is too exposed to sunlight, the leaves of the aloe plant turn yellow, wilt and even die. Namu is also not good if the shade is too dense because it will lack of aloe plants of sunlight.

To identify the type of shade that is most appropriate. For example, if farmers also like aloe plant that can be eaten and the cassava plant could be an option for shade.

Thus the shadow will be useful and will certainly not be too dense because the plant can be used.

Pruning Finance

pruning branches is expected that the growth of the aloe plant can be more focused on adding height Plant.

If the branches of the aloe plant is allowed to grow too much, then the height is less rapid because the nutrients are absorbed divided for the branches.

Cut the best branch is the current branch is still very young. Indeed, young branches not absorb nutrients too, so that nutrients from the branches may be used for plant growth.

In addition, if there are branches that are damaged or diseased, then the cut can stop penyebaranya. Let a healthy branch and there is no disease.

This section please do the routine at least 2 weeks at the time of the aloe plant has not reached 2 meters. Or even better if done whenever there is a branch that will grow.

Once the aloe plant reaches a height of 2 meters, the size can be stopped. But if it fails again, the size can still dilajutkan moderation.

Techniques Fertilizers

like best fertilizer for the cultivation of agarwood is manure or compost. However, if the use of chemical fertilizers is also not a problem as long as it adjusts pH of the soil.

pH of the soil ideal for the aloe plant is 6 to 7. If you exceed this number, add dolomitic lime.

Fertilization is ideally routine 6 months if using manure or compost.

If the use of chemical fertilizers can be done once a year. Fertilizing regularly can affect the rate of up to 40% faster growth.

annihilation Hama

Diseases and pests that often threaten the aloe plant is root rot., Caterpillars and mealybugs pest discomfort

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Things to look for in Aquaculture Oud
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