Aug 4, 2016

Organic soy Guide Culture

Organic soy Guide Culture -

organic soy for Free Culture - Organic farming is a cultivation technique without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Therefore, in the planting process can use manure and green manure, as well as materials that are not contaminated.

Using natural ingredients for that soil fertility is maintained and nutrients needed by plants is also fulfilled.

in growing organic soybeans also uses natural materials in the planting process. Land used for soybeans should have a drainage system which is good enough with the availability of adequate water during the process of culture.


To cultivate soybean crop is not very difficult, it is necessary for the cultivation of soya beans for example soil, fertilizer, seeds of soybean, water supply and so on. Here is an explanation of the basics in growing soybeans

soy Cultures technical

First Use Before the land is used as a culture medium for growing soybeans , the land must be plowed

hoe up soil became loose.

actually on different types of ground soybean plants can grow, provided that the soil drainage and water availability is good enough. For soybean growth will be disrupted if the stagnant water, so it must be made drainage channel surround each plot.

To improve soil conditions can be given manure during land preparation. Spacing on the culture of soybean plants which is 30 x 30 cm with each of the holes filled with 3 seeds.


The presence of weeds in soybeans, often lowering the harvest yield. Therefore, before the necessary weeding plants 2 to 3 times flowering.

The soybean crop yields may also decrease if soybean crops affected by drought in the critical phase.

The harvest and post-harvest


Soybean seeds can be harvested with mature soybean words correctly. For when soybeans are harvested too early may make keruput seeds, whereas if the crop is too late can make yields fell because the seeds fall.

loan soybean plants for harvest characterized by yellowing of leaves and easy to fall, but pods dried and brownish color.

for the soybean harvest is completely done by mowing rod using sharp sickle, the harvest should not deprive the soybean plants with roots.

it makes the soil becomes less fertile soil carried away with the soybean crop can make a soybean mess.

After soybean harvest, soybean drying drying in the sun, or soy can be pedestal in the form of black plastic.

this can speed up the drying process on the soybeans, because the black plastic can absorb heat from the sun. After drying, the next soy content or pembijian taken.

Pembijian to do with being hit or beaten over the arbor, or using a machine.

soybean already taken further cleaned by sieved, or the use of cleaning machines. The last step in the cultivation of soybean plants is by storing soybeans that have been cleaned.

Soybean seeds are placed in containers that are clean and free of pests and diseases. In addition, the container used to store soybeans must be sealed and not leaking.

soybean storage container should be in the shade, dry and free of pests and diseases with the moisture content should be between 9-14%.

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