Aug 3, 2016

Organic Cultivation Method Water spinach

Organic Cultivation Method Water spinach -

Watercress In the method of organic farming - you know Kale crop right? You know, plants are often created as a vegetable dish with kale ca name, usually with a seasoning paste or tauco.

you do not feel like cooking you? Can really. You live plant or organically grow these plants in the ground around your home or yard. Do not understand how?

Relax, you must direct all questions were answered after reading the comments below!

Previously, you must first understand kale type what you want to plant. Because on the basis of the place grew, kale can be divided into two types, namely flood water and marsh land.


Watercress water is a little difficult to grow organically, because the earth's environment where it must be put in water and wet spot on a regular basis.

Although kale ground in a dry place, with the price of a regular watering. In this passage, which I will explain is the cultivation of wetlands. Here are the important things you need to know when the process of culture:

  1. Selecting seed
  2. Treatment land
  3. Investment
  4. Treatment currently growth process
  5. harvesting and postharvest treatment

Selecting seed


Watercress land may be reproduced or cultivated using seeds, the doses per hectare for seeds need about 10 kg of seeds.

you would be advised to use a variety of silk or of local varieties that have environmental adaptability is better than other varieties.

Select seed packaging is intact when you buy, if perforated, fear the seed has been contaminated by parasites or bacteria that will affect the quality of water spinach later.

treatment of land


By making the land for Kale, make sure that the land was tilled deeper than 20-30 cm so that the loose soil, eventually building a parallel stack of ground to the direction of sunset and sunrise (east-west) along 100 -. 120 cm and 30 cm

Give the distance between the plants about 20 cm in order not to interfere with each other. Adjust the pH conditions such lands to remain stable, if it is too low (acidic soil) gave dolomite with a rate of 1.5 t / ha.

Please note that the lime / dolomite Award done 2-4 weeks before planting.

Give organic fertilizer or compost (can also use animal manure that has been fermented) within 3 days prior to seeding rate of about 4 kg / m 2 fertilizer. The use of chemical fertilizers please be avoided because it reduces the nutrients in the soil.


As mentioned above, make sure that when you leave a planting distance between plants of cress about 20 cm. Enter the number of cress seeds 2-5 /lubang.

The process of planting is done with bleeding, so you leave the seeds of a zigzag manner. Make sure you do regular watering after planting to keep the soil moisture around it.

Currently growth treatment process

Hopefully you understand that water spinach plant does not grow perfect for granted by providing water. Indeed, the plants you also have an opponent that disrupts its growth is a threat.

must attack these pests, such as aphids and legionnaires. Not only the pest, you must also protect you from disease Watercress, Kale usually attacked by white rust disease.

In short, you need to keep the cabbage to stay healthy, pests and diseases that can be fixed by pesticides (but not recommended), or remove noise, one by one.

for Kale who contracted the disease, you can unplug and get rid of the earth so as not to spread the disease to others.

harvesting and postharvest treatment


you can reap you Kale if she spent more than 25 days after the planting time

Read articles :.

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When disconnect, make sure to unplug the roots, can be done by cutting the base of the plant about 2 cm above the soil surface. After that, you must also take care of crops like kale to shade or soak the roots in water.

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