Aug 31, 2016

In Gambas how organic

In Gambas how organic -

How to plant Gambas culture Organic - Gambas also called squash is a group of pumpkin-Labuan ( cucurbit ).

rural communities, particularly in the Central Java certainly familiar area with the fruit that made this vegetable.

Because squash can be turned into tasty and healthy foods are vegetables like nodes, vegetables, coconut milk, fried vegetables and a variety of other specialties.

again, if developed with an organic system would benefit from the squash will be the maximum.



organic farming system is to be ogled, this occurs as a result of public concern about the use of hazardous chemicals used by farmers' naughty ".

Unfortunately, the organic farming system is not as convenient as conventional culture systems that use chemicals, so the price of vegetables and fruits organically more expensive.

However, for public health reasons, which is much more expensive then the saryuran and organic fruits are always looking for more people.

If you are interested in raising squash crops bio, here are some tips for you.


prawn nurseries pretty easy. Let the ripe fruit Gambas to dry, then cut across to take the seeds.

After drying seed grain to dry. Avoid excess drying of exposure to the hot sun because it will make the seeds deteriorate.

Once dry, store the seeds in a closed container that was given charcoal in advance to avoid moisture. We recommend saving at room temperature between 28-32 degrees Celsius.

Planting Method

Make the planting hole with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. Put 2 or 3 seeds in both the hole and cover with soil that ketebalanya as between 1 to 1.5 cm.

Do not forget to provide the spread of media to place merambatnya tendrils. Media spread can be pieces of wood, bamboo, or just about anything as long as it is strong enough to survive as a creep, and plug in the side of each planting hole.


in organic farming, the use of fertilizers must be organic ingredients. This organic fertilizer can be produced or purchased from sellers of organic fertilizer.

is recommended if you have organic waste such as straw, corn cobs, cane bagasse sugar, coconut husks, livestock manure and so on, creating their own organic fertilizer.

In addition to good harvest squash can also save the cost of fertilizers and organic waste can be useful in order not to pollute your environment.


organic farming systems should avoid the use of chemicals, including control of the ingredients of parasites or pesticides.

as well as organic fertilizers, organic pesticides can also be our own other than having to buy pesticides in stores.

organic pesticide manufacturing materials may come from plants or from animal materials.

Plants for use as a pesticide let contain active substances such as alkaloids, terpenes, phenolics and other chemicals needed.

Meanwhile, the organic pesticide made from animal parts can be derived from certain animal urine. However, some micro-organisms are also known to be used against insect pests and chenille

To fight against the larvae of pests eat the leaves of squash crops often threatening, you can make organic pesticides such the following.


  1. water coconut 2 liters
  2. ragi tape 1 article
  3. 4 garlic ons
  4. detergent 0.5 ounces
  5. Lime quicklime four ounces

along the way:

Mash garlic until smooth. Dissolve the detergent in the coconut milk and stir until evenly distributed.

Subsequently, the input of the crushed garlic, yeast strip and quicklime in the detergent paste and water coconut earlier.

Strain liquid fermented and those for about 20 days in a closed container and organic pesticides ready for use.


Perform maintenance by cutting the leaves that are too dense, watering and weeding regularly.


General features of squash fruit is ready to harvest is that size has reached the maximum but not too old, not fibrous, and rod holders easily breakable.

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If calculated as a function of time which is between 40-70 after planting. The advantages of this squash plants can be harvested several times tanamanya provided that the conditions are still good.

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