Aug 18, 2016

How fast Sorghum Culture Produce

How fast Sorghum Culture Produce -

How to plant Sorghum Culture Produce fast -. As for wheat, sorghum is a type of cereal crops

Crops cereals or also known as cereals or grains are a group of plants that are planted in order taken bjinya or grain as a source of 'carbohydrates.

sorghum is not native Indonesia, but African countries specifically in the area around the River Niger, sorghum is still rarely used by residents of Indonesia.


Although carbohydrates produced by the sorghum plants as well as carbohydrates produced by the rice. The only forms of sorghum is almost similar to corn.

more sorghum is easy to do, because sorghum can grow even in drought conditions.

In Java, sorghum known as sorghum and often planted for crops used as stream (infill). In Indonesia, sorghum cultivation is still very limited.

Although sorghum has great potential to be cultivated, because sorghum has great adaptability, pest resistance, and can be planted even in drought conditions.

to cultivate sorghum, can be done in the following ways:

soil treatment on

for the cultivation of sorghum growing land equal to that performed at the time of corn, which is plowed once or twice, then flattened.

Once the land has been plowed completed and ready for planting must be free of weeds. To the sorghum plants grow more slowly, which is 3 to 4 weeks.

In this phase, sorghum is less able to compete with weeds. In addition, if necessary, during the growing of sorghum may be made of drainage channels.


In general, just sorghum plants seta planted soybean crop, based upland rice culture, and other cultures.

at the time of planting, seeds are planted to sorghum which is 2 to 3 seeds per hole. Sorghum after 2 weeks of age, sorghum can be made lighter 2 plants per hole.

sorghum to do with sorghum and move the plant whose age has long been a way around Broder.

maintenance factory

  • fertilizer

Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer used for cultivation sorghum. The doses used in nitrogen fertilizer use has reached 90 kg of nitrogen.

nitrogen fertilizer is given 2 times, with the size of 1/3 at planting time and the rest of the fertilizer used.

  • Murder and weeding

in the cultivation of sorghum, early growth is difficult to compete with weeds.

therefore in the plant area should be cleared of weeds, When the sorghum harvest was 10 to 15 days, it can be done the first weeding.

In addition, for the second weeding can be done simultaneously with pembubunan after the second fertilization. Pembubunan done to strengthen and consolidate the sorghum stalks.

The harvest and post-harvest

Sorghum crops that can be made by trimming or cutting a stem of sorghum from 7.5 cm to 15 cm from below sorghum. Pruning can be done with a sickle.

Moreover, after the harvested sorghum, sorghum usually dried by the results of the harvest of sorghum which has been dried for about 60 hours until the moisture content of grain sorghum reaches 10 at 12%. For storage, it can be done by hanging sorghum above the kitchen fireplace

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