Aug 17, 2016

How are organic viticulture

How are organic viticulture -

How To Plant Growing Grapes in organic -. Before planting and cultivating Wine, you must understand the needs of plants grow wine

wine plants can be grown in the lowlands to highlands with altitude 0-1200 m / asl. Wine can grow well with this type of clay, sandy loam, volcanic soils ancient volcanic eruptions, or loose soil rich in organic nutrients.

These plants require an environment with air temperatures around 18-33 degrees Celsius. Wine plants require sunlight for 8 hours / day with rainfall of 500-900 mm / year.


For ideal soil pH is about 5.6 to 7.0 with the soil drainage is good.

Preparation of wine seed

After considering these requirements, you must already be ready for wine growing.

-tama First, you must prepare seed quality wines. You can get in generative and vegetative. The choices you are determining, but if vegetative Wine of the plant can be faster fruiting rather than generative.

Media Preparation Plant

If memperleh grape plants, now you have to prepare your planting medium. Apply a maximum sanitation namely cleaning your ground against weeds and plowing to get the loose soil.

Once you plow your land, making beds, beds with land adjustment length and width of 35 cm.

Then you can make the planting hole 50 cm deep and 35 cm in diameter, make sure the distance between plants Grapes of about 5 meters. Not watering the field until uniform.

Enter The wines selected seedlings into holes in the ground and stacked on the floor. Then rinse with water until evenly moist

Then attach the canopy and tie with wines that seeds seeds do not move out of position and replace the cable connected to the spread above were prepared.

wine processing plant

Do the basic things in gardening, such as replanting, weeding, watering, fertilizing and plants with compost or manure. You must be patient and diligent to check your land.

If if it was too dry, do more frequently than before watering. You must also protect seedlings you wines of pests and diseases that exist.

Of course, you also need to clean the weeds or weeds that may interfere or inhibit plant growth.

Prune in unnecessary or unhealthy stems of wine factory.

Remember fertilization with urea fertilizer up to 15 grams / rods once every 10 days for children from 0 to 2.5 months. 2.5 to 6 months, increase the proportion of 20 grams. As for 6-12 months in need of urea fertilizer 50 grams per stem.

Prevention of pests and diseases

If you are diligent and careful, this will not be a problem for you, you must keep your soil drainage under control and disinfect the earth every day.

Look at the state of the plants and get rid of the parasites attached to your plants manually. Whenever possible, avoid the use of insecticides made from chemicals because it will affect the outcome of fruits ye wine.

If the visible part of the plant that are not healthy, do the trimming and throw to prevent the spread.

grape harvest

you can reap the fruits of your wines after 95-100 days of the process of trimming the main stem buds of wine plants. If you are confused, take a look at the state of your fruit wine.

If you already have a characteristic red-purple color, tender pieces of meat or soft, and easily separate from their stems, it means that you have wine plants ready to be harvested. Any direct quotation or cut the clusters of the rod and insert it into the bucket.

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