Aug 16, 2016

Free Culture How effective organic spinach

Free Culture How effective organic spinach -

How the cultivation of amaranth were effective should be at an altitude of 1000 meters ( above the sea level). In Indonesia itself known, there are two types of spinach or has the Latin name Amaranthus spp are usually grown by farmers.

For the first type, namely spinach such as red spinach and spinach green. The characteristics of the spinach itself has relatively small leaves, so spinach has a bright color, but rather white and red amaranth has red hearts were a little dark.


Meanwhile, the second type is the king spinach or spinach broadleaf weeds. When spinach king has deep green leaves that tend to be gray and grow up. How his harvest be cut or removed.

In the method, cultivation techniques spinach with organic methods have the same treatment as the culture of non-organic spinach. The only difference is clearly visible on the supply of fertilizers.

Meanwhile, in the control system against pests, farmers usually treat these problems by improving plant health. From the application of fertilizers, watering gardens to keep clean.

How culture spinach becomes more efficient to do without their nursery stage first. Because it should be noted that plants spinach will need full sun.

Even the required temperature ranges between 16-20 degrees Celsius ideal and necessary moisture is moderate. However spinach can fit into the region in hot climates, such as Jakarta along the air humidity is high.

During the rainy season the spinach does not grow well because the spinach leaves are more easily damaged permanently by rainwater.

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spinach configuration seed plants

seed of spinach, you can prepare in advance to prepare the beans Usually this can be done by seed propagation. When the spinach seeds can take that spinach is quite old, the age of 3 months.

Seeds of spinach does not require a dormant period, so that of course seed balls, you harvest was already a bribe for immediate planting.

Treatment of cropland organic spinach

Earth with a good treatment would be part of agriculture's most vital spinach. Treatment of spinach in the field, you must make the beds after the smoothed ground. Sol used to measure about 1 meter, own height between 20 and 30 cm.

Distance in any better bed about 30 cm. It would be better if you do some stretching of the west ditch east, in order that plants receive the light of the sun optimally.

The cultivation of spinach actually very sensitive to soil acidity. When the degree or level of acidity of the soil is below pH 6, you can neutralize those with dolomite or lime in advance.

seeding with spinach

Due to the size of seeds of spinach which used to have a very small size, then you should be able to do with storage special care. This is done so that you get the results storage evenly.

The method of treatment of the culture of organic spinach

During the culture process organic spinach care of the most important is to apply the settings irrigation system, especially when they are at the beginning of sowing.

irrigation systems can also do as much as 2 times per day during the dry season. After the spinach seeds germinate, you must clear the land by way of weeding that can also grow on the sidelines of spinach plants. Weeds tend to be fast in time to absorb nutrients and essential soil nutrients compared to spinach plants you are currently cultivated.

To your spinach plants were able to grow well, try to always keep the state of the threat environment grows weeds. Once the plants at the age of 2 years, you can start making extra fertilization.

When fertilization should be done using compost and chicken manure fertilizer. You must set the economy for the system of care that you most profitable fertilizer.

harvest to post-harvest spinach

Growing spinach fact you can harvest after 20 days or you can also preview spinach in advance high which was of the order of 20 cm. At harvest time, you should start doing the sorting spinach, followed by washing all the spinach until completely clean.

Then you must also begin to make the packaging when the spinach will soon be marketed. Of course, for rising yields as the spinach leaves are a fresh green and the stems are plump, you should be greatest in manufacturing techniques and the way spinach culture, as already described in the discussion above.

Are you ready to be a successful entrepreneur in growing spinach as a vegetable that is high in nutrients that

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