Aug 20, 2016

culture method Use Red Chili Pot

culture method Use Red Chili Pot -

How Raising Red Chillies in the pot - Vegetables and fruits are now started to develop ways of multiplication, one of which is through the cultivation of red pepper in the pot.

this method is one of the benefits of using the science of aquaculture that can reproduce these vegetables in a certain amount in a relatively short time.


essentially red pepper is usually grown on large tracts of land and also in special plantations with cool temperatures normally. But with the advancement of technology, we can develop the pepper in a regular pot directly on the market. Of course, no way this will help us make safe races.

fluctuating price of red pepper or often up and down making many farmers attempting to grow chili, as well as possible. There are some housewife who grow peppers must produce a lot, so no need to buy it on the market. There are some supplies and also some of the science needed to grow the spice of this

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red pepper cultivation Steps

Before we learn about how the cultivation of pepper, it is good for us to learn to really step this culture of chili. The steps are:

  1. Seed Selection red peppers are good
  2. Breeding red pepper
  3. Soil Treatment for the better
  4. [
  5. planting seeds of red pepper.
  6. Maintenance and watering.
  7. [19459023récoltedupoivrerouge

red pepper planting material

] on the basis of stages No issuer may sound easy, but we must ensure that the equipment to plant this shaft is closed. Here are some ingredients and tools used are:

  • land is fertile
  • pot with a diameter of 40 cm
  • compost
  • red pepper seeds.
  • bamboo sticks to support the pepper plants.
  • Shovels.

The first step

The first step in the way the culture of red pepper in pots that we must live is to make a selection of appropriate seed. red pepper consists of actually seeds of several types that we can choose according to their own red pepper planting site. The seeds also consists of curly red pepper and chili pepper.

For the most appropriate location is the place with cool because chili can not be too long exposed to sunlight. The seeds of pepper we can get to buy the store seeds.

The second step

If you have seeds that then the next step is the nursery. . To stage it should be used a special plastic to plant, as it would avoid the risk of failed pepper

We can provide a mixture of rice hulls, compost and earth each with a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Next, add the chilli seeds and wait until there is growth.

Third and fourth stages

If you have a nursery then we must also prepare the soil in the pot to be used for planting. Soil that is needed is a loose soil with it is certainly fertile ground will be when mixed with compost.

If the nursery is already successful, we can get the seed that is on the plastic had to be transplanted into a pot that was filled with loose soil, In addition, there are the bamboo sticks will help make the plants can remain firm.

fifth steps

treatment plant is probably easier, but also very difficult. Plant Watering can be done during the summer and also the regular season. If you see this plant is already very dry then it could flood irrigation means.

However, if the plant is not too strong so be flooded because it will jeopardize the robustness of the plant. In addition, this plant should be given regular fertilizer. Time is a good fertilizer for 2 weeks.

Sixth Internships

At the time harvest this crop can be harvested in 2-5 days. The ideal age for harvesting 75-85 age are the days when these plants begin to thrive and also has strong growth. Picking pepper beautifully done in the morning, except that at the time of picking ensure that the fruit harvested fruit is red, orange.

This means cultivating red peppers in a pot that will be very useful for those who want to try the easy and rapid agriculture. Planting red pepper can also help us when the prices of pepper are on the rise. Environmental influences also affect the results of this culture of chili. So when will plant should not during the rainy season because the plants can be flooded every day

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culture method Use Red Chili Pot
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