Aug 19, 2016

cultivation techniques and Ways Shallots

cultivation techniques and Ways Shallots -

How Farming Shallots - Onion is a type of seasonal horticultural crops have a high economic value for daily used as a spice or food ingredients and various other household needs.

red onion Allium ascalonicum or other names may be used as an alternative crop cultivation business is promising and prospective. So you need to learn the techniques and how the culture of onion was good that the corporate culture that you can give high profits


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must be known that the cultivation of onion conduct requires sufficient solar radiation, more than 12 hours in a day. In addition, the culture of onion are also suitable in the lower elevations of 0 to 900 meters above the sea level at the optimum temperature of the acidity from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius and the soil around pH 5.6 to 7.

onion Seeds

in the context of the culture of the onion, you can choose varieties that are very diverse, ranging local seed to import hybrid seeds can be selected as needed. No seeds as seeds and some are in the form of tubers. the culture medium onion in the field of industry chose tubers as seed.


Bulbs were harvested older, about 80 thirty days to the lowlands and about 100 days on set. At least a good onion seeds were maintained around 2-3 months and 1.5 to 2 cm with shiny dark red color, beautiful shape and is not deformed. Seed requirements are mainly determined in variety in accordance, plant spacing and size of the seed. For smaller tuber weight, tuber per hectare certainly needs a little more.

mechanical tilling the soil and planting onions

cropland is made with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters with a height of 20 to 30 cm and a length in accordance with the ground conditions or gardens. The distance is about 50 cm and made a deep ditch of 50 meters. Land dicangkul beds as deep as 20 cm and gemburkan ground and form the upper flat and not curved.

Add lime or dolomite about 1 to 1.5 tons per hectare if the pH acidity below 5.6 about two weeks before planting. Make use of compost or manure as basal fertilizer and spread fertilizer on beds, and stir until blended soil. If necessary, add a substance urea, ZA, SP-36 and KCl can also be done one week before sowing plant seeds prepared.

seed preparation should be done with caution. If the age of onion bulbs is still less than 2 months, then do pemogesan or cutting the tip of the tubers to a depth of about 0.5 cm to break dormancy and accelerate plant growth.


remote seeding is about 15 × 15 cm in the drying time and 20 x 20 cm rain. How onion culture is through the implantation of all parts of the bulbs directly into the soil.

Culture Treatment of onion

Make watering should be applied about 2 times a day, morning and afternoon when the plant was 10 days and the spray frequency is reduced to once a day accompanied by the supply of fertilizer when the age of 2 weeks. Fertilizers consisting of a mixture of ZA, urea, KCL is agitated with good composition corresponding price. fertilizer is making the line around the plant

Control of pests and diseases

Weeds, pests and diseases are to be anticipated in the cultivation of onions and other plants.

  • Weeding is done 2 times in a season when granting additional fertilizer to be more frugal. But if the attack weeds with a very large, so do weeding without having to wait for fertilizer aftershocks came.
  • The most common type of pests that attack and should be monitored is a caterpillar that attacks the leaves. It must be processed manually picked up and destroy or make perangkan sex pheromone, spraying insktisida klorofis made under the terms of pests.
  • The disease is caused by fungi that make stalk rot. How to manage it is by spraying a fungicide or remove dead plants and burn them.

Culture Phase harvest onion


onions are ready for harvest when the culture method onion has been applied and the leaves began to fall about 70%. Can also be done at random tuber inspection to ensure the preparation of their harvest.

But for seeding using light bulbs, perebahan level must be more than 90% to ensure that the onions are harvested. Usually, the harvest lasts about 55 to 70 days of planting depends on the weather, climate, land and varieties.

In Indonesia, the onion cultivation reaches 3-12 tons per hectare. Prior to launch, the water content in onions should be removed so that it does not rot and is sold on the market.

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